100 дней языка: день 39

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Модераторы: Chinara, Delly

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Сообщение Michelangelo »

Documentary or historical films?
First of all, what is a difference between "documentary film" and "historical film"? I have been convinced that they are the same type of films. If you meant under "historical film" a film which is a theatrical film but based on some historical events or features with some historical people - that is another matter.
Now we know that many documentary films even though based on some actual events were properly organised and shot in almost the same way as "historical films", excluding some films made during some conferences of UNA or others where it is difficult to make officials to act according to a scenario. So it is difficult to make up where the real documentary and where the fake which simulates documentary. In these terms historical films are better as they are more colourful and trustworthy even when the director makes up all the events through.
We believe that is a film is made in black and white it is a film that can be believed in, but it isn't always the point. Nowadays you can see a lot of black and white films which have been made recently and pretended to be true film about WW2 or any other events. People are naive if they continue to believe in what they see on TV.
Drama films, theatrical films can reflect historical events even better sometimes, or at least you can get more pleasure of watching them.
Of course I am half-joking. However, there is a bit of joke in each joke. Watch those films which you enjoy and don't watch those which make you irritated, annoyed and anxious.
Сообщения: 258
Зарегистрирован: 09 мар 2018, 11:14
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Сообщение Primula »

Do you watch historical or documentary films?

I watch them both. I like documentaries about nature, animals, traveling. But I don’t like documentary films about politicians. Sometimes it’s difficult to define clearly which genre a film is. I watched a short television series about life and work of Bach many years ago. Recently I’ve tried to find out this series, but I have found only the people who were searching for this one too. I like the English series «The Supersizers go/eat» about the history of food. Two people – a man and a woman live in a definite historical period and eat the food which people from this time would have eaten for a week. They also meet with different people and take part in activities. There is plenty of humor, sometimes too much. I would like to recommend a series «Bridge over the abyss (Мост над бездной)» by Paola Volcova about art, pictures and artists. These films are very exciting and unusual.
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Syaochka aka JuliaKu
Сообщения: 162
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:11
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Сообщение Syaochka aka JuliaKu »

I prefer to watch documentaries. I can learn some new information from them. There is also possible new information in history films, but I find them boring. I don't like watching battle scenes and everything that related to politics. They make me sleepy. Furthermore, you never know where the truth begins and where the lies end in history films. They tend to be too imaginative nowadays.
My favourite documentaries are the BBC series about physical science, astronomy and biology. I also like watching the National Geographic's series 'MegaStructures'. We used to watch these films as a family when my children were younger. (Unfortunately, now they prefer to watch action and horror films).
Mary May
Сообщения: 2285
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
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Сообщение Mary May »

Syaochka aka JuliaKu пишет: 17 апр 2018, 23:22 I prefer to watch documentaries. I can learn some new information from them. There is also possible Though it can/may/might be something new information in historICAL films, too, but I find them boring. I don't like watching battle scenes and everything that related to politics. They make me sleepy. Furthermore, in historICAL films { - лучше переместить в начало} you never know where the truth begins and where the lies end/you can never tell the truth from lies/ tell right from wrong {fixed expressions} in history films. They tend to be too imaginative nowadays.
My favourite documentaries are the (?) BBC series about physical science/physics, astronomy and biology. I also like watching the (?) National Geographic's series 'MegaStructures'. We used to watch these films as a family when my children were younger. (Unfortunately, now they prefer to watch action and horror films).
Sorry, I'm not sure about articles before BBC/National Geographic series; you can find them used both ways; if I find any reliable info on that -I'll tell you. And so, please, do you!
За это сообщение автора Mary May поблагодарил:
Syaochka aka JuliaKu
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Сообщение Yety »

Mary May пишет: 19 апр 2018, 14:08 there is just a bit of joke in each joke
Тут обсуждалось:
https://www.multitran.ru/c/m.exe?a=4&Me ... &l1=1&l2=2

Примеры от reverso - если не обыгрывать русскую поговорку:
Many a true word is spoken in jest.
Well, behind every joke there's some truth.
In every good joke there's a sliver of truth.
In all the jokes is always a seed of truth.
There's some truth to every tale.
За это сообщение автора Yety поблагодарил:
Mary May
Сообщения: 238
Зарегистрирован: 12 мар 2018, 13:03
Благодарил (а): 91 раз
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Сообщение nbulba »

Documentary or historical films?

Honestly I don't get the question. So, I'm assuming that it's needed to say which one I prefer and why.

I'm no fan of either. But if I were to pick one for watching, that would be a documentary film. In my mind a documentary film is all about facts and they will be shown as is. Whereas historical film is about interpretation of the facts made by the film director and screenwriter. And just bare facts are the thing I like more as opposed to somebody's fantasies. I can imagine myself anything I want based on the same facts.
Сообщения: 238
Зарегистрирован: 12 мар 2018, 13:03
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Сообщение nbulba »


¿El documental o la película histórica?

La verdad es que no entiendo la pregunta. Supongo que hay que decir cual es mi preferido.

No soy partidario de los dos. Pero si necesito elegir entre los dos pues es el documental. Me gusta más la verdad desnuda del documental que las fantasías del cineasta. Puedo imaginar lo todo que quiero basado en los hechos.
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Зарегистрирован: 02 мар 2018, 17:05
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Сообщение maximus »

Would you prefer the documentary or historical movies?
I would like to watch a historical film better. I like historical films very much. I like to read and watch films about some historical events and personalities. It is very exciting. However, some documentary can be exciting too. For instance, a documentary from BBC is very interesting films. It's difficult to choose ones. I'll watch a documentary if I haven't a historical movie. I think so.
Mary May
Сообщения: 2285
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
Благодарил (а): 2001 раз
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Сообщение Mary May »

Michelangelo пишет: 17 апр 2018, 16:25 Documentary or historical films?

First of all, what is a the difference between/about "documentary film" and "historical film"?/is a there any difference between "documentary film" and "historical film" (at all)?
I have been am convinced that they are practically the same type of films.
Though If BY "historical film" - {лучше перемесить вперед} you meant under "historical film" a film which is just a sort of/a kind of a theatrEical film but performance based on (some) true historical events or featurINGes with some historical real people' lives/biographies - then that is another matter/then it is surely different.
Now we know that many documentary films even though based on some actual historic events were properly pre-organised (? не уверена, что есть такое слово, сама придумала) and shot in almost the same way as "historical fiction films", {я бы разбила - слишком длинное предложение}
That is true for almost all of them with the exception of
excluding some films a few those made during some UNA (- ?? UN, maybe?) conferences of UNA or others or similar events wheN it is difficult to make officials to act according to a scenario.
So it is difficult to make up figure out where the real documentary is and where there is a the fake which that simulates documentary/only mocks a true documentary. . In these terms historical films are better as they are more colourful and trustworthy even when/IF the director//scriptwriter makes up all the events through {"художественная правда", т-скзть :) }.
We tend to believe that is IF a film is made/produced/shot in black and white it is a film that can be believed in /trusted, but it isn't always the point case /true. Nowadays you can see a lot of black and white films which have been made recently and pretendING to be true filmtell the truth about WW2 or any other events.
People are naive if they continue to believe in what they see on TV.
Drama or theatrical films can reflect historical events even better sometimes, or at least you can get more pleasure of from watching them.
Of course I am half-joking. However, there is just a bit of joke in each joke, as a Russian saying goes. (- half-joking = half serious, though:-)). Watch those/the films which you enjoy and don't watch those which that make you irritated, annoyed and/or anxious.
Mary May
Сообщения: 2285
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
Благодарил (а): 2001 раз
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Сообщение Mary May »

maximus пишет: 20 апр 2018, 07:06 Would you prefer the documentary or historical movies?
I would like to watch a historical film better/I'd rather watch a historical film.
I like historical films/them {to avoid repetition} very much.
I like to read and watch films about some historical events and personalities/characters (of the past). It is very exciting.
However, some documentaryIES {plural} can be exciting too. For instance, a documentaryIES {plural} from BBC is are very interesting films.
{It's difficult to choose ones./It's difficult to choose one of them.- Haven't you just chosen?}
I'll watch a documentary if I haven't a historical movie. I think so. //So, I think documentaries is/would be my second best choice to watch {collocation; "I think so" is a good answer to yes/no questions not to sound too direct, but here, to state your opinion, it's just "I think" }
За это сообщение автора Mary May поблагодарил:
Сообщения: 183
Зарегистрирован: 10 мар 2018, 15:51
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Сообщение iskra »

I prefer documentary films. I like films about space and unusual places. I also like to watch films about the nature, animals and the prehistoric world. And I don’t like historical films absolutely. The films that I started to watch were very brutal.
Mary May
Сообщения: 2285
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
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Сообщение Mary May »

iskra пишет: 21 апр 2018, 19:08 I prefer documentary films. I like films about space and unusual places. I also like to watch/watching films about the nature, animals and the prehistoric world. And I don’t like historical films absolutely / I hate/I can't stand (watching) historical films. The films that I started/ tried (?) to watch were very brutal.
За это сообщение автора Mary May поблагодарил:
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Syaochka aka JuliaKu
Сообщения: 162
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:11
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Сообщение Syaochka aka JuliaKu »

Mary May пишет: 19 апр 2018, 08:51 where the truth begins and where the lies end
https://www.google.ru/search?newwindow= ... NEupNi8MAE
Mary May пишет: 19 апр 2018, 08:51 Sorry, I'm not sure about articles before BBC/National Geographic series; you can find them used both ways; if I find any reliable info on that -I'll tell you. And so, please, do you!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_t ... by_the_BBC
I was pretty sure about the BBC so I've used the definite article in both cases, though it seems to me now that it is not good with NatGeo.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_ ... V_channel)
They use the definite article when referring to the National Geographic Channel, but they usually write National Geographic without the article.
Mary May пишет: 19 апр 2018, 08:51 historICAL films
It seems to me that both names are correct:
https://www.google.ru/search?newwindow= ... 0Ab8buzg_k
За это сообщение автора Syaochka aka JuliaKu поблагодарил:
Mary May
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Зарегистрирован: 02 мар 2018, 16:21
Благодарил (а): 195 раз
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Сообщение zymbronia »

Do you prefer dumentary to historical movies?

Sometimes I watch documentary hoping to learn something which I didn’t know before. Of course it is much interesting to watch historical movies because they are brighter and there is a better chance to show something intriguing as it depends on a director and actors how good a specific movie is shot. I think I have watch historical movies much many as compared with those documentaries.

When you watch documentaries you anyway rely on comments to it because you cannot figure out what is shown in a documentary movie. It is annoying to rely on somebody’s subjective opinion. In historical movies you understand in advance that it is only entertainment and you don’t think about anybody’s subjective opinion even when the movie is complete lie. This is the difference, I think. And I remember that old movie from 1980s or so “A running man” its name was or something like that when they showed how it was easy on television to falsify data. I believe now it is even easier and I don’t believe anything even documentaries nowadays.
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