100 дней языка: день 46

Практикуйте написание коротких текстов на любом изучаемом языке на заданную тему.

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Ветка для ваших работ по теме 46-го дня.
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100 дней практикуем написание коротенького текста на изучаемом языке на заданную тему

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  • Поскольку 100 дней это на 2 дня больше 14-ти недель, для порядка эти два дня будут прикреплены к первой неделе. Поэтому начали мы в субботу 10.03.2018 года.
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  • Челендж начался 10.03.2018 года и продлится ровно 100 дней до 17.06.2018 года включительно. Это 14 недель и 2 дня ✊
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Сообщение Michelangelo »

To go in the past or in the future?

I don’t know but it seems to me I have a déjà vu. It seems to me that I heard this question not long ago. I remember talking that going back to the past could be as dangerous as going back to the future. Going to the past within the time you have already experienced may be less dangerous than going to the future anyway. If you know what happened and what you can expect to run into, it takes off a lot of fears and dangers, but you will never know what you can run into in the future and how people will have changed and what will have changed. You can get somewhere in the middle of a war, or the technologies will have changed so that you couldn’t be able to understand who you are and what to do. As well in the further future even the language could change and you won’t understand people at all.
Based on this assumption I prefer going back than forward.
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Just Liza
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Сообщение Just Liza »

Would you rather go to the future or to the past?

In my opinion, traveling through time is tricky and a dangerous path to stick on, especially if you indeed want to change some things around you or even inside yourself. It might have a significant impact on the future. Let's face it, you never know which changes could improve your present life and which one could totally ruin it.

Frankly speaking, when I was younger the time traveling worried me pretty much. I was longing for going back to the past to change some things there. I am not talking about rewriting some pages of the book whose name is the world history or other ambitious things to do. I would rather make my plans come true. But how could I be sure that everything would be done exactly the way I wanted to?

Let's imagine that traveling through time is possible. So first of all, I'd have to give a farewell to whole my family. And it seems to be the biggest problem in my case. Would I be willing to leave behind all lovely people who inspired me and gave me the warmth in order to change the past? My answer is no, I wouldn't.

Also, I don't have to go to the future because it's coming the very next second we live in.
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Сообщение Primula »

Would you like to go to the future or past?
It would be interesting for me to go to the past. If I had a magic hut, which could make you invisible, it would be great and safe, because time travel might be unpredictable and dangerous. We can compare it with watching movies about foreign countries. You find out a lot about their customs, nature, food, sightseeing, but going there and seeing all with your own eyes is much better. It’s amazing to see ancient life, medieval cities, try on their costumes, feel the atmosphere. Frankly speaking, this travel would be a bit frightening and exciting as well for me.
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Сообщение Заур »

Michelangelo пишет: 25 апр 2018, 11:12 To go in the past or in the future?
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Just Liza
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Сообщение Заур »

5-paragraph outline for TOEFL

Where would I go - to the past or to the future if I had a chance? Well, it's a no-brainer to me, I would definitely go to the future, because it's more surprising, more educational and fun.

First of all, the future is more unpredictable than the past. We all know what we are going to find in the past, at least roughly, but the future is a total mystery. I have so much questions. Will the humanity survive? Will we throw away our weak, vulnerable, mortal bodies and live as some virtual entities in virtual reality? Will we find extraterrestrial life and what the aliens would be like? Will we find the way of traveling through space faster than the speed of light?

Also, to get into the future is more educational. The science and the progress will be far more advanced than they are now. Just imagine how much new information you are going to learn. New amazing materials, new modes of transportation, new artificial species. Probably many mysteries of the history will be solved by then. Who killed JFK? Did Hitler die in 1945 or escaped? How our brain works anyway? And so on. My brain would explode of all that information.

And finally, the future is definitely going to be more fun. I would travel a lot. The space lift would probably be built by that time. I would go to the space station, rent a small spaceship, travel to the Moon, to meet people living there. The virtual reality must be great in the future and it can provide a lot of fun, like games or some new experience like living in different bodies in different condition, being octopus or eagle and stuff like that.

To sum up, I believe that going to the future for me is much more preferable option. Because it's more shocking in a good way, it will amaze me and also give me food for thought. If you still have any doubts, believe me, you are not going to regret it - chose future!
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Сообщение Yety »

Primula пишет: 25 апр 2018, 19:47 Would you like to go to the past or the future?
It would be interesting for me to go to the past. If I had a magic huat,which that could make you/me invisible, it would be great and safe, because time travel might otherwise? be unpredictable and dangerous. We can compare it with watching movies about foreign countries. You (find out)/learn a lot about their customs, nature, food, sights worth seeing, but going there and seeing all everything with your own eyes is much better/another story. It’s would be amazing to see the ancient lifestyle, medieval cities, try on their costumes, feel the atmosphere.
Frankly speaking, this travel would be a bit frightening and exciting as well/at the same time for me.
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Сообщение Johnwesleyhardin »

Would I like to go to the past or the future?
Of course, I would like to go to the past. As there are a lot of mistakes I did in the past and would like to prevent. People like to say: "It is better to do anything and be angry with yourself afterwards than to do nothing and regret that you lost an opportunity, but sometimes I think it is not always worth to say like that. For example, if you try to meet the girl you fall in love with, being weak, looser and not brave enough, you are always too near to be hurted and insulted. You will never have any chances to make her take an interest in you
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Сообщение Michelangelo »

Johnwesleyhardin пишет: 26 апр 2018, 11:17 I did in the past and would like to prevent
I made in the past and I would like to prevent myself from making them
Johnwesleyhardin пишет: 26 апр 2018, 11:17 worth to say like that
worth saying - не совсем вписывается
здесь нужно выразить мысль по другому this saying isn't always true/correct/up to date - не знаю что, но нужно подобрать что-то более подходящее
Johnwesleyhardin пишет: 26 апр 2018, 11:17hurted
там вроде hurt, hurt, hurt
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Сообщение Заур »

Johnwesleyhardin пишет: 26 апр 2018, 11:17 People like to say
Я бы тут написал they say, что на русский переводилось бы одним словом "говорят"
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Сообщение Yety »

Just Liza пишет: 25 апр 2018, 18:47 Would you rather go to the past or to the future?

In my opinion, traveling through time is tricky and a dangerous path to stick on step on/tread on,
especially if you indeed want to change some things around you or even inside you(rself).
It might have a significant impact on the future. Let's face it, you never know which changes could improve your present life and which oneS could totally ruin it.

Frankly speaking, when I was younger the time traveling worried?/excited/thrilled me pretty much.
I was longing for going/longed to go back to the past to change some things there. I am not talking about rewriting some pages of the book whose name is/called the world history (- sounds a bit too elevated here:-)) or other ambitious things to do.
I would rather make sure my plans come true. But how could I be sure that everything would be done exactly the way I wanted to?

Let's imagine that traveling through time is possible. So, first of all, I'd have to give a make/bid farewell to my whole family.
And it seems to be the biggest problem in my case. Would I be willing to leave behind/(abandon) all the lovely/dear people who inspired me and gave me /shared with me the warmth of their hearts in order to just for the sake of changeing ((being able to change) the past? My answer is no, I wouldn't.

Also, As far as time travel to the future is concerned, I don't have to go to the future because it's coming the very next second we live in.
I have no wish to go to the future because the future is right there, just a second away/within a moment's reach (- не уверен, можно ли так сказать). Patience is all you need to travel there. (- the punchline felt kinda relevant here:-))
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Just Liza
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Сообщение Just Liza »

Yety, спасибо большое!

Больше всего переживала за грамматику, только начала осваивать конструкции с would по учебнику :)

Да, конечно, I was younger time traveling excited me. Почему написала worried не могу понять)

P.S. Self-descipline is all I need to learn English.
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Сообщение Yety »

Johnwesleyhardin пишет: 26 апр 2018, 11:17 a lot of mistakes ... I would like to prevent avoid.
... but sometimes I think it is not always true / not a universal truth/nothing more than too flowery a truism/florid an aphorism)).
For example, if/should you try to meet the/a girl you faell/'ve fallen in love with/you like(d), being when feeling weak, A looser and/or even not feeling brave/bold enough, you are most likely always too near to be hurted and insulted / the chances are that you're going to be turned down and your feelings will be hurt.
You won't stand a chance of her taking an interest in you.
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Сообщение QwestDay »

Would you rather go to the past or future?
A human life is too short compared to life of the universe. Human imagination and curiosity is really unlimited. We can't definetely see how the ancient Greeks lived. However, humanity managed to develop cinema. Modern movies provide us with a full range of impressions as if we were wherever we want to. Besides, in my opinion, in the past people lived in poverty and suffered from cruelty, unfaireness and outbreaks of diseases. Providing that, I wouldn't go to the past. It's very interesting for me what would people manage to develop in the future - not only their architecture and technologies, but also their way of life.
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Сообщение Yety »

QwestDay пишет: 26 апр 2018, 18:34 Would you rather go to the past or the future?
A human life is too short compared to the life of the universe.
Human imagination and curiosity is are really unlimited/truly unfathomable)).
We defineitely can't see how/the way the ancient Greeks lived.
However, humanity (managed to) develop/invented cinema (- or is it about recent technological advances in cinema?).
Modern movies provide us with a full range of impressions as if we were wherever we want to / seemingly teleporting us to whatever place or epoch we please/choose/will.
Besides, in my opinion, in the past people lived in poverty and suffered from famine, outbreaks/pandemics of mortal diseases, unfaireness/injustice and cruelty/violence (- have these social vices been eliminated by now? ->) on a much larger scale.
Providing that?, With that in mind / Considering this [fact] / Taking this into account, I wouldn't go to the past.
It's/would be very interesting for me /I'd be very interested to know what/how? people would (manage to) develop in the future - not only, say, their architecture and/or technologies, but also their way of life/mentality?(- otherwise the former seems to be a part of the latter, which impedes juxtaposition:-)).
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Сообщение maximus »

Would you rather go in the future or in the past?

If I had a time machine I would rather go in the past. I'd want to recall some pleasant moments of my life then. Meanwhile I afraid of future. I wouldn't want to know any bad and good news before it happens. In one case I don't want to feel sad before time, in the other I don't want to reduce feeling pleasure at upcoming events.
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Сообщение nbulba »

Do you prefer to go the future or to the past?

I have to admit that this question is so vague! Does it mean forever or just for a while? If I go there, can I decide to stay or come back? Can I change something or I will be merely a spectator? Can I pick any time or I have some restrictions on the time frame? If I could pick a date, change something and spend there a while, I would go to the past. I mean I know what should have been done, I am just not going to share that with you guys as it is very personal case. Otherwise, I would prefer to peek into the future to see what will happen later with us all, with our country and with the planet.
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Зарегистрирован: 12 мар 2018, 13:03
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Сообщение nbulba »


¿Prefieres ir al futuro o al pasado?

¡Que pregunta vaga! ¿Quire decir para siempre o para un rato? Si voy allí, ¿puedo escoger dejarme o regressar? ¿Puedo mudar algo o voy a estar solo el espectador? ¿Puedo voy al cualquer tiempo o tengo las limitaciones? Si puedo escojer una fecha, mudar algo y pasar un rato allí, iría al pasado. Quiero decir yo sé lo que hay que hacer, pero no quiero compartirlo con vosotros como es un asunto personal. Perdón. De lo contrario, prefería echar un vistazo al futuro para saber lo que va a pasar más tarde a todos nosotros, al país y al planeta.
Mary May
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Сообщение Mary May »

nbulba пишет: 27 апр 2018, 06:24 Do you prefer to go TO the future or to the past?

I have to admit that this question is so vague! /This question sounds too vague (to my ear), I would say.
Does it mean forever or just for a while?
If I go there, can I decide to stay or come back? - Then, If I go went there, can would I be able to decide whether to stay or to come back?
далее аналогично с остальными условными предложениями, поэтому не исправляю (случай гипотетической ситуации в настоящем); схема такая: if + past indefinite в придаточном условия, would+bare infinitive в главном.
Can I change something or I will be merely a spectator? (неверный порядок слов во 2-й части вопроса послe OR)-Can I pick any time/choose any time I like or I have some restrictions on the time frame? (неверный порядок слов во 2-й части вопроса после OR)- If I could pick a date, change something and spend there a while, I would go to the past. I mean I know what should have been done (что должно было быть сделано?), I am just not going to share that with you guys as it is very personal case. Otherwise, if I were not allowed to change anything, I would prefer to peek into the future to see what would happen later with to us all/all of us, with to our/this country and with to the planet.
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Mary May
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Сообщение Mary May »

maximus пишет: 27 апр 2018, 05:58 Would you rather go in to the future or in to the past?

If I had a time machine I would rather go in to the past. I'd want to recall/revive/relive some of the pleasant moments of my life again then. Meanwhile At the same time, (I have to admit that) I am/'m afraid of the future. I don't want/ I wouldn't like to know learn/get any bad and/or good news before it they happens/beforehand. In one the first case I don't wouldn't want to feel sad before time/beforehand and in the other second case/and in case of something good I don't want wouldn't like for reduce feeling to spoil the pleasure at of upcoming events/to spoil its pleasure when it really comes/happens.
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Сообщение mikka »

Would I like to go to the past or to the future?
It's a good question without a definitive answer.

I think travelling to the past is safer, at least you know what awaits you there.
Whereas the future is completely unpredictable.
Travelling to the future might be dangerous.
Parhaps, what if it wouldn't be the future you expect or would like to be in. You could jump 100 years forward into the middle of the war, or in the future where Earth has been destroyed.
Ok. Assuming, we are not all dead. Let's imagine, if someone from the past would come to our time. He would be shoked about the technologies that we have and use the daily basis.

So, if I had the chance to time travel I would like to have option of returning.
If it was a round trip I would go to the past.
Otherwise, If I could go only in one direction, I probably would choose the future.
If I had a time machine I would definetely go 100 years forward into the future. Just to see what's possible.
I could see which of our dreams came true and which didn't.
Is antigravity possible? Or flying cars? Have we colonised Mars?

Unfortunately, If time travel was possible, a time machine would have been invented by Einstein.
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Just Liza
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Сообщение Yety »

mikka пишет: 29 апр 2018, 21:19 Would I like/prefer to go to the past or to the future?
It's a good question without a definitive answer.

I think travelling to the past is safer, at least you know what awaits you there.
Whereas the future is completely unpredictable.
Travelling to the future might be dangerous.
(Paerhaps,) what if it wouldn't be were not the future you expected or would like to be in.
You could jump 100 years forward into the middle of the a war, or in the a future where Earth has been destroyed.
Ok. Assuming, we are not all dead. ??
Let's/Just imagine, if someone from the past would come came to our time/arrived in our time. H, how shocked/astounded he would be/he would be shocked about/by/at* / to see the technologies that we have and use on the a daily basis.

So, if I had the a chance to time travel, I would like to have the option of returning.
And if it was a round trip, I would go to the past.
Otherwise, if I could only go in one direction, I probably would choose the future.
If I had a time machine, I would defineitely go 100 years forward into the future. Just to see what's possible/(what the human race is capable of).
I could see which of our dreams came true and which didn't.
Is antigravity possible? Or flying cars? Have we colonised Mars?

Unfortunately, if time travel was possible, a time machine would have been invented by Einstein.(- didn't quite get the logic ;-))
*https://lingohelp.me/preposition-after- ... hocked-by/
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Сообщение mikka »

Про логику)))
Я хотела сказать.
Что если бы прыжки во времени были бы возможны, то машину времени уже изобрел бы Эйнштейн.

If i could only go in one direction...
only нельзя после go поставить? Как уроп на one direction?
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Сообщение Yety »

mikka пишет: 30 апр 2018, 16:06 Я хотела сказать.
Что если бы прыжки во времени были бы возможны, то машину времени уже изобрел бы Эйнштейн.
Это-то, вроде бы, понятно, - там из-за unfortunately некоторый слом. Как будто пропущено логическое звено.
Могу ошибаться, но хочется некоторого экивока про то, что предыдущие рассуждения - не более чем досужие фантазмы.
Well, I wish all that could be anything more than just a fantasy. Unfortunately, ...
mikka пишет: 30 апр 2018, 16:06 If i could only go in one direction...
only нельзя после go поставить? Как упор на one direction?
Его можно поставить и туда, но упора туда вполне достаточно, если only стоит и на своей законной mid-position.
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Сообщение mikka »

Yety пишет: 30 апр 2018, 16:37 Это-то, вроде бы, понятно, - там из-за unfortunately некоторый слом. Как будто пропущено логическое звено.
Могу ошибаться, но хочется некоторого экивока про то, что предыдущие рассуждения - не более чем досужие фантазмы.
ааа, ну да, с логикой у меня и в русских сочинениях напряг)))
я тут условные тренировала)
Yety пишет: 30 апр 2018, 16:37 Его можно поставить и туда, но упора туда вполне достаточно, если only стоит и на своей законной mid-position.
Yety пишет: 30 апр 2018, 15:48 how shocked/astounded he would be/he would be shocked about/by/at* / to see the technologies
а вот тут почему нужно менять местами?
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