100 дней языка: день 79

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Модераторы: Chinara, Delly

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Сообщение Chinara »

Ветка для ваших работ по теме 79-го дня.
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100 дней практикуем написание коротенького текста на изучаемом языке на заданную тему

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Syaochka aka JuliaKu
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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:11
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Сообщение Syaochka aka JuliaKu »

Well, I have to say "No". I'm trying hard to plan my budget, but then unexpected spending happens, and bye-bye, all the planning. So, I can only save as much money as I can and avoid huge reckless expenditure. Happily, I'm not into conspicuous consumption, so I don't spend much.
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Зарегистрирован: 02 мар 2018, 17:05
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Сообщение maximus »

Do you plan your budget?
Yes, It is absolutely necessary for me. I started to write in my incomes and expenses fifteen years ago. Since that time I have been trying to balance the budget. I have tried many different ways of doing ones and stay on the method called "4 envelopes". I calculate all regular spends during the year and average yearly income. After this, I reduce yearly income on spends sum. And I divide the rest on 52 weeks and get the sum my family can spend every week. And we stick with it. Spice of the method is a short time of planning. If the budget is unexpected over in the middle of the week you'll not starve. Just wait two or three days and new week (and new budget) coming. Unlike traditional month budget when misspending in the middle of the month leads to big financial troubles. Sometimes we retreat from the budget too and that led to negative financial consequences usually such as credit cards debts an so. That's why I am absolutely convinced that budget is necessary for everyone who wants to live without debts in our world of temptations.
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Зарегистрирован: 12 апр 2018, 08:19
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Сообщение Michelangelo »

maximus пишет: 29 май 2018, 07:31on spends sum
by the sum of expenses - not sure, but your variant isn't authentic IMHO, so might be mine.
maximus пишет: 29 май 2018, 07:31 I reduce yearly income on spends sum.
From my annual income, I subtract the amount of necessary annual expenses

divide BY 52
maximus пишет: 29 май 2018, 07:31 If the budget is unexpected over
unexpectedly exceeded (maybe it is better rephrase here as even my variant doesn't sound good to my ear)
maximus пишет: 29 май 2018, 07:31 and new week (and new budget) coming
a new week/a new budget is coming (will have come)
maximus пишет: 29 май 2018, 07:31 Unlike traditional month budget
the traditional month budget
maximus пишет: 29 май 2018, 07:31 to big financial troubles
trouble is usually singular
maximus пишет: 29 май 2018, 07:31 we retreat from the budget
maximus пишет: 29 май 2018, 07:31that budget
planning the budget
Сообщения: 238
Зарегистрирован: 12 мар 2018, 13:03
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Сообщение nbulba »

Do you plan your income and expenses?

Well, I can tell you about the expenses. I don't plan them in a details and it's possible because I don't buy expensive things or services. However I can't imagine how one can plan income! Is it something under one's control? No, I don't think so as it seems unlikely to happen. I mean one can decide how much money and when one will spend. But the amount of money one will recive is something fixed rather than something that varies. Only if one's salary depends on the volume of work one do and the rate and known and clear. But honestly, how many people work under such conditions?
Сообщения: 238
Зарегистрирован: 12 мар 2018, 13:03
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Сообщение nbulba »


¿Planeas tus ingresos y gastos?

Pues puedo decir sobre los gastos. No los planeo en detalle y lo es posible porque no compro las cosas caras y los servicios caros también. Pero no puedo imaginar como una persona puede planear los ingresos. Acaso es algo bajo control de una persona? No, no lo creo porque es imposible. Quiero decir una persona puede decidir cuanto y cuando va a gastar. Pero el dinero que va a recibir una persona es algo constante. Sólo si el salario depende del volumen del trabajo. Pero de verdad, cuanta gente trabaja en tantas condiciones?
Аватара пользователя
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Зарегистрирован: 12 апр 2018, 08:19
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Сообщение Michelangelo »

Do you plan your incomes and expenses?
I haven’t planned my incomes. I would never know how much I would have in the next period. However, there were periods when I calculated my expenses. Why did I do that? I didn’t want to calculate my budget I just wanted to keep within my incomes, I think. I didn’t plan how much I could spend, but when I saw that my expenditures exceeded my incomes I stopped to spend money for a while to balance my cash. I have never borrowed any money because I am somehow pedantic in many relations including money. However, I think it isn’t my merit. Sooner it is my fate. I have my life program from above and I cannot change it. Maybe it is even better, as I don’t need to think much. What I have to do is to go on and keep to my heaven’s program.
Сообщения: 258
Зарегистрирован: 09 мар 2018, 11:14
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Сообщение Primula »

Do you plan your budget?

I have kind of Großbuch and I write down our expenses and incomes there. But I’m not sure that I plan my budget. My family tries not to waste money and to be thrifty. We do many things by ourselves. It is saved us a lot of money so we can go to the holyday. I hope that we will be able to pay for study of our children. We try to put aside some money for their learning. I think that it’s kind of planning but it’s impossible to make provision for unexpected expenses, unfortunately.
Сообщения: 6
Зарегистрирован: 25 май 2018, 09:27
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Сообщение jujik2064 »

Do you plan your budget?
I do some kind of planning but not in details. In the case of income it’s quite clear. My salary is only one revenue earner. Relatively the expenses I have several essential payments, they are utility bills, petrol and food. I also try to deposit some money every month. The rest of the salary I spend on clothes, hobby and entertainments.
Mary May
Сообщения: 2285
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
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Сообщение Mary May »

Primula пишет: 30 май 2018, 17:48 Do you plan your family/household budget?

I have a kind of (a) Großbuch/a kind of old-fashioned accountant's book/) ledger and where I write down/put down all our family's expenses and incomes (- поменять бы местами?) there. But I’m not sure that I really plan my budget. My family tries not to waste money and to be thrifty. We do many things (by) ourselves. It is saved saves us a lot of money, so we can go to the on holiday. I hope that we will be able to pay for study the education of our children/for our children's education. We try to put aside some money for their learning for that purpose. I think that it’s a kind of/I guess it can be called planning, but, unfortunately, it’s impossible to make provision for all unexpected expenses/for everything that might come up.
http://www.financialaccountancy.org/acc ... -expenses/

make provision - нормально (мы об этом говорили)
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Сообщение QwestDay »

Do you plan your budget?
No, I don't. My income is too simple to plan. I have only fixed salary and almost always I know it in advance. Talking of my expenses, I should say that I don't plan them because I don't need to spend money on big projects, such as building my own house or raising children. Besides, I reduce my spendings whenever I can and, as a result, I don't have to plan them in advance. I think, provided that I wanted to buy a car, I would plan my expenses and income carefully and I would even consider getting a loan. But, I don't want to and I can't buy anything expensive.
Mary May
Сообщения: 2285
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
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Сообщение Mary May »

nbulba пишет: 29 май 2018, 22:35 Do you plan your income and expenses?

Well, I can tell you about the expenses. I don't plan them in a details /in detail and it's possible because I don't buy any expensive things or services. However, <comma> I can't imagine how one can plan their income! Is it something under one's their control? No, I don't think so as it seems unlikely to happen. I mean one can decide how much money and when one will spend/one spends. But the amount of money one will recEive/one receives is something fixed rather than something that varies. Only if one's salary depends on the volume of work one doES and the rate and is known and clear. But honestly, how many people work under such conditions?

Perhaps it's not a very good idea repeating "one" again and again. Using "you/we", for example, would make it sound less formal (in a slightly dictionary-like style) and more natural (imho).

Sorry, perhaps it's too early for me and that's why I might be missing something, but isn't it easier, in fact, to plan your income as far long as your wages are fixed? That very fact, I agree, restricts your capacity to influence the amount of money you can earn, but on the bright side (if only there can be anything bright in about it at all) your budget planning, with your expenses under your (full) control, can be as easy as ABC.
Сообщения: 238
Зарегистрирован: 12 мар 2018, 13:03
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Сообщение nbulba »

Mary May, thank you so much for all your feedback! I really appreciate it.
Mary May пишет: 03 июн 2018, 05:29 Sorry, perhaps it's too early for me and that's why I might be missing something, but isn't it easier, in fact, to plan your income as far long as your wages are fixed? That very fact, I agree, restricts your capacity to influence the amount of money you can earn, but on the bright side (if only there can be anything bright in about it at all) your budget planning, with your expenses under your (full) control, can be as easy as ABC.
On a second thought I think I don't like the sound of 'to plan your income when it is fixed'. Probably these are just my personal issues with the wording)) I mean to me a plan is a series of actions, possibly with conditions. However when your salary is fixed, all you've got under your control is time. So in this case a plan actually turns into just waiting. Really, and that we call a plan? My plan is to wait - Hey, a very smart plan! ))) Do you know what I mean?
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Mary May
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Сообщение Johnwesleyhardin »

Do you plan your budget?

I suppose it is impossible to live without planning your budget, unless you are a son of rich man, of course.
Planning budget help us to know how much money we will have to spend on exact month ahead of time. There is some people who have problems with it. Because of their fuzzy thinking they have to beg and borrow the money from their friends or relations. I have recently read a very helpful book named "Rich dad and Poor dad" written by Rober Kyosaki. I read this book in Russian. So, he says that most people are poor not because they have lack of money but because they don't know how best to spent their money. Quite the opposite, RIch men always analyze and as a result know how to make much money from nothing.
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