100 дней языка: день 72

Практикуйте написание коротких текстов на любом изучаемом языке на заданную тему.

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Сообщение Chinara »

Ветка для ваших работ по теме 72-го дня.
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100 дней практикуем написание коротенького текста на изучаемом языке на заданную тему

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  • Поскольку 100 дней это на 2 дня больше 14-ти недель, для порядка эти два дня будут прикреплены к первой неделе. Поэтому начали мы в субботу 10.03.2018 года.
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Не забудьте, что тема будет закрыта в среду 23.05.2018 года в 8:00 МСК. Поэтому не затягивайте с выполнением задания. Смысл челенджа как раз в том, чтобы не прокрастинировать и начать делать хотя бы немного!

Одним из активных участников челенджа была предложена идея рефлексировать над своими ошибками, анализировать их, что очень полезно для недопущения их в будущем. Это вы можете делать в специальном файле здесь

Кроме этого, на втором листе этого файла вы можете вести словарик понравившихся слов и выражений по теме.

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Сообщение QwestDay »

Essay for FCE (time limit: 40 min., 140-190 words)
Сan money buy us health and happiness?
Some poor people say that money can make them happy, but none of the rich say that money have made them happy. Is having money so important for being happy and healthy?
Fist of all, if a person is homeless or do not have the basics for maintaining decent level of living, than having no money can lead to a discontented life. Some people have to toil on a job that they hate, because they need to pay mortgages, pay for their children’s education etc. In my opinion, if a poor people become richer, they can lead more satisfied life.
On the other hand, when you don’t have to think every day about earning enough money for living, you could discover that there are much more important categories in life, for instance family, children or emotions. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, money can help you with basic needs, such as safety or warmth, but on high levels, when a person needs self-actualization, they may not help.
To conclude, I should say that to a certain extent money can make people healthier and happier, but it doesn’t mean that poor people can’t be happy and healthy. (196 words)
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Сообщение nbulba »

Why do people have pets?

I'd like to say the following. To answer the question I would divide people into two large groups: those who have children and those who don't. So I think that those who do not have children, they want somebody (or in the case of the pets something) to care about. And to meet their expectations they take a pet in their families. Now, regarding the other group. It seems to me that they can have pets on two occasions. First, to educate their children, amuse them or they just can't say no to the children's demands. And second, their children have probably grown up, but as the parents are used to take care of somebody, they swap the object of their care with a pet.
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Сообщение nbulba »


¿Por qué la gente tiene mascotas?

Me gustaría decir lo siguiente. Para contestar la pregunta dividiría la gente en dos grupos: los que tienen hijos y aquellos que no. Creo que la gente del grupo sin hijos quiere alguien (en este caso de mascotas debe decir algo) para cuidarlo. Y para cumplir el deseo la gente adopta una mascota en su familia. Ahora, con relación del otro grupo de la gente. Me parece que podemos tener mascotas en dos ocasiones. Primero, para enseñar los niños, divertirlos o apenas porque no podemos decirlos no. Y segundo, sus hijos han crecido, pero los padres suelen cuidarlos y necesitan alguien más para cuidarlo.
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Зарегистрирован: 09 мар 2018, 11:14
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Сообщение Primula »

I would like to tell you about my guinea pigs. I have got three ones. I know that it is too much. I always thought that only a strange person has many pets at home. I have never been going to do it. But I do! We bought a boy-guinea pig but after a while he turned out to be a girl and became a mother of fourths. They are funny, friendly, calm and very cute. They eat healthy food – hey, grass and vegetables. When they are in a good mood they jump like pop-corn. Guinea pigs are not really pigs although they can make a noise like a grunt or an oink. They are afraid of water. Frankly speaking, guinea pigs are afraid of everything, not because of their cowardly, but because in nature they don’t eat anybody and everyone eats them. These creatures never bite. But they are not for little children as many people think. They take pretty much time and skills in the care.
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maximus, Mary May
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Сообщение maximus »

Primula, I have a guinea pig too. It is a very nice creature. But I like cats the best.
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Сообщение maximus »

About cats.
In my opinion, cats are the best animals in the world. Despite I have many different pets, cats are my favourite. I have a british shorthair cat named Grace. I and my wife gave her name, not by accident. When we had seen her in the first time we realized this kitten is the most graceful grey creature I had ever seen. Her name has taken place from the phrase "graceful grey cat". But I like not only my own cats but all cats who I meet. I would have petted even lion and tiger in the zoo If they hadn't been in a cage. Cats are the most beautiful and graceful creatures in the world. I am really convinced that.
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September, Mary May
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Сообщение zymbronia »

maximus пишет: 24 май 2018, 06:27 Despite I have many different pets
Мне кажется здесь лучше
although I have many different pets
despite having many different pets
maximus пишет: 24 май 2018, 06:27 name, not by accident
запятая не нужна
maximus пишет: 24 май 2018, 06:27 in the first time
калька с русского
просто - first time
maximus пишет: 24 май 2018, 06:27 we realized this kitten is the most graceful grey creature I had ever seen.
we realised ... I had ever seen - не согласование местоимений
хотя, может это жена подсказала, что вы такого еще не видели (а она уже видела) - тогда все правильно
maximus пишет: 24 май 2018, 06:27 name has taken place from the phrasа
her name is acronym of the phrase
maximus пишет: 24 май 2018, 06:27 cats who I meet.
maximus пишет: 24 май 2018, 06:27 lion and tiger in the zoo
lions and tigers
maximus пишет: 24 май 2018, 06:27 I am really convinced that.
convinced in that

хотя может вообще нужно другое слоово
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Сообщение Johnwesleyhardin »

Free topic

It is a story about how I was caught

Once I registered in site "odnoklassniki.ru". I noticed that each user can see who visits their page and at what time it happened. When I was looking for my acquaintances, suddenly, I found a girl I liked very much but didn't dare to introduce myself to her. I used to log my account off when I visited her page so that she couldn't see me in her visitor's list. I visited her page using this way everyday for 2 years. One day I visited her forgetting to log out and noticed that she had blacklisted me and her photos and recent actions couldn't be seen anymore. I was shocked very much. I couldn't realize how it happened. This site betrayred me.

Fortunately, I haven't met her in real life yet. But if it happens, I am going to run away.
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Сообщение Michelangelo »

Johnwesleyhardin пишет: 24 май 2018, 09:25 I am going to run away
You don't remember faces, how will you know that you have met the right girl from whom to run away?
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Сообщение Johnwesleyhardin »

Michelangelo пишет: 24 май 2018, 09:43 You don't remember faces, how will you know that you have met the right girl from whom to run away?
She will remind me when I am found. Otherwise, She will hit me at once
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Сообщение Michelangelo »

Johnwesleyhardin пишет: 24 май 2018, 09:48 She will hit me at once
why? What did you do wrong to her? Just saw her pictures which she showed off anyway.
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Сообщение Johnwesleyhardin »

Michelangelo пишет: 24 май 2018, 09:55 why? What did you do wrong to her? Just saw her pictures which she showed off anyway.
you know, there are some girls who don't want someone to visit their page very often, they would like only their friends or acquantances to do it, not anybody else. They start get irritated when they notice strangers see their pictures every day.

Why do you think she blacklisted me?
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Сообщение Michelangelo »

Johnwesleyhardin пишет: 24 май 2018, 10:06 Why do you think she blacklisted me?
I cannot understand how she did that if you didn't use your account and saw her photos after off-logging
Maybe she asked the provider to block your IP? In that case you can try to see her pictures by using another IP address.
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Сообщение Primula »

maximus, so great that you like guinea pigs too!)
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Сообщение Johnwesleyhardin »

Michelangelo пишет: 24 май 2018, 10:11 I cannot understand how she did that if you didn't use your account and saw her photos after off-logging
Maybe she asked the provider to block your IP? In that case you can try to see her pictures by using another IP address.
Oh yes, I can't understand too how she did that. I hoped that I would stay unseen for her, but odnoklassniki ru betrayed me.

The main question is: how did she know that I visit her page everyday if I was off-logged? Maybe, is she a mentalist or Vanga's granddaughter?
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Сообщение Michelangelo »

Johnwesleyhardin пишет: 24 май 2018, 12:02 how did she know that I visit her page everyday if I was off-logged? Maybe, is she a mentalist or Vanga's granddaughter?
she is a daughter of the admin of odnoklassniki.ru, and her father showed her all the IPs that visited her site, and it didn't matter whether you were logged or off-logged.
Look, we have the statistics here on the forum where the number of guests are shown. They are not logged, but they are seen by the site as present, and the site can fix their IPs.

How often a specific IP is present here can be recorded too. It is even easier once you can see the IP at all.
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Сообщение Yety »

QwestDay пишет: 20 май 2018, 11:04 ... but none of the rich say(s) that money haveS made them happy.
Is having money so important for/really essential to being happy and healthy?

Fist of all, if a person is homeless or doES not have the basics for maintaining A decent level of living/living standard, thaEn having no money can lead to a discontented life**.
Some people have to toil on a job* that they hate, because they need to pay mortgages, pay for their children’s education etc.
In my opinion, if a poor people could/were to become richer, they can could lead A more satisfied life**/a more satisfying life/be more satisfied with life. (it sounds more realistic in subjunctive:-))
On the other hand, (- don't quite get the juxtaposition) when you don’t have to think every day about earning enough (money) for living, you could discover that there are much more important categories/things in life, for instance,/like family, children or emotions(? - sounds a little too physiological, no?).

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, money can help you with/satisfy your basic needs, such as safety or warmth, but on AT highER levels, when a person needs self-actualization, they it (- money IS) may not/may be of little to no help.
To conclude, I should say that, to a certain extent, money can make people healthier and happier, but it doesn’t mean that poor people can’t be happy and healthy (- поменял бы местами).
*Is this here that you saw this expression? )http://www.mtpisgahame.org/filemanager/ ... Friday.pdf
**a satisfied life - гуглится, но царапает неслабо, даже больше, чем a (dis)contented life, по модели которого оно построено.
Жизнь, которая удовлетворяет, которой ты удовлетворен -> удовлетворенная жизнь...О_о
Сравнительная частотность:
https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?c ... fe%3B%2Cc0
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Сообщение Yety »

nbulba пишет: 23 май 2018, 07:07 Why do people have pets?

I'd like to say the following. (- iyho, there's no need for such intro phrases in written speech)
To answer the question I would divide people into two large groups/categories)): those who have children and those who don't.
So I think (that) those who do not have children, they want somebody/someone (or in the case of the pets, something/or something, in case of pets)/some living being to care about.
And to meet their expectations/(in order) to satisfy this need of theirs they take a pet in their families.

Now, regarding/as to (for) the other group,. Iit seems (to me that) they can decide to have pets on two occasions/for two reasons.
First, to educate their children or amuse them; or they just can't/may be unable to say no to/curb their children's unceasing/peremptory demands.
And second, in case their children have probably grown up, but, as the parents, they are used to takeing (- предлог 'К' + герундий) care of somebody, they swap/replace/compensate the (missing) object of their care with a pet.
https://forum.wordreference.com/threads ... p.1436946/
Последний раз редактировалось Yety 24 май 2018, 14:26, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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Сообщение Yety »

Primula пишет: 23 май 2018, 17:34 I would like to tell you about my guinea pigs. I have got three ones of them.
I know that it is too much (=это перебор)/it's (one/two) too many (- слишком много свинок, как минимум, одна/две лишняя/-ие:-)).
I always thought that only a strange person has/some weirdos would have many pets at home.
I have/had/was never been going to do it/so myself. But I do/it just happened!
We bought a boy-guinea pig, but after a while he turned out to be a girl and became a mother of four!ths (we bought it, brought it home, had it for ..., and then he turned ... - for suspense)))).
They are funny, friendly, calm/quiet and very cute. They eat healthy food – hey, fresh grass and vegetables.
When they are in a good mood, they jump like pop<->corn.
Guinea pigs are not really pigs, as you probably know, although they can make a noise like a grunt or an oink.
They are afraid of water.
Frankly speaking, guinea pigs are afraid of everything, not because of their cowardlyice, but because in nature they don’t eat anybody and everyone eats/but any predator can eat them.
These creatures never bite. But they are not for little children as/contrary to what many people think.
They take pretty much time and skills in the care./Taking care of them is very demanding and time-consuming.)) (- is this why they are not pets for little kids?)
1+4=3(?) ))
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Сообщение Primula »

Yety, It was five years ago. Unfortunately, their mother, Mrs. Butters, suddenly died two years ago. We gave one of them to the friend of my daughter because her family loves guinea pigs as well. So now we have three.) Yes, taking care of them is very demanding and time-consuming, you should let them go free at least one time in a week and clean their cages (and your room too because of hey). They have a weak spine so you should hold them carefully. They can’t survive without food even one day so you need to feed them forcibly (Can I say it that way?) if they are ill and refuse to eat. I wouldn’t recommend presenting a guinea pig for a child who is less than 10 years old. They are charming, but sometimes I’m a bit tired with them).
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Сообщение September »


thank you for your lovely and touching story. Your concern for the well-being of your pets is laudable. If only all pets' owners were this responsible!
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Сообщение QwestDay »

Yety пишет: 24 май 2018, 12:34 Is this here that you saw this expression?
Нет, из-за недостатка времени пришлось использовать подобный "рунглиш"
Yety пишет: 24 май 2018, 12:34(dis)contented life
Это было в задании на трансформации из книги Pre-first Gold.
Yety пишет: 24 май 2018, 12:34 Сравнительная частотность:
https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?c ... fe%3B%2Cc0
Ссылка не открывается. Расскажите, как проверять насколько выражение/фраза используются в языке? Я сначала смотрю словарь коллокаций, но иногда ввожу в поиск точную фразу и смотрю кол-во совпадений.
Mary May
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Сообщение Mary May »

Заголовок: 100 дней языка: день 72
Если вы действительно пишете для ФСИ, то не все хорошо с раскрытием темы, как мне кажется: вы ничего не сказали о здоровье - только о счастьи и общей удовлетворенности жизнью. При оценивании же это идет наравне с грамматикой/лексикой, последовательностью, связностью и т.д.

Ну а язык вам Yety как всегда хорошо "причесал".

September, если найдется минуточка, не подскажете? (Кроме собственно языка.)
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Сообщение Yety »

QwestDay пишет: 20 май 2018, 11:04 to toil on a job they hate
В случае цейтнота лучше использовать что-то менее претенциозное, зато с железобетонной сочетаемостью, навроде
they have to work so hard to do the job they hate with all their hearts; и даже идиому можно подобрать непробиваемую they have to work like dogs...))
("It's been a hard day's night,
And I've been working like a dog..
QwestDay пишет: 24 май 2018, 17:26 (dis)contented life
Это было в задании на трансформации из книги Pre-first Gold.
Да-да! Выражение, несомненно, есть, поэтому и не тронул. Но оно слегка царапает (личные пристрастия).
А вот выражение satisfied life, которое построено по той же модели и тоже гуглится, напрягает больше.
Частотность можно увидеть, пройдя по ссылке, если клацнуть по ней непосредственно, а не копипастить её в сокращённом виде.
QwestDay пишет: 24 май 2018, 17:26 Расскажите, как проверять насколько выражение/фраза используются в языке? Я сначала смотрю словарь коллокаций, но иногда ввожу в поиск точную фразу и смотрю кол-во совпадений.
Словарь коллокаций - отлично.

С поиском. Просто количество совпадений может подвести. Достаточно по-русски вбить "одевай штаны".)

Например, "satisfied life". Проходим до последней страницы.
Page 13 of about 250 results
Смотрим контексты.
Оцениваем количество нерелевантных совпадений типа:
I will never be satisfied. Life is one constant search for the betterment for me.

Особенное внимание книгам и прочим реферируемым изданиям:
The Satisfied Life: Secrets for Redefining Your Life [Dennis Burke] on Amazon.com.
Более чем рабочее словосочетание, вроде бы.

Обращаем внимание на обилие религиозных изданий и отсылок на Библию.
Living the Satisfied Life | Joe McGee Ministries
"The secret to living the satisfied life is found in serving others. Some people don't want to do this because they don't want to deplete their ..."
Albright Church : Archives - The Upside Down Way To A Satisfied Life
"In what is likely Jesus' most famous sermon He shocked people by telling them the way to a happy satisfied life requires an upside down and counter-cultural ..."

А можно и сразу обратиться к Google Books NGram Viewer - исследователь частотности по распознанныи печатным изданиям с возможностью проверки по периодам, корпусам и многому чему.
Вбиваете через запятую варианты satisfied life,satisfying life:
https://books.google.com/ngrams/graph?c ... fe%3B%2Cc0
Для верности просмотрим контексты (внизу страницы по годам), чтобы оценить примерную долю нерелевантных совпадений типа ... satisfied. Life ...
В остальном всё весьма наглядно.))

Возможности поиска в NGramViewer можно изучить здесь:
Об особенностях ресурса для наших потребностей:
https://www.wired.com/2015/10/pitfalls- ... gle-ngram/
За это сообщение автора Yety поблагодарили (всего 2):
Mary May, QwestDay
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