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Обсуждение вопросов, нюансов и тонкостей грамматики английского языка любого уровня.

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Зарегистрирован: 28 ноя 2021, 11:18


Сообщение Askastrik »

Добрый день! Помогите моей девушке, пожалуйста. Проверьте:
1 Grammar
Rewrite these sentences using reported speech.
1 “I live in an old house in the country”, she told me.
She told me she lived in an old house in the country.
2 “I’m living with my parents,” she said.
She said she was living with her parents.
3 “I’ve just finished school.” he said.
He said he had just finished school.
4 “l played football last week.” he told us.
He told us he had played football the previous week.
5 “I was having a bath when the lights went out,” he told me.
He told me he had been having a bath when the lights had gone out.
6 “It will be cold and wet tomorrow,” the weather man said.
The weather man said it would be cold and wet the next day.

7 “I must go and have my hair done now,” she said.
She said she must go and had her hair done at that moment.
8 “This is the last warning I’m going to give you.” she said.
She said it was the last warning she was going to give him.
9 “I still haven’t read these boks”, she said.
She admitted she hadn’t read those books yet.
10 “I’ll meet you here next week at the same time”, she said.
She promised to meet me the following week at that time.
2 Grammar
1 She said that she had seen the robber leave the bank.
“I saw the robber leave the bank”, she said.
2 She told them to go to bed.
“It’s time to go to bed”, she told them.
3 He said he couldn't get to sleep that night.
“I couldn’t get to sleep yesterday”, he said.

4 He told her that he would phone her the next day.
“I’ll phone you tomorrow”, he said.
5 She asked him if he could phone her that evening.
“Can you phone me in the evening?” she said.
6 They sad they had to get up early the following morning.
“We’ll have to get up early tomorrow morning”, they said.
7 They said they didn’t want to be late.
“We don’t want to be late”, they said.
8 She said she was going into town later that morning.
“I’m going into town later in the morning”, she said.
9 He told them he had always wanted to play James Bond.
“I always wanted to play James Bond”, he told them.

10 Pond said that he had been working at a tea company before he became a spy.
“I’ve been working at a tea company before I become a spy”, he said.

3 Grammar

Match the beginnings of the sentences in list A with the endings in list B.

1 When I approved of the plan, i they went ahead with it.
2 When I'm tired, d I'll have a shower and go to bed.
3 If you listened to music, f you would work better.
4 If you're hungry, why don't you e have something to eat?
5 If they carry on behaving like that, b they’ll get into trouble.
6 If you go shopping, g I’ll do the cooking.
7 He would be very angry c if he missed the plane.
8 When you break the law, j you can be sent to prison
9 If you don't eat that meat soon, a it will go off
10 If they didn’t like living in Britain h why didn’t they go back to Canada?
Marks: /10
Choose the correct word А, В, C or D to complete these sentences.
1 I feel so tired. It B must be very late.

A can В must C should D mustn’t

2 It B can rain so take your umbrella.

A can’t В can C might D should

3 This price D can’t be right. It’s too expensive.

A can В mustn’t C should D can’t

4 The holiday С will be on a Monday this year.

A shall В shouldn't C will D can

5 The children A should be in bed now but their room

is empty.

A should В can’t C mustn't D will

6 Earthquakes B could happen at any time.

A must В could C will D should

7 You D ought to work harder if you want to pass

your exam.

A will В must C should D ought

8 The interview is over. You D may leave now.

A must В should C can’t D may

9 You B needn’t pay me now.

A mustn’t В needn't C shouldn’t D can’t

10 Good basketball players A ought to be tall.

A ought В have C should D must
2 Key word transformations

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1 Students at university are allowed to miss some lessons, (may)

Students at university may miss this lesson

2 It is a good idea for you to write her a letter, (should)

You should write her a letter

3 It is necessary for me to lose weight (must)
I must lose weight

4 Only people who are sixteen can take part in the competition. (have to)

You have to be sixteen to take part in the competition.

5 You mustn't go to school without your books. (need)

You need to bring your books to school.

6 It is not necessary to book seats before we go. (have to)

We don’t have to book seats before we go.

7 It was impossible to stay indoors. (couldn’t)
We couldn’t stay in the house.

8 It is better if you drive more carefully. (ought)

You ought to drive more carefully.

9 I'll let you stay out till after midnight (don't)

You don’t have to come back by midnight.

10 I don’t believe she is from Argentina (can't)

She can’t be from Argentina.
4 Error correction
Rewrite these sentences correcting the modal verbs.
1 The fires may have start as a result of the hot weather.
The fires may start as a result of the hot weather.
2 The police found a gun nearby. It must been the weapon used by the murderer.
The police found a gun nearby. It must be the weapon used by the murderer.
3 You mustn’t have closed the window last night because I found it open this morning.
You should have closed the window last night because I found it open this morning.
4 The robbers may to have been the same gang as last time.
The robbers may have been the same gang as last time.
5 We not have to take our raincoats - the sun is shining!
We do not have to take our raincoats - the sun is shining!
6 You must to try harder to improve your grammar
You must try harder to improve your grammar.
7 They must have repaired the lift. We don’t know.
They may have repaired the lift. We don’t know
8 After an earthquake, you shouldn't leave the building.
After an earthquake, you should leave the building.
9 You don't have lost your maths book. You had it yesterday.
You can’t have lost your maths book. You had it yesterday.
10 He’s too fat. He must ought to take more exercise.
He’s too fat. He must take more exercise.

I Key word transformations
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1 Go to Egypt and you'll see the pyramids (visit)
If you visit Egypt, you will see the pyramids
2 I don't have the money so I can't buy a new computer. (had)
If I had the money, I'd buy a new computer.
3 Buying a new flat means I’ll have more space. (buy)
I'll have more space if I buy a new flat.
4 The first prize means you get a brand new car (would)
If you won first prize, you’d get a brand new car.
5 You're likely to see Trafalgar Square if you go to London. (probably)
If you go to London, you’ll probably see the Trafalgar Square.
6 I don't know Chinese, so I can’t read this book (able)
If I knew Chinese, I’d be able to read this book.
7 Doing a lot of exercise makes you lose weight (do)
If do a lot of exercise, you lose weight.
8 If you like swimming, an island is the best place to go for your holidays. (spend)
If you like swimming, you should spend your holiday on an island.
9 Ice melts if it isn’t in the fndge. (keep)
If you don’t keep ice in the fridge, it melts.
10 I don't have time to go to the concert. (had )
If I had time, I'd go to the concert.
2 Grammar
Complete these sentences using a zero, first or second conditional.
If you to go bed late, you’ll feel sick and tired the next day.
If you freeze water, you get ice.
If you feel ill, you’ll call your boss for a day off.
When the lesson ends, students have a break and go to the students’ canteen.
When students do well in their test, they’ll have an end-of-the-term party.
If you go to New York, you’ll see the Empire State Building.
If I met the President, I’d ask him about Navalnyi.
I'd be much happier if my my granny and uncle were alive.
Lessons would be more interesting if I could teach my students outdoors in spring.
I’ll have a party if I have refurbished my flat.

Render the following sentences in English using modal verbs.
В этот день заболела его сестра и он должен был за ней ухаживать.
His sister came down with a cold and he must look after her.(…he had to …)
«Вам помочь?» - «Нет, спасибо. Я все делаю сама»
“Can I help you?”
“No, thanks. I can do it on my own”
Могли бы сообщить мне об этом раньше. Теперь слишком поздно.
You should have told me about that earlier. Now it’s too late.
Я много раз просила брата не слушать музыку ночью, но он все равно включает магнитофон после полуночи.
Вам не нужно было приходить так рано. Концерт начинается в 6.30
You don’t have to come so early. The concert starts at 6.30.
Вам необходимо иметь права, чтобы быть таксистом
You must have a driving license to become a taxi driver.
Тебе нельзя покидать школу без моего разрешения (указания директора)
You mustn’t leave school without my permission.
I must visit my granny. I Haven’t seen her for two weeks.
Следовало подумать об этом до того, как началась гроза.
You should have thought about that before the thunderstorm hit.
Она упорно не хотела говорить, что случилось.

У меня есть немного времени, так что я могу написать несколько писем.
I have some time, so I’m able to write several letters.
Можно взять на время вашу книгу?
Could I borrow your book?
Ему не надо было вставать рано, поэтому он оставался в постели до полудня.
He didn’t have to get up early, so he lied in bed till the midday.

Вы должны позвонить ему и предупредить его о последствиях.
You must call him and warn him about consequences.
Этот выход использовать только в чрезвычайной ситуации (надпись над дверью)
You ought to use this exit only in case of emergency.
Не обязательно знать язык очень хорошо, чтобы путешествовать в эту страну.
You don’t have to speak fluently to visit this country.
Принести тебе эту кассету завтра?
Shall I bring you the cassette tomorrow?
Им пришлось ждать часами, чтобы получить вою буханку хлеба.
They had to be waiting for hours to get their loaf of bread.
Вам разрешалось краситься в школу?
Were you allowed to wear make-up at school?
Боюсь, после напряженного рабочего дня я не смогу встретиться с вами.
I’m afraid I won’t be able to meet you after working long hours.
Мальчики не должны дергать девочек за волосы.
Boys shouldn’t pull girls’ hair.
Не было необходимости покупать этот торт. Гости все равно не смогут съесть столько сладостей.
You needn’t have bought the cake. Anyway, the guests won’t be able to eat all sweet stuff

Заказать такси для вас? Или вы прогуляетесь домой пешком?
Shall I order a taxi for you? Or will you go home on foot?
Диана могла бы и встретить свою сестру в аэропорту. Она совсем не знает города
Diana ought to have met her sister at the airport. She doesn’t know anything about the city at all.

Underline the correct variant and point out the meaning of the modal in each sentence.
1) You mustn’t / don’t have to / shouldn’t use cream in this sauce, but it makes it much tastier. – to denote absence of necessity
2) I couldn’t / wouldn’t / needn’t watch that football match because a friend called for a long chat. – to denote absence of ability in the past
3) Tommy is so stubborn. He just can’t / mustn’t / won’t do what he is told. - – the person is not able to do sth
4) I’m afraid I can’t / won’t / may not come to your wedding as I’m on holiday in Australia. – the person is not able to do sth
5) I should have gone / had to go / needn’t have gone to visit Uncle Jim in hospital after work, but I was too
tired. – the desirable action was not carried out.
6) You don’t have to / don’t need to / mustn’t say a word about it to your mother. It s a surprise. – a strong obligation
7) Could / Shall / Should you lend me some money? I haven’t got a penny in my pocket. – a polite request
8) Patients should / will / are to stay in their wards during the ward round. It’s the chief physician’s order. – obligation resulting from the arrangement.
9) You may / shall / have to find a lot of interesting books on sale in that bookshop. - probability
10) I can / may / must be home before 7 o’clock tonight. It’s our wedding anniversary. – obligation from the speaker’s point of view.
11) They shouldn’t have done / didn’t have to do / needn’t have done all these exercises. There will be no time for checking them anyway. – absence of necessity.
12) Will /Could /Shall I make breakfast for you? - suggestion
13) They might have sent / needn’t have sent / may send me a birthday card. After all they are my grandparents - – absence of necessity.
14) You can / have to / ought to think twice before you agree to his proposal. It’s a serious step. - desirability
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1ое задание
Askastrik пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 11:26 She said she must go and had her hair done at that moment.
must go and HAVE
Askastrik пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 11:26 10 “I’ll meet you here next week at the same time”, she said.
She promised to meet me the following week at that time.
оставить at the same time, не менять.

Меня хватило только на 1 задание - слишком много.
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2ое задание
Askastrik пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 11:26 8 She said she was going into town later that morning.
“I’m going into town later in the morning”, she said.
я бы написала later this morning
Askastrik пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 11:26 9 He told them he had always wanted to play James Bond.
“I always wanted to play James Bond”, he told them.
I've always wanted
Askastrik пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 11:26 10 Pond said that he had been working at a tea company before he became a spy.
“I’ve been working at a tea company before I become a spy”, he said.
I'd been working at a tea company before I became a spy.
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Сообщение Yety »

Askastrik пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 11:261 Grammar
She said she must/had to go and had HAVE her hair done at that moment THEN.
She promised to meet me the following week at that THE SAME time.
Askastrik пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 11:262 Grammar
“I couldCAN’t get to sleep yesterday TONIGHT”, he said.
“Can/Could you phone me TONIGHT/this evening/in the evening?” she said.
“We(’ll) have to/SHOULD/MUST get up early tomorrow morning”, they said.
later THIS morning
“I (HAVE) always wanted to play James Bond”, he told them.
“I’ve HAD been working at a tea company before I becAme a spy”, Pond said.
Последняя ошибка закрадывает подозрение, что реконструкция прямой речи производилась мехагической заменой временных форм, в отрыве от смысла.)
Последний раз редактировалось Yety 28 ноя 2021, 12:41, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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Сообщение Juliemiracle »

в 3 задании все правильно.
За это сообщение автора Juliemiracle поблагодарил:
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Сообщение VictorB »

Askastrik пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 11:26 7 “I must go and have my hair done now,” she said.
She said she must go and had her hair done at that moment.
Juliemiracle пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 12:06 must go and HAVE
Since in this sentence "must" means obligation, wouldn't it be better, at least in formal writing, to replace it by "had to" in indirect speech, whereas in the meaning of speculation "must" doesn't change?
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4ое задание
Askastrik пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 11:26 2 It B can rain so take your umbrella.
A can’t В can C might D should
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IDK. I feel that they're both OK, but modals have never been my strong suit, actually.
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В задании
Askastrik пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 11:26 2 Key word transformations
все правильно.
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Сообщение Yety »

Askastrik пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 11:26 Grammar
Marks: /10
2 It B can C MIGHT rain so take your umbrella.

7 You D ought to (- если в предложении было to)/C SHOULD work harder if you want to pass your exam.

10 Good basketball players A ought to/B HAVE to be tall.

Askastrik пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 11:26 2 Key word transformations
Students at university may miss this lesson some lessons.
Всё ОК.
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Сообщение Juliemiracle »

Yety пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 12:55 Students at university may miss this lesson some lessons.
Я подозреваю, что этот хвостик уже был дан. Обычно в key word transformations есть начало и конец предложения.
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Juliemiracle пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 12:57 хвостик уже был дан
Да, я потом это понял.)
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Сообщение Yety »

Askastrik пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 11:26 4 Error correction
1 The fires may have startED as a result of the hot weather.

2 The police found a gun nearby. It must HAVE been the weapon used by the murderer.

3 You mustn’t (AmE)/CAN'T/couldn't have closed/ MUST have failed to close the window/MUST have left the window open last night because I found it open this morning.

7 They may/MIGHT/COULD have repaired the lift. We don’t know.

8 After an earthquake, you shouldn't leave the building.
After an earthquake, you should leave the building.

9 You can't/COULDN'T have lost your maths book. You had it yesterday.
Askastrik пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 11:26 I Key word transformations
Всё ОК.
Askastrik пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 11:262 Grammar
I’ll have a party if I have refurbished my flat refurbished.
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Сообщение Yety »

Askastrik пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 11:26 Render the following sentences in English using modal verbs.
His sister came down with a cold and he must look after her.(…he had to …)

You should/MIGHT have told me about that earlier. Now it’s too late.

Я много раз просила брата не слушать музыку ночью, но он все равно включает магнитофон после полуночи.
I've asked my brother not to play music at night many times, but he WILL switch on his CD-player after/past midnight.

You doDIDn’t have to /NEEDN'T HAVE come so early. The concert starts at 6.30.

You must/have to have a driving license to become a taxi driver.

You mustn’t/can't/may not leave school without my permission.

I must/OUGHT TO visit my granny. I haven’t seen her for two weeks.

Она упорно не хотела говорить, что случилось.
She WOULDN'T tell me what had happened.

I have some (spare) time, so I’m able to/can write several/a few letters.

He didn’t have/need to get up early, so he liedLAY/stayed in bed till the midday.

You must/should call him and warn him about (the) consequences.
You ought to use this exit only in case of emergency.
Изображение Изображение Изображение

Shall/Should I bring you the cassette/tape tomorrow?

Boys shouldn’t/OUGHT NOT TO pull girls’ hair.

You needn’t have bought/didn't have to buy the cake. Anyway, the guests won’t be able to eat all the sweet stuff.

Diana ought to/MIGHT have met her sister at the airport. She doesn’t know anything about the city at all.
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Сообщение Yety »

Askastrik пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 11:26 Underline the correct variant and point out the meaning of the modal in each sentence.
1) You mustn’t / don’t have to / shouldn’t use cream in this sauce, but it makes it much tastier. – to denote absence of necessity
2) I couldn’t / wouldn’t / needn’t watch that football match because a friend called for a long chat. – to denote absence of ability in the past
3) Tommy is so stubborn. He just can’t / mustn’t / won’t do what he is told. - – the person is not able to do sth REFUSAL (opposite of insistence)
4) I’m afraid I can’t / won’t / may not come to your wedding as I’m on holiday in Australia. – the person is not able to do sth
5) I should have gone / had to go / needn’t have gone to visit Uncle Jim in hospital after work, but I was too tired. – the desirable action was not carried out (past advisability).
6) You don’t have to / don’t need to / mustn’t say a word about it to your mother. It s a surprise. – a strong obligation
7) Could / Shall / Should you lend me some money? I haven’t got a penny in my pocket. – a polite request
8) Patients should / will / are to stay in their wards during the ward round. It’s the chief physician’s order. – obligation resulting from the arrangement.
9) You may / shall / have to find a lot of interesting books on sale in that bookshop. - probability/possibility
10) I can / may / must be home before 7 o’clock tonight. It’s our wedding anniversary. – obligation from the speaker’s point of view.
11) They shouldn’t have done / didn’t have to do / needn’t have done all these exercises. There will be no time for checking them anyway. – absence of necessity.
12) Will /Could /Shall I make breakfast for you? - suggestion
13) They might have sent / needn’t have sent / may send me a birthday card. After all they are my grandparents - – absence of necessity. REPROACH
14) You can / have to / ought to think twice before you agree to his proposal. It’s a serious step. - desirability/advice, necessity
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Сообщение Yety »

VictorB пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 12:46 wouldn't it be better
https://www.usingenglish.com/forum/thre ... ch.126655/

https://forum.wordreference.com/threads ... h.3201725/

http://www.pearsonlongman.com/ae/azar/g ... /00023.htm
In fact, Quirk (A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language, Longman, 1985) states:

In its obligational sense... the past of must may be replaced (italics added) by had to in indirect speech:

His parents told him that he must/had to be in by ten that night.
Yety пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 13:08 I’ll have a party if I have refurbished my flat refurbished.
Это исправление было лишним.
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Сообщение VictorB »

Yety пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 14:52 https://www.usingenglish.com/forum/thre ... ch.126655/

https://forum.wordreference.com/threads ... h.3201725/

http://www.pearsonlongman.com/ae/azar/g ... /00023.htm
What gives?
"Wouldn't it be better", is how I put it, never doubting the possibility of using "must" in reported speech in the past tense.
As for the italicized "may be replaced", here's where I might as well underline "usually becomes had to".
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VictorB пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 15:39What gives?
There was more about it at the third link:
Had to appears almost twice as frequently as must in these dependent clauses following the reporting verbs said and told. This suggests that had to is indeed more common than must in the dependent clause, as in the example question. However, must seems to be retained in more often when it represents a strong moral, ethical, or legal obligation, more than it is for an “everyday” one.
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Сообщение VictorB »

Yety пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 16:23 There was more about it at the third link:
Yety, my dear friend, cool it, will you?:)
I only meant a particular sentence and the choice a student would better make between the two options, just to get a higher grade from their teacher. After all, whether visiting a hairdresser's represents a strong moral, ethical, or legal obligation to those who're doing this exercise is up to them to decide :-)
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Сообщение Yety »

VictorB пишет: 28 ноя 2021, 17:32 cool it, will you?:)
Never felt more relaxed=)))
Had not meant to correct you in any way - it was just a way of clarifying a seemingly ambiguous verdict.
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Сообщение Пружина »

Коллеги, ну зачем вы плодите сущности?

Я как вузовский препод не скажу вам спасибо за то, что вы делаете за студентов их работу. Зачем? Что это дает? Сейчас уже начинаются сессии, опять подтянутся любители халявы. И тут вы со своей доброжелательностью наперевес.
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Сообщение Juliemiracle »

вроде бы всегда было негласное правило на форуме, что если просто просят сделать, то не делаем - просим дать свой вариант. А если человек сделал сам и просит проверить, то можно помочь. Тут явно видно, что делали сами, а не гугл-транслейтом, например.
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Juliemiracle пишет: 29 ноя 2021, 09:47 А если человек сделал сам и просит проверить,
человек сделал за 10 мин. с потолка и получил безупречную работу взамен. Отличная помощь. Чем это отличается от этих подпольных контор, которые за толику малую вам хоть диссер нарисуют на коленке???
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если честно, глядя на объем именно этой работы и как она выполнена, мне не показалось, что ее выполнили за 10 минут на коленке. Я считаю, что человек явно пытался разобраться в теор. материале сам или в данных моделях/образцах, иначе он бы так эту работу не выполнил. Именно поэтому я и решила посмотреть.
Я, например, знаю, как у нас работает неспециалитетный английский на дистанте (это теперь вместо заочки, вообще без контакта с живыми препами, электронный курс). Там даже если захочет человек разобраться с чем-то, никто его ошибки не пометит и не пояснит, как правильно. Просто выставят баллы дистантно и все.
Я поняла, что у вас позиция другая по данному вопросу. Let's agree to disagree here :)
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Сообщение Пружина »

Juliemiracle пишет: 29 ноя 2021, 19:36 Я считаю, что человек явно пытался разобраться в теор. материале сам или в данных моделях/образцах, иначе он бы так эту работу не выполнил.
Ну вот, если бы просили объяснить - то я полностью за. Ну вот я предубеждена против студенческих всяких выкрутасов. Мне приходится изобретать доп. варианты работ, чтобы проверить именно знания, а не коллективный разум форумов, похожих на этот :(
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