100 дней языка: день 67

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Ветка для ваших работ по теме 67-го дня.
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Сообщение nbulba »

Tell about the home of your dreams.

It's a tough question for me as I don't have anything particular on my mind about the home I'd like to have and live in. I mean I don't pay much attention to this question as usually I don't demand much from the place where I live. It just should be a decent, clean place and not noisy. Anyway, I can dream a bit so let's try to give loose. I see it as a separate 2 storey house with a basement and an attic. It has a funny shape, but I like it. There is a large garden in front of it and a spacious backyard with occasional sheds and a gazebo. There is an accurate lawn and narrow footpaths. Behind the house I can see a forest. And, of course, inside the house is very comfy and cozy.
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Сообщение nbulba »


¿Cuentame cómo es le casa de tus sueños?

Es una pregunta difícil porque no tengo ni idea de la casa de mis sueños. No creo que hay una tanta casa. Quiero decir no me importa eso porque normalmante no exijo mucho sobre lugar para vivir. Por lo menos debe ser decente, limpio y sin ruído. Vale, puedo probar a imaginar una casa. La veo como una casa de 2 pisos con el sótano y el ático. Tiene la forma estraña, pero la me gusta. Hay el jardin grande enfrente de la casa y el patio trasero grande con unos cobertizos y un cenador. También hay el césped y unos senderos estrechos. Detras de la casa veo el bosque. Y, por supuesto, dentro de la casa es muy acojedor y comfortable.
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Сообщение QwestDay »

Describe your dream home.
I'd like it to be situated near my work so that I could walk to work within 15 minutes. It shouldn't be ginormous, because I don't want to waste all my time (or money) on chores, but I want it to be big enough for me, my future family and a few friends and guests, especially people who I would invite through couchsurfing site. I'd like the house to be warm, comfortable and safe. The house also must be designed and build in a way that keeps the normal temperatures, let's say +22℃, regardless of the time of the year. I don't like air conditioning, so there should be many massive trees around the house to provide cool shade in (the?) summer. I'd like to have a spot for barbecue and some benches and tables near it (with protection from the wind and rain, of course). I think that having a veranda Is a good idea. Actually I never lived in detached house for a long time, so I don't really know what would best fit my personality.
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Сообщение Johnwesleyhardin »

Tell something about your dream home.
Many people want their home to be big, comfortable, have gardens, trees. But they don't think that The more home is big, the more money and time you have to spent for it. For example, if you have a lot of flowers, you have to cut, water and cure them. When your house is big, at least every 3 or more years you have to repair it and, of course, you will spend a lof of money to do this. If you watched a movie "Great Gatsby" you might have seen that Gatsby had a lof of workers in his huge house. There were gardeners, servants, laundrywomen, etc. Each of them carried their responsibilities out.
For my own part, I would like my home to be comfortable, warm on Winter and cold on Summer.
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Сообщение Michelangelo »

Johnwesleyhardin пишет: 18 май 2018, 07:54 The more home is big, the more money and time
the larger your house, the more money and time you have to spent to maintain it.
Johnwesleyhardin пишет: 18 май 2018, 07:54 If you watched a movie "Great Gatsby"
the movie
Johnwesleyhardin пишет: 18 май 2018, 07:54 warm on Winter and cold on Summer.
in winter/summer
not cold but cool IMHO
PS: There are some other flaws as well.
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Сообщение Johnwesleyhardin »

Michelangelo пишет: 18 май 2018, 10:33 in winter/summer
not cold but cool IMHO
Thanks! I tried to remember a word "cool" but I couldn't. So I just used "cold"
Michelangelo пишет: 18 май 2018, 10:33 PS: There are some other flaws as well.
Will see soon)
Mary May
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Сообщение Mary May »

Johnwesleyhardin пишет: 18 май 2018, 07:54Tell something about your dream home.
Many people want their home to be big, comfortable, have gardens, trees. But they don't think that The more home is big, the more money and time you have to spent for it. For example, if you have a lot of flowers, you have to cut, water and cure them. When your house is big, at least every 3 or more years you have to repair it and, of course, you will spend a lof of money to do this. If you watched a movie "Great Gatsby" you might have seen that Gatsby had a lof of workers in his huge house. There were gardeners, servants, laundrywomen, etc. Each of them carried their responsibilities out.
For my own part, I would like my home to be comfortable, warm on Winter and cold on Summer.
Что мне понравилось.

Дважды и оба раза абсолютно верно и уместно употреблены схожие конструкции:
Many people want their home to be big, comfortable...
I would like my home to be comfortable

(your/my/his etc) dream home - fixed expression; very good here

Что можно исправить/написать иначе.
Many people want their home to be big, comfortable, have gardens, trees./Many people want their home to be big AND comfortable, TO have a garden OR just a few trees around it./Many people want their home to be big AND comfortable WITH a garden OR just a few trees around it.
The bigger the house the more money and time THEY {раз уж начинаете предложения с "they" - they don't think - то не стоит перескакивать на "you" - и наоборот, конечно} have to spenD ON it
Не уверена на счет cure по отношению к цветам, давайте может так, более универсально и точно верно: ... and take care of them.
When IF your house is big
at least every 3 or more years - at least every 3 years or even oftener/or even more often
you will spend a lot of money to do this - it's OK, you can also say you will HAVE TO spend a lof of money to do this/It will cost a lot to do this.
If you watched a movie "Great Gatsby" you might have seen - If you watched a movie "Great Gatsby" you might notice/pay attention/see
a lof of workers - better a lot of staff
For my own part, I would like my home to be comfortable, warm on Winter and cold on Summer - As for me, I would like my home to be //{As for me, I wouldn't like my home to be that big
<as Gatsby's>; I'd rather like it be just - вставила, просто чтобы связать с предыдущим} comfortable and warm in (the) winter and cool in (the) summer.
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Сообщение Michelangelo »

Tell us about a house of your dream.
Now I don’t dream about anything. I think as a child I could dream to have house where everything is automated and controlled by computers. I think I would want to have a robot in my house that can serve to me and help in doing house chores. I didn’t think about furniture, I am sure, or about heating or anything like that. I was sure that everything was OK in my current house besides some mechanisms and machines that could liberate me from house chores so that I could read even more books. However, now I don’t understand why I wanted to read those books. Maybe by reading books I made less damage to my house and kept it in clean conditions and, thus, I needed to perform less house works?
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Сообщение Primula »

How does your dream house look like?

I would like to live in an environmentally friendly place. I wouldn’t want to have a too big house because I don’t want to clean it all the time. But it should be quite spacious so that all my family could live there. Every one of them should have their own room and so should I. Visually, I like wood houses. It is cold in them even in a hot summer. I would like to have a pretty large garden with decorative plants, fruit trees, flowers and herbs. I dream about my own garden much more than about my own house. But I have many obstacles in the way of this dream.
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Сообщение maximus »

Tell about your dream house.
Unfortunately, I live in an apartment with a block of flats located in a big city. But actually, I would like to live in a countryside or outskirt of a big city in a small detached house surrounding by a garden. My house should have several floors where everybody could find his own place. My house should have a big hall all members of my family could meet. From my point of view, it is very important to have enough room for everybody and have a common place for meeting. It would be located in such a place when I could find fresh air and water. Good roads and security service are necessary too.
But I'm afraid it is only dreams. Such houses around big cities are very expensive for ordinary people but there aren't good jobs for me and my family in small towns.
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Зарегистрирован: 02 мар 2018, 16:21
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Сообщение zymbronia »

an appartment - AmEnglish
a flat - BrEnglish
Mary May
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Сообщение Mary May »

Michelangelo пишет: 18 май 2018, 15:25 ...where everything is automated and controlled by computers...
Не решусь давать советы по поводу времен, поскольку не разобралась в прошлом-настоящем-воображаемом-реальном.
Так, несколько предложений по лексике, гл.образом:
serve to me and help in doing house chores - serve me and help with house chores
besides some mechanisms and machines to add
liberate me from house chores / get me free from...
made less damage to my house and kept it in cleanER conditions - made less mess?
I needed to perform less house works / I didn't need to do that much house work?
Mary May
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Сообщение Mary May »

QwestDay пишет: 17 май 2018, 21:19 Describe your dream home.
I'd like it to be situated near my work so that I could walk to work within 15 minutes. It shouldn't be ginormous, because I don't want to waste all my time (or money) on chores, but I want it to be big enough for me, my future family and a few friends and guests, especially people who I would invite through couchsurfing site. I'd like the house to be warm, comfortable and safe. The house also must be designed and build in a way that keeps the normal temperatures, let's say +22℃, regardless of the time of the year. I don't like air conditioning, so there should be many massive trees around the house to provide cool shade in (the?) summer. I'd like to have a spot for barbecue and some benches and tables near it (with protection from the wind and rain, of course). I think that having a veranda Is a good idea. Actually I never lived in detached house for a long time, so I don't really know what would best fit my personality.
I'd like it to be situated near my work so that I could walk to work within 15 minutes -I'd like it to be (situated) within 15-minute walk from my work/job .
waste all my time (or money) on chores (or maintaining)
for... a few friends and guests, especially (Why? Why on earth "especially"?) people who I would invite through couchsurfing site//...for a few friends and guests I would invite to stay with us, people I find on couchsurfing sites among them.
I'd like the/MY house to be warm, comfortable and safe.
keeps the normal temperatures, let's say +22℃ , regardless of the time of the year /keep the temperature stable, say, 22 C. all year round
massive trees - если вы уверены, что это значит "развесистое дерево", то и хорошо; мне просто такое сочетание не встречалось
in (the?) summer - оба варианта годятся
I'd like to have a spot for A barbecue and /WITH some benches and tables near/AROUND it
Actually <, comma> I (have) never lived in A detached house for a long time/for long
what would best fit my personality - what would fit my personality best
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Mary May
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Сообщение Mary May »

within A 15-minute walk from my work
waste all my time (or money) on chores (or maintaining/maintenance)
what would best fit my personality - it's OK;
and missed one more:
must be designed and builT
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Сообщение Yety »

Primula пишет: 18 май 2018, 21:24 How What does your dream house look like?

I would like to live in an environmentally friendly place.
I wouldn’t want to have a too big A house because I don’t want to clean/(be cleaning) it all the time.
But it should be quite spacious so that all my family could live there.
Every one of them should have their own room/a room of their own and so should I.
Visually, I like wood houses. It is cold cool in them even in summer heat/on a hot summer day.
I would like to have a pretty large garden with decorative/ornamental plants, fruit trees, flowers and herbs.
I dream about my own garden much more than about my own house/a house of my own.
But I have many/a lot of obstacles in on the/my way of to fulfilling this dream.
So, Primula is a floriculturist in her daydreams... What a shocker!)))
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Сообщение Yety »

maximus пишет: 19 май 2018, 08:06 Tell us about your dream house.
Unfortunately, I live in an apartment with in a block of flats located in a big city.
But actually, I would like to live (somewhere) in a the countryside or on the outskirtS of a big city in a small detached house surroundingED by a garden.
My house should have several floors where everybody could find his their own place/a place of their own.
My house/It should have a big hall all members of my family could meet in/where all the family members could meet.
From my point of view, it is very important to have enough room for everybody and have a common place for meeting.
It would be located in such a place whenre I could find fresh air and water.
Good roads and security service/(a reliable security guard company) are necessary too.
But I'm afraid it is only/little more than dreams/daydreaming.
Such houses around big cities are very/way too expensive for ordinary people, but at the same time there aren't good jobs for me and my family in small towns.
http://www.learnersdictionary.com/qa/in ... -outskirts
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Сообщение Yety »

nbulba пишет: 17 май 2018, 06:37 Tell us about the home of your dreams.

It's a tough question for me as I don't have anything particular on my mind about the home I'd like to have and live in.
I mean I don't pay too much attention to this question as usually I don't demand much from the place where I live.
It just should be a decent, clean place and not too noisy.
Anyway, (if) I can dream a bit, so let's try to give A loose to these dreams*?/turn it loose**.
I see it as a separate/detached 2-storey(ed)-house with a basement and an attic.
It has a funny shape, but I like it. There is a large garden in front of it and a spacious backyard with occasional sheds and a gazebo***.
There is an accurate lawn and narrow footpaths. Behind the house I can see a forest.
And, of course, it is very comfy and cozy inside the house.
give a loose
(now rare) To give vent (to), to let loose (unrestrained feelings, emotions etc.).
1749, John Cleland, Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, Penguin 1985, p. 64:
There I began to breathe a little freer, and to give a loose to those warm emotions which the sight of such an encounter had raised in me.
to turn loose (transitive, idiomatic)
To release or let go; to permit (someone or something) to roam freely or to act freely.
Don't turn the dog loose in the yard before you check whether the gate is closed.
He's so creative, and I'd love to turn him loose in my garden sometime and see what he dreams up.
***gazebo (n.)
1752, supposedly a facetious formation from gaze + -bo, Latin first person singular future tense suffix (as in videbo "I shall see"), on model of earlier belvedere "cupola," from Italian, literally "a fair sight." But according to OED perhaps rather a corruption of some oriental word.
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Mary May
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Сообщение Mary May »

Mary May пишет: 19 май 2018, 13:32
Michelangelo пишет: 18 май 2018, 15:25 ...where everything is automated and controlled by computers...
Не решусь давать советы по поводу времен, поскольку не разобралась в прошлом-настоящем-воображаемом-реальном.
Так, несколько предложений по лексике, гл.образом:
serve to me and help in doing house chores - serve me and help with house chores
besides some mechanisms and machines to add
liberate me from house chores / get me free from...
made less damage to my house and kept it in cleanER conditions - made less mess?
I needed to perform less house works / I didn't need to do that much house work?
Еще чуть-чуть:
Michelangelo пишет: 18 май 2018, 15:25 Tell us about a the house of your dreamS.
Now I don’t dream about anything much.
I think as a child I could have dreamed to have А house where everything is automated and controlled by computers.(- мог мечтать = возможно, мечтал)
I think I would often want to have a robot in my house that can could serve ...
I was sure that everything was OK in my current house / I was perfectly satisfied with what my house was like at that time
besides except for some mechanisms/appliances and machines that could...
However, now I don’t understand why I wanted to read all those books.
... house work
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Сообщение Primula »

Yety пишет: 20 май 2018, 19:02a floriculturist
not for sale). Если вы читали "Год садовода" К.Чапека - это обо мне))).
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