60-second Listen and Transcript Challenge: Video 9

Прокачивайте Listening и Spelling путём написания транскриптов к коротким видео или аудио.

Модераторы: Chinara, Delly

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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 22:46
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Сообщение Chinara »

  1. Любой желающий выкладывает видеоролик или аудиофайл в новой ветке. Название ветки должно быть по такому образцу 60-second Listen and Transcript Challenge: Video 1 (или Audio 1)
  2. Аудио/видеоролик или отрывок из него должны быть длительностью примерно 1 минуту. Максимум 2 минуты.
  3. Выкладывающий аудио или видео для челенджа определяет дату и время, когда им будет выложен правильный транскрипт и указывает это в первом посте с заданием.
  4. Также в первом посте под спойлером необходимо разместить эти Правила.
  5. Участники челенджа пишут свой вариант транскрипта и выкладывают его под спойлер
  6. Перед транскриптом или после него без спойлера каждый участник выкладывает русский перевод минимум 3-х, максимум 5-ти слов и выражений из ролика, которые ему понравились в случайном порядке. Это обязательное условие участия в челендже.
  7. Следующий участник находит эти выражения и выкладывает ответы под вторым спойлером.
  8. И так далее.
  9. При желании топикстартер или участники челенджа могут кроме 3-5 обязательных слов и выражений выложить вопросы или другие задания по ролику на свое усмотрение.
  10. В установленную дату и время топикстартером выкладывается правильный вариант транскрипта. Ответы на другие задания тоже выкладываются после этого момента.
https://f1.media.brightcove.com/4/13991 ... 2723906001

Правильный транскрипт будет выложен в пятницу 04.05.2018 г. в 8:00 МСК

Образец оформления поста-ответа:

Сообщения: 383
Зарегистрирован: 01 мар 2018, 12:27
Благодарил (а): 59 раз
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Сообщение Brow »

If you’re like me, you know that multitasking does not always save time. You slow down or make mistakes that require fixing . But maybe I ‘m just doing a wrong thing.
This is Scientific American ....
The new study shows that people on a stationary bike peddled faster, when they simultaneously tackled some sort of mental test. Even the researchers were surprised by that result.
They’d originally set out to demonstrate what other studies have shown, that when people try to do 2 things at once , they do both more poorly. ( Or- that when people tried to do 2 things at once , they’d do both more poorly)
Their ..... (?) finding is in the journal Plos One. In the experiment subjects were asked to complete various ... (?) of jobs that ranged in difficulty. Everything from saying “Go!” when they saw a blue star on a projection screen to remembering a long list of numbers & then repeating them back in reverse order.
They tackled these tasks once while sitting in a quiet room and again while on a bike.
It turns out cyclists rode 25 % faster when they were distracted by some mental gymnastics, but only when the tasks were relatively easy.
When confronted with tough brain-teasers their cycling speeds were about the same as when they had nothing in particular to think about. And in case you’re wondering , the participants' cycling neither helped nor hindered their brain function.
The findings could point toward new programmes in which you’d get better workouts simply by using our heads.
r... order- when you count from 10 to 1.
s... ly - happening or being done at exactly the same time
t ... the task - try to deal with something
За это сообщение автора Brow поблагодарили (всего 2):
D-L-I-B-Y-D, Бубль Гум
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 79
Зарегистрирован: 06 мар 2018, 00:01
Благодарил (а): 38 раз
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Сообщение D-L-I-B-Y-D »

Исправил то, что расслышал иначе:Показать
If you’re like me, you know that multitasking does not always save time. You slow down or make mistakes, they require fixing. But maybe I‘m just doing the wrong things.
This is Scientific American ....
The new study shows that people on a stationary bike peddled faster, when they simultaneously tackled some sort of mental test. Even the researchers were surprised by that result.
They’d originally set out to demonstrate what other studies have shown, that when people try to do 2 things at once , they do both more poorly.
Their counterintuitive finding is in the journal Plos One. In the experiment subjects were asked to complete various cognitive jobs that ranged in difficulty. Everything from saying “Go!” when they saw a blue star on a projection screen to remembering a long list of numbers & then repeating them back in reverse order.
They tackled these tasks once while sitting in a quiet room and again while on a bike.
It Turns out cyclists rode 25 % faster when they were distracted by some mental gymnastics, but only when the tests were relatively easy.
When confronted with tough brain-teasers their cycling speeds were about the same as when they had nothing in particular to think about. And in case you’re wondering , the participants' cycling neither helped nor hindered their brain function.
The findings could point toward new programmes in which we get better workouts simply by using our heads.
За это сообщение автора D-L-I-B-Y-D поблагодарил:
Бубль Гум
Сообщения: 105
Зарегистрирован: 04 мар 2018, 01:57
Благодарил (а): 137 раз
Поблагодарили: 106 раз


Сообщение Бубль Гум »

- мешать, препятствовать
- умственные
- противоречащее здравому смыслу
If you are like me, you know that multitasking does not always save time. You slow down or make mistakes that require fixing, but maybe I'm just doing the wrong things. This is Scientific American's 60 Seconds Science. I'm Karen Hopkin. This will just take a minute. The new study shows that people on a stationary bike pedaled faster when they simultaneously tackled some sort of mental test. Even the researchers were surprised by that result. ?They'd? originally set out to demonstrate what other studies have shown, that when people try to do two things at once they do both more poorly. Their counterintuitive finding is in the journal PLOS one. In the experiment subjects were asked to complete various cognitive jobs that ranged in difficulty. Everything from saying 'Go' when they saw a blue star on the projection screen to remembering a long list of numbers and then repeating them back in reverse order. They tackled these tasks once while sitting in a quiet room and again while on the bike. ?It? turns out cyclists rode 25% faster when they were distracted by some mental gymnastics, but only when the tests were relatively easy. When confronted with tough brain teasers their cycling speeds were about the same as when they had nothing in particular to think about. And in case you are wondering, the ?participants'? cycling neither helped nor hindered their brain function. The findings could point toward new programs in which we get better workouts simply by using our heads. Thanks for the minute. For Scientific American's 60 Seconds Science. I'm Karen Hopkin.
ответы на загадкиПоказать
reverse order- when you count from 10 to 1.
simultaneously - happening or being done at exactly the same time
tackle the task - try to deal with something
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