60-second Listen and Transcript Challenge: Video 7

Прокачивайте Listening и Spelling путём написания транскриптов к коротким видео или аудио.

Модераторы: Chinara, Delly

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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 22:46
Благодарил (а): 299 раз
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Сообщение Chinara »

  1. Любой желающий выкладывает видеоролик или аудиофайл в новой ветке. Название ветки должно быть по такому образцу 60-second Listen and Transcript Challenge: Video 1 (или Audio 1)
  2. Аудио/видеоролик или отрывок из него должны быть длительностью примерно 1 минуту. Максимум 2 минуты.
  3. Выкладывающий аудио или видео для челенджа определяет дату и время, когда им будет выложен правильный транскрипт и указывает это в первом посте с заданием.
  4. Также в первом посте под спойлером необходимо разместить эти Правила.
  5. Участники челенджа пишут свой вариант транскрипта и выкладывают его под спойлер
  6. Перед транскриптом или после него без спойлера каждый участник выкладывает русский перевод минимум 3-х, максимум 5-ти слов и выражений из ролика, которые ему понравились в случайном порядке. Это обязательное условие участия в челендже.
  7. Следующий участник находит эти выражения и выкладывает ответы под вторым спойлером.
  8. И так далее.
  9. При желании топикстартер или участники челенджа могут кроме 3-5 обязательных слов и выражений выложить вопросы или другие задания по ролику на свое усмотрение.
  10. В установленную дату и время топикстартером выкладывается правильный вариант транскрипта. Ответы на другие задания тоже выкладываются после этого момента.
https://f1.media.brightcove.com/4/13991 ... 2848312001

Правильный транскрипт будет выложен в пятницу 27.04.2018 г. в 8:00 МСК

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Много смешных видео выходят каждый день в Telegram-канале наших друзей "Эти забавные животные!"

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Зарегистрирован: 06 мар 2018, 00:01
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Сообщение D-L-I-B-Y-D »

1. To have features that are similar to something else and which show what it is like
Does art ............ society or shape it?
Which statement most closely ............... your own feelings on the subject?

2. The level at which something starts to happen or have an effect
While nowhere near the pain ............... , it was definitely noticeable.
The poverty ................ , or poverty line, is the minimum level of income deemed adequate in a particular country.

3. The process by which something increases in amount or is collected together over time
The mere ................ of national wealth is not sufficient to deal with poverty as a health risk.
Many retailers allow ............... of fuel discounts.
The fifty year old Keeling curve showing rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels over time was declared a National Historic Chemical Landmark. With data still collected daily, the curve's upward climb continues.

This is Scientific American 60 Second Science. I'm Jen Christiansen. Got a minute?

The American Chemical Society honoured the Keeling curve, a graph that displays atmospheric carbon dioxide levels since 1958, as a National Historic Chemical Landmark at a dedication event at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in June 2015.

In March 1958 geochemist Charles David Keeling set up infrared gas analysers in Hawaii, Antarctica and California to measure carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

His initial findings published in 1960 revealed a seasonal pattern with low levels in October rising to high levels in May.
This mirrors northern hemisphere plant growth cycles.
Increased levels of photosynthesis and plant carbon dioxide capture in the summer are followed by lower levels of photosynthesis and atmospheric carbon dioxide accumulation in the winter.

With data continuously collected at a weather observatory in Moanalua Hawaii, Keeling was able to confirm a longer-term trend he noticed in early 1960s - carbon dioxide levels then and now continuing uphill climb, resulting in a seasonal isolating patterns superimposed on a steadily rising curve.

By May of 2013 levels reached four hundred parts per million for the first time in at least eight thousand hundred years.
And we seem to be marching steadily towards four hundred and fifty parts per million - a threshold that some suggest will kick us two degrees above pre-industrial levels thanks to the greenhouse effect.

Thanks for the minute. For Scientific American 60 Second Science. I'm Jen Christiansen.
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Brow, Бубль Гум
Бубль Гум
Сообщения: 105
Зарегистрирован: 04 мар 2018, 01:57
Благодарил (а): 137 раз
Поблагодарили: 106 раз


Сообщение Бубль Гум »

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The 50-year old Keeling Curve showing rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels over time was declared a national historic chemical landmark. With data still collected daily, the curve's upward climb continues. This is Scientific American's 60 Seconds Science. I'm Jen Christiansen. Got a minute? The American Chemical Society honored the Keeling Curve, a graph that displays atmospheric carbon dioxide levels since 1958 as a national historic chemical landmark at a dedication event at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in June 2015. In March 1958 geochemist Charles David Keeling set up infrared gas analyzers in Hawaii, Antarctica and California to measure carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. His initial findings, published in 1960, revealed a seasonal pattern with low levels in October rising to high levels in May. This mirrors northern hemisphere plant growth cycles. Increased levels of photosynthesis and plant carbon dioxide capture in the summer are followed by lower levels of photosynthesis and atmospheric carbon dioxide accumulation in the winter. With data continuously collected at ?a? weather observatory in ?Monaloa?, Hawaii, Keeling was able to confirm a longer term trend he noticed in the early 1960s. Carbon dioxide levels then and now continue an uphill climb resulting in a seasonal oscillating pattern superimposed on a steadily rising curve. By May of 2013 levels reached 400 parts per million for the first time in at least 800,000 years. And we seem to be marching steadily towards 450 parts per million. A threshold that some suggest will kick us two degrees celsius above pre-industrial levels. Thanks to the greenhouse effect. Thanks for the minute. For Scientific American's 60 Seconds Science. I'm Jen Christiansen.
ответы на загадкиПоказать
1. To have features that are similar to something else and which show what it is like
Does art mirror(?) society or shape it?
Which statement most closely mirror(?) your own feelings on the subject?

2. The level at which something starts to happen or have an effect
While nowhere near the pain threshold, it was definitely noticeable.
The poverty threshold, or poverty line, is the minimum level of income deemed adequate in a particular country.

3. The process by which something increases in amount or is collected together over time
The mere accumulation of national wealth is not sufficient to deal with poverty as a health risk.
Many retailers allow accumulation of fuel discounts.
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