60-second Listen and Transcript Challenge: Video 8

Прокачивайте Listening и Spelling путём написания транскриптов к коротким видео или аудио.

Модераторы: Chinara, Delly

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 1181
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 22:46
Благодарил (а): 299 раз
Поблагодарили: 325 раз


Сообщение Chinara »

  1. Любой желающий выкладывает видеоролик или аудиофайл в новой ветке. Название ветки должно быть по такому образцу 60-second Listen and Transcript Challenge: Video 1 (или Audio 1)
  2. Аудио/видеоролик или отрывок из него должны быть длительностью примерно 1 минуту. Максимум 2 минуты.
  3. Выкладывающий аудио или видео для челенджа определяет дату и время, когда им будет выложен правильный транскрипт и указывает это в первом посте с заданием.
  4. Также в первом посте под спойлером необходимо разместить эти Правила.
  5. Участники челенджа пишут свой вариант транскрипта и выкладывают его под спойлер
  6. Перед транскриптом или после него без спойлера каждый участник выкладывает русский перевод минимум 3-х, максимум 5-ти слов и выражений из ролика, которые ему понравились в случайном порядке. Это обязательное условие участия в челендже.
  7. Следующий участник находит эти выражения и выкладывает ответы под вторым спойлером.
  8. И так далее.
  9. При желании топикстартер или участники челенджа могут кроме 3-5 обязательных слов и выражений выложить вопросы или другие задания по ролику на свое усмотрение.
  10. В установленную дату и время топикстартером выкладывается правильный вариант транскрипта. Ответы на другие задания тоже выкладываются после этого момента.
https://f1.media.brightcove.com/4/13991 ... 7520562001

Правильный транскрипт будет выложен в среду 02.05.2018 г. в 8:00 МСК

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За это сообщение автора Chinara поблагодарил:
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 79
Зарегистрирован: 06 мар 2018, 00:01
Благодарил (а): 38 раз
Поблагодарили: 18 раз


Сообщение D-L-I-B-Y-D »

1.An occasion when an activity is done in an extreme way, especially eating, drinking, or spending money
Depression and .............. eating are strongly linked.
However, studies have shown that .............. drinking doubles the risk of heart disease.

2.To find a way of avoiding a difficulty or a rule
The company opened an account abroad, in order to .............. the tax laws.
The second rule is used to .............. the first rule.

3.Give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation
I don't understand this statement… can you please ............... me?
Should the function of children's television be to entertain or to .............. ?

Astronomers have discovered the most luminous galaxy ever found, shining with the equivalence of three hundred trillion suns from the far side of the visible universe.

This is Scientific American 60 Second Science. I'm Lee Billings. Got a minute?

Almost all of that light is being produced by the galaxy's central supermassive black hole, not by its stars.
The enlightening finding is in the astrophysical journal.

Black holes are black because light itself cannot escape once fallen in. But a feeding black hole is surrounded by a whirling white-hot disc of glowing debris, material heated to millions of degrees as it spirals down to oblivion.

The black hole in this faraway galaxy is on a feeding frenzy. The activity produces enough light to warm up most of the galaxy's dust which gives the whole galaxy an infrared glow that we can detect from more than twelve and a half billion light years away.

Considering we're seeing this giant black hole's activity from a time when the universe is only a tenth of its present age, astronomers are puzzled about how it could have grown so big and bright so fast.

A young hungry black hole usually takes an occasional break from feeding. Its ??????? can get so intense it pushes incoming material further away. Think of the baby burping mid-meal.

But this particular galaxy's black hole seems to have circumvented this limitation. If it's burping, the burps seem to be few and far between. One theory is that it must be spinning very slowly. The slower a black hole spins, the weaker its repulse of burps may be and longer it can gorge uninterrupted.

Study co-author Andrew Blain of the University of Leicester says that a slow spin may be how this black hole sustained its binge. Which he calls the equivalent of (quote) ' Winning a hot dog eating contest lasting hundreds of millions of years. And if there any mustard with those dogs, rest a shirt, it's hot.

Thanks for the minute. For Scientific American 60 Second Science. I'm Lee Billings.

За это сообщение автора D-L-I-B-Y-D поблагодарили (всего 2):
Brow, Бубль Гум
Сообщения: 386
Зарегистрирован: 01 мар 2018, 12:27
Благодарил (а): 59 раз
Поблагодарили: 282 раза


Сообщение Brow »

A young hungry black hole usually takes an occasional break from feeding. Its ??????? can get so intense it pushes incoming material further away.
Glowing debrisdis какой-то :)
Но судя по картинке и по логике, я думаю, что он говорит
Its glowing debris disk can get so intense ...
За это сообщение автора Brow поблагодарил:
Бубль Гум
Сообщения: 105
Зарегистрирован: 04 мар 2018, 01:57
Благодарил (а): 137 раз
Поблагодарили: 106 раз


Сообщение Бубль Гум »

- обломки
- бешеное объедалово :)
- забвение
Astronomers have discovered the most luminous galaxy ever found, shining with the equivalence of 300 trillion suns from the far side of the visible universe. This is Scientific American's 60 Seconds Science. I'm Lee Billings. Got a minute? Almost all of that light is being produced by the galaxy's central supermassive black hole, not by its stars. The enlightening finding is in The Astrophysical Journal. Black holes are black because light itself cannot escape once falling in. But a feeding black hole is surrounded by a whirling white-hot disc of glowing debris - material heated to millions of degrees as it spirals down to oblivion. The black hole in this faraway galaxy is on a feeding frenzy. The activity produces enough light to warm up most of the galaxy's dust, which gives the whole galaxy an infrared glow that we can detect from more than 12.5 billion light years away. Considering we are seeing this giant black hole's activity from a time when the universe was only a tenth of its present age, astronomers are puzzled about how it could've grown so big and bright so fast. A young hungry black hole usually takes an occasional break from ???. Its glowing debris disc can get so intense it pushes incoming material further away. Think of the baby burping ?mid? meal. But this particular galaxy's black hole seems to have circumvented this limitation. If it's burping, the burps seem to be few and far between. One theory is that it must be spinning very slowly. The slower a black hole spins the weaker its repulsive burps may be and the longer it can gorge uninterrupted. Study co-author Andrew Blain ?of? the University of Leicester says that a slow spin may be how this black hole has sustained its binge, which he calls the equivalent of 'winning a hotdog-eating contest lasting hundreds of millions of years'. And if there is any mustard with those dogs, rest assured - it's hot. Thanks for the minute. For Scientific American's 60 Seconds Science. I'm Lee Billings.
ответы на загадкиПоказать
1.An occasion when an activity is done in an extreme way, especially eating, drinking, or spending money
Depression and binge eating are strongly linked.
However, studies have shown that binge drinking doubles the risk of heart disease.

2.To find a way of avoiding a difficulty or a rule
The company opened an account abroad, in order to circumvent the tax laws.
The second rule is used to circumvent the first rule.

3.Give (someone) greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation
I don't understand this statement… can you please enlighten me?
Should the function of children's television be to entertain or to enlighten?
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