100 дней языка: день 74

Практикуйте написание коротких текстов на любом изучаемом языке на заданную тему.

Модераторы: Chinara, Delly

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Сообщение Chinara »

Ветка для ваших работ по теме 74-го дня.
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Цель челенджа - привить привычку использовать язык каждый день, перебороть страх. Главное - постоянство!

Суть идеи кратко

100 дней практикуем написание коротенького текста на изучаемом языке на заданную тему

  • Главное правило - писать на изучаемом языке КАЖДЫЙ ДЕНЬ 100 дней подряд, пусть даже совсем немного.
  • Участвовать можно всем, с любым уровнем языка.
  • Писать можно на любом изучаемом вами языке. Если их несколько, можете писать на нескольких.
  • Если ваш язык не английский, то в самом начале своего поста указывать тег #названиеязыкамаленькимибукваминарусском, например, для итальянского #итальянский.
    Сам текст начинать с новой строки.
  • Если вы по каким-либо причинам опоздали на начало челенджа, вы можете спокойно присоединиться к текущим темам. Пропущенные темы вы сможете наверстать после окончания челенджа. Как? Пока не решила. Посмотрим в процессе.
  • ТЕКСТЫ МОГУТ БЫТЬ ДАЖЕ ДЛИНОЙ В 2 ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ, если пока ваш уровень или другие обстоятельства не позволяют писать больше. Если вы можете писать больше - отлично!
  • Каждое воскресенье в 8:00 МСК в этой ветке форума 100 дней языка (100 дней языка) мной будет вывешиваться список тем на следующую неделю. Список будет содержать темы на всю неделю, каждый пункт списка соответствует одному дню.
  • Список тем будет на русском языке. Вы должны будете перевести вопрос на свой язык самостоятельно.
  • Вы можете предлагать свои темы в этой ветке форума 100 дней языка (100 дней языка). Возможно, мы сможем использовать самые интересные из них в будущем.
  • Каждый день в 8:00 МСК будет появляться новая тема в разделе «Practice Your English”, которая будет называться «100 дней языка: день 1» и т.д. для размещения ваших работ.
  • В каждой ветке дня челенджа темы недели будут для вашего удобства продублированы в первом посте.
  • Если вы по каким-либо причинам не успели написать заданную тему в срок, у вас будет 3 дня, чтобы наверстать упущенное. На четвёртый день в 8:00 МСК тема будет закрыта и вы не сможете ничего в ней добавить.
  • Чтобы чьи-то идеи и тексты, которые успели выложить раньше вас в теме, не мешали вам писать, вы можете сделать это где-то в другом месте в электронном виде, а потом просто скопировать их в нужную тему.
  • По желанию вы можете разместить под спойлер полезную информацию для других: например, список слов и выражений по теме, советы по написанию и т.д. Представляете, если каждый напишет что-то полезное по теме, сколько всего полезного будет доступно для всех! Так мы сможем помогать друг другу!
  • Поскольку 100 дней это на 2 дня больше 14-ти недель, для порядка эти два дня будут прикреплены к первой неделе. Поэтому начали мы в субботу 10.03.2018 года.
  • Преподаватели, а также участники форума с хорошими знаниями языка могут комментировать тексты и помогать исправлять ошибки. При этом необходимо использовать цитирование сообщения участника челенджа для удобства. Просьба делать это вежливо, не оскорбляя чувства участника челенджа.
  • Челендж начался 10.03.2018 года и продлится ровно 100 дней до 17.06.2018 года включительно. Это 14 недель и 2 дня ✊
Полезные материалы по темеПоказать
Ещё раз напоминаю, что в челендже можно участвовать с любыми языками.

Не забудьте, что тема будет закрыта в пятницу 25.05.2018 года в 8:00 МСК. Поэтому не затягивайте с выполнением задания. Смысл челенджа как раз в том, чтобы не прокрастинировать и начать делать хотя бы немного!

Одним из активных участников челенджа была предложена идея рефлексировать над своими ошибками, анализировать их, что очень полезно для недопущения их в будущем. Это вы можете делать в специальном файле здесь

Кроме этого, на втором листе этого файла вы можете вести словарик понравившихся слов и выражений по теме.

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Зарегистрирован: 12 мар 2018, 13:03
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Сообщение nbulba »

On my 44th day of this challenge I answered a very similar question as it was a day of "free question"))) However this time it's a bit different, so I haven't copied my old post over.

Do you like to plan your actions?

Yes, I like to plan them. Before doing anything I would like to have a plan in my head, or at least an outline of a plan. It may not be a detailed one, but I prefer to have something rather than have nothing. I think I do it because I do not like uncertainty. It is so much easier to stick to a plan rather than make a decision at the last moment and base it on unreliable information. It is so frustrating that I avoid it as much as I can.
Сообщения: 238
Зарегистрирован: 12 мар 2018, 13:03
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Сообщение nbulba »


¿Te gusta planear tus acciones?

Sí, lo me gusta. Antes de hacer cualquer cosa, me gustaría tener un plano en mi cabeza, o por lo menos un esbozo del plano. Puede ser sin detalles, pero prefiero tener algo más bien que no tener ningun plano. Creo que lo hago porque no me gusta nada la incertidumbre. Es tan más fácil seguir por el plan en vez de tomar una decisión en el último momento y basarla en la información poco fiable. Lo me hace tan frustrante que normalmente lo avito tanto como posible.
Сообщения: 258
Зарегистрирован: 09 мар 2018, 11:14
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Сообщение Primula »

Do you like making plans?

I do it in a general way and sometimes I make arrangements. I don’t know if I like or dislike this process. It’s necessary even for simple things as making breakfast or walking, I think. Firstly, I try to imagine the strategy for achieving my aim. I can’t usually follow a minutely detailed plan because not only I live in this world but other people as well. As a rule, they have their own plans too. Everything doesn’t always go according to a plan, there are unforeseen circumstances too. That’s why I’m a bit nervous when I have tough timetable for everything. In that case I pay more attention for time and can’t concentrate on my activity. I mean my personal planning such as learning languages, doing chores etc. But we often have to adhere to strict schedule, of course.
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Сообщение Michelangelo »

Do you like planning your actions?
I was fond of planning in times of the USSR. We struggled to make plans and fulfil them before term, so called prematurely. Back then I knew what I would do each day for a year, and there were some prospective plans for the following couple of years. In times of perestroika the plans were blamed and I stopped planning. There was no reason to make plans as everything was changing so rapidly and to worse. Now the situation is a little bit better than in 1990s, however, I have got used to nonplaning and that is why I do everything as it is on spot. I haven’t noticed big difference between planning and nonplanning. Instead of planning I started reading English books or stipulating on some issues related to improving my English level. I don’t think that I do enough exercises, however, they fill completely the time I spent on planning before.
Сообщения: 6
Зарегистрирован: 25 май 2018, 09:27
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Сообщение jujik2064 »

I definitely like planning. Having plan helps me to achieve the long term goals, keep my mind and my house in order and gives me some kind of confident about the future. That’s why every Sunday I write down a list of everything I need to get done in my planner. It includes having meal, housework, learning English, doing sport, meetings, appointments and so on.
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Зарегистрирован: 02 мар 2018, 17:05
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Сообщение maximus »

Do you like to make plans?
I try to make plans for my work tasks but unfortunately, it's not always possible. Sometimes urgent tasks take up all the time of a workday unexpectedly. But in general, I manage to make a plan and follow it. It is very important to understand what you'll have done at the end of the day. What is the main goal of your day? There is a real possibility to do nothing if you haven't a plan. If you don't care where you go you'll have gone nowhere.
I try to plan my private life too but without great success. The only plan I follow strong is English learning plan. I have a schedule for everyday activities and I struggle to follow it to achieve my week language objectives. It is an everyday norm of writing (this challenge), reading (zym's speaking club), learning words and making some exercises from a workbook. I am persuaded that only the discipline and regularity are the keys to success.
Mary May
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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
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Сообщение Mary May »

jujik2064 пишет: 25 май 2018, 16:11 I definitely like planning. Having А plan helps me to achieve the my long-term goals, keep in order both my mind and my house in order and gives me some kind of confidentCE about/in the future.

That’s why every Sunday I write down a list of everything I need to get done/everything to be done in my planner. It includes having meal-??, housework, learning English/my English studies,sports/ doing sport, meetings, appointments and so on.
put on the list everything I need to do//
make/write down/compile a to-do-list
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Сообщение Johnwesleyhardin »

Do you like to plan your actions?

It depends on what I should do and how important things I should do. If I have a lot of work, of course, I plan each detail so that I don't confuse when needed. For example, I don't plan on going to a shop to buy some bread or to feed my dog, because I do these things every day and I don't need remindings. I think most people often plan their actions when they are very afraid of something, for example, when exams or something else important are going to happen. Fear make us forecast future and help to avoid mistakes. I can never understand those who think that if man is afraid of something, he is a coward or weak. For example, I am afraid to introduce myself to girls and I think, due to my fear, I avoided many disgraces and fails. I know that it is wrong to say like that but still.
Сообщения: 820
Зарегистрирован: 02 мар 2018, 11:32
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Сообщение QwestDay »

Do you like planning your actions?
To put it bluntly, yes! I can't imagine my life without planning. I strive to plan my actions beforehand. I can describe myself as perfectionist, which means that I need planning. I think, only careful planning allows to achieve success. On the other hand, it doesn't mean that I plan all my things to do. For example, sometimes I can't predict what I would need in future or I just think that it is unimportant.
Mary May
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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
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Сообщение Mary May »

Primula пишет: 25 май 2018, 14:25 Do you like making plans/enjoy planning?

I do it in a general the usual way/There is nothing special about my planning - I do it as many other people do, and sometimes I make arrangements.
I don’t know if I like or dislike this process/I have never given a thought to the process itself and can't say whether I like it or not.
It’s/I find it necessary even for such simple things as making breakfast or walking -? going out for a walk/going for a family outing(?), I think.
First(ly) (- where's Second(ly)?;-)), I try to imagine/to outline (?) the strategy (? - could you tell a bit more?) for achieving my aim/to achieve my goal. I can’t usually follow a minutely detailed plan/too strictly scheduled a plan because not only I live in this world/ I am not the only one who things depend on - they depend on but other people as well. And As a rule, they/these people have their own plans/plans of their own <comma>, too. Everything doesn’t/can't always go according to a plan, there are/can be unforeseen circumstances/there can be things you can't predict/foresee/manage/rule......... <comma>, too.
That’s why I’m/get a bit nervous whenever I have to follow/stick to a strict schedule for everything. In that case I pay more too much attention for time to timing and can’t concentrate on my the activity itself.
What I mean here/I am talking here about is my personal planning concerning/including such tasks as learning languages, doing chores etc. But in our professional life we often have to adhere to А strict schedule, of course.
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Mary May
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Сообщение Mary May »

I can’t usually follow a minutely detailed plan/too strictly scheduled a plan
Вот незадача: сама предложила этот вариант, чувствую, что звучит, вроде бы, правильно, но вот расположение артикля все же несколько смущает.
Надо бы попытаться найти обоснование.
Может, Йэти?.. [mention]Yety[/mention]
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Сообщение tourist »

Mary May,
https://ell.stackexchange.com/questions ... adjectives

longish answer, but is still much shorter then yety's would be.)
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Mary May, Yety
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Сообщение Yety »

Mary May пишет: 28 май 2018, 16:12 Надо бы попытаться найти обоснование.
Один из последних постов на приснопамятном. Лучше всего записать бы в виде таблицы.

a very interesting book
such an interesting book
so interesting a book

Such an interesting book - производное от It is (such) an interesting book, и such модифицирует определение.
Such a (good) book - зеркальное отражение what a (good) book [it is] и грамматический аналог quite a (good) book.
What, such и quite (какой, такой и весьма) в конечном счете модифицируют существительное book с определением вместе, поэтому определение good факультативно и мб удалено.
It is | {a [good] book}. - What | {a [good] book} (it is)! - such | {a [good] book} - quite | {a [good] book}

В отличие от них, so interesting a book - производное от The book is (so) interesting и so модифицирует именную часть сказуемого, предикатив.
So good a book - грамматический аналог too good a book и производное от *How good a book it is!*
How, so и too (как, так и слишком) относятся к прилагательному good (изначально - в роли предикатива), поэтому определение удалено быть не может. В этом случае прилагательное образует единство с наречиями how, so, too.
The book is | {good}. - {How good} | (a book it is)! - {so good} | a book - {too good} | a book

Отдельная история с rather.
Rather употребляется как по первой модели, аналогично quite, так и по модели, аналогичной very:
It is rather {a boring book}. = It is quite {an exciting book}.
It is {a rather boring book} = It is {a very boring book}.
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Primula, Mary May, VictorB
Mary May
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Сообщение Mary May »

QwestDay пишет: 28 май 2018, 12:19 Do you like planning your actions?
To put it bluntly, yes! I can't imagine my life without planning. I strive to plan all my actions long beforehand {и то, и другое чисто для усиления, можно одно/оба убрать}. I can describe myself as а perfectionist, which means that I desperately need planning. I think/I am convinced/ My strong belief is (that), only careful planning allows to achieve success/leads you to success/is the way to success.
On the other hand, it doesn't mean/I wouldn't say/It would be an exaggeration to say that I plan all my things to do/ everything with no exception at all/everything at all with no exception. For example, sometimes I can't/it is just impossible to predict what I would need in the future or I may just think that it is unimportant /that it is too minor a point/a problem/an issue/it is not significant enough to make plans about.
Последний раз редактировалось Mary May 29 май 2018, 09:01, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
За это сообщение автора Mary May поблагодарил:
Mary May
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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
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Сообщение Mary May »

Johnwesleyhardin пишет: 28 май 2018, 10:14 Do you like to plan your actions?

It depends on what I should do and how important the things are (for me) I should do.
If I have a lot of work, of course, I try to plan each every (minor) detail/try to plan in detail so that I don't won't/wouldn't be confuseD when needed whatever happened (?).
For example, I don't need to plan on going to a shop to buy some bread or to on feeding my dog, {подчеркнула однородные члены - они д.б. в одной форме} because I do these things every day and I don't need any careful planning for that/ remindings - в моих словарях нет такого слова.
I think most people often/...people tend to plan their actions when they are very afraid of/are worried about something, for example, when exams or something else important are is going to happen. Fear makeS us try and forecast the future/look ahead at the future and helpS us (to) avoid mistakes. I can/could never understand those who think that if a man is afraid of something, that means he is a coward or that he is weak/that is a sign of weakness of some sort.
For example, I am afraid to introduce myself to girls and I think, due to my fear,/that thanks to that I've avoided/been able to avoid/managed to avoid/happily avoided many a lot of disgraces and many/a great number of fails. I know that it is/may be wrong to say like that/it is not the right thing to say, but still - .
disgrace - uncountable and singular
Если только не to be a disgrace to smb — быть позором для кого-л.
If you say that something is a disgrace, you are emphasizing that it is very bad or wrong, and that you find it completely unacceptable.
The way the sales were handled was a complete disgrace...
The national airline is a disgrace.
Mary May
Сообщения: 2285
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
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Сообщение Mary May »

maximus пишет: 26 май 2018, 07:12 Do you like to make plans/planning?
I try to make plans for my work tasks (?) assignments/to-dos but unfortunately, it's not always possible. Sometimes some urgent tasks may unexpectedly take up all the time of a workday unexpectedly. But in general, I manage to make a plan and follow it/stick to it.

It is very important to understand/to have a clear picture (understanding) of what you'll should have done/what should be done at by the end of the day(К концу дня). You should ask yourself "What is the main goal of your day?"/what the main goal of your day is. There is a real possibility probability (обратите внимание на это: это очень частая ошибка) chance/ to do/to end up with/to achieve nothing if you haven't have no plan/don't have a plan. If you don't (take) care (of) where you go/where you're going/where to go, you'll have gone get/you are sure to get nowhere.

I try to/and plan my private life, too, but without great success/with little success, though. The only plan I follow strong carefully is the one for studying/learning English/for my English studies plan.
I have a schedule for everyday activities/I have a daily schedule/plan of action, and I struggle to follow it/to keep to it (in order) to achieve my weekLY language objectives/to achieve the objectives/goals I set for a/the week. It is an everyday norm/my daily portion of writing (this challenge), reading (zym's speaking club), learning words and making doing some exercises from a workbook.
I am persuaded(="меня убедили")/I am convinced//I strongly/deeply/firmly believe that//My strong/deep/firm belief is that the self-discipline and regularity are the only keys to success.
За это сообщение автора Mary May поблагодарил:
Mary May
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Сообщение Mary May »

nbulba пишет: 25 май 2018, 06:38 On my the 44th day of this challenge I answered a very similar question as it was a day of "free question"/the day for writing on the topic of our choice//On Day 44 I answered a similar question as the topic of my choice/in my free topic essay.)))
However, <comma> this time it's a bit different/I am looking at it from a different perspective/from another angle, so I haven't just copied my old post over.

Do you like to plan your actions?

Yes, I like to plan them/I like planning.
Before doing anything/before starting anything, I would like to have/make/create/design a plan in my head, or at least an outline of a plan/a draft of it {to avoid repetition}. It may not necessarily be/It doesn't have to be a detailed one, but I prefer to have something rather than have nothing.
Дело в том, что outline, очевидно же, не предполагает детальности, а вы сначала говорите о нем, а затем об отсутствии подробностей. Я бы переставила части таким образом:
Before doing anything I would like to have a plan in my head, maybe/perhaps not necesserily be a detailed one but just an outline/draft; but I prefer to have something rather than nothing (at all).

I think I do it/the reason why I do it is because I do not like uncertainty. It is so much easier to stick to a plan rather than make a decision at the last moment and base it on unreliable/? unverified/incomplete(?) information. It is so frustrating that I try to avoid it as much as I can/I do my best to avoid it.
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