100 дней языка: день 26

Практикуйте написание коротких текстов на любом изучаемом языке на заданную тему.

Модераторы: Chinara, Delly

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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 22:46
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Сообщение Chinara »

Ветка для ваших работ по теме 26-го дня.
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100 дней практикуем написание коротенького текста на изучаемом языке на заданную тему

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  • Поскольку 100 дней это на 2 дня больше 14-ти недель, для порядка эти два дня будут прикреплены к первой неделе. Поэтому начали мы в субботу 10.03.2018 года.
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  • Челендж начался 10.03.2018 года и продлится ровно 100 дней до 17.06.2018 года включительно. Это 14 недель и 2 дня ✊

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Не забудьте, что тема будет закрыта в субботу 07.04.2018 года в 8:00 МСК. Поэтому не затягивайте с выполнением задания. Смысл челенджа как раз в том, чтобы не прокрастинировать и начать делать хотя бы немного!

Сообщения: 43
Зарегистрирован: 30 мар 2018, 00:16
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Сообщение Materiya »

I decided to join to the challenge. It would be nice if you guys could correct my mistakes sometime.

The breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Do you agree with that?
You know, if I had been asked 3 years ago or so, I would have answered "yes". Before I started my Intermittent fasting (16:8) experience I had breakfast every day and indeed thought that it was the most important meal of the day. It was porridge, egges with salad, and etc. But now my regular meal times changed. I have only two meals per day. Having 2 meals per day, I feel myself much better. So for me breakfast is not the most important meal of the day anymore.
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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:44
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Сообщение Yety »

Materiya пишет: 04 апр 2018, 10:04 I decided to join to in the challenge.
The breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
if I had been asked this question 3 years ago or so,
egges with salad, and etc. (et cetera = и остальное)
But now my regular meal times have/are changed.
Having 2 meals per day - feels redundant. Yet, I feel myself much better.
За это сообщение автора Yety поблагодарил:
Сообщения: 43
Зарегистрирован: 30 мар 2018, 00:16
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Сообщение Materiya »

Yety пишет: 04 апр 2018, 10:52
Materiya пишет: 04 апр 2018, 10:04 I decided to join to in the challenge.
The breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
if I had been asked this question 3 years ago or so,
egges with salad, and etc. (et cetera = и остальное)
But now my regular meal times have/are changed.
Having 2 meals per day - feels redundant. Yet, I feel myself much better.
Спасибо большое! Я ожидала, что ошибок будет ещё больше, хотя куда ещё больше) я просто всегда готовлюсь к худшему.

А как бы вы посоветовали перефразироыать having 2 meals per day?
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Сообщения: 2007
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 22:56
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Сообщение September »

Я ожидала, что ошибок будет ещё больше, хотя куда ещё больше)
Зря на себя наговариваете) И 3rd conditional отлично получился.

Фраза про having 2 meals лишняя (и звучит чуть формально для этого жанра) Можно сказать: Now I have 2 meals a day, and feel much better.
Сообщения: 43
Зарегистрирован: 30 мар 2018, 00:16
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Сообщение Materiya »

September пишет: 04 апр 2018, 11:20

Зря на себя наговариваете) И 3rd conditional отлично получился.

Фраза про having 2 meals лишняя (и звучит чуть формально для этого жанра) Можно сказать: Now I have 2 meals a day, and feel much better.
Спасибо большое) Рада, что решилась принять участие в челендже. Конечно, буду писать очень мало в день, зато добрые люди помогут исправить ошибки.
3rd conditional знаю, но вот многие элементарные вещи забываю или путаю. Надеюсь, что это из-за недостатка практики.

Если найдется время, загляните, пожалуйста, в мою тему по письму. Я там у вас спросила насчет заучиваня.
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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:44
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Сообщение Yety »

Materiya пишет: 04 апр 2018, 10:58 как бы вы посоветовали перефразировать having 2 meals per day
September пишет: 04 апр 2018, 11:20
Ну, или чуть подфразить: Now that I have just 2 meals a day, I do feel much better.
Сообщения: 258
Зарегистрирован: 09 мар 2018, 11:14
Благодарил (а): 179 раз
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Сообщение Primula »

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Do you agree?

I think this statement is too categorical. Having breakfast or not depends on a style of life, health, habits… I take great satisfaction in eating a healthy breakfast. But I have a friend who can’t stand eating in the early morning. I also know a person who has a big breakfast. The breakfast of a person who does hard physical work would be different from the economist's breakfast. There are many articles and medical research in this field. They often disagree. Possibly we should be sensible and don’t run in the extreme.
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Syaochka aka JuliaKu
Сообщения: 162
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:11
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Сообщение Syaochka aka JuliaKu »

Actually, I'm changing my food habits at the moment. I used not to pay much attention to food, and I'd almost always eat my dinner, but I can't say the same about all the other meals during the day. I would easily go without food for half a day and after that I could just have a cup of coffee (yes, with sugar and milk, and maybe not just one cup). But now I've changed my mind and I'm planning mealtimes. It's very complicated for me as I don't like cooking, but I'm doing my best.
Therefore, breakfast is now very important for me. It's not the most important meal, but it's one of 5 or 6 essential meals during my day.
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Белая Мишка
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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 22:26
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Сообщение Белая Мишка »

Yes, I agree with this statement – breakfast is the most important meal of the day whereas evening meal is the most pleasant). I used to eat little food for breakfast, just coffee and may be one egg but now I have a very hearty one. And of course I have a lot of coffee because I can’t do without it.
Сообщения: 183
Зарегистрирован: 10 мар 2018, 15:51
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Сообщение iskra »

Yes, of course. But I live in the region in which many people work in the evenings and at nights. What meal is the breakfast for them? Maybe this is a first meal after they woke or before they went to sleep. As for me I never eat in the morning. I can’t eat so early.
Теплый Носок
Сообщения: 39
Зарегистрирован: 01 мар 2018, 20:11
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Сообщение Теплый Носок »

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Do you agree?

The lunch is more important than the breakfast. It is not a scientific study but my own experience. Some scientific studies show that breakfast is the main meal of the day. Other studies suggest to eat only lunch or dinner. The health shows on TV give different pieces of advice, too. It's easy to get confused if you would follow all of them. For that reason, I'm only guided by my stomach. By the lunch time, I already want to eat an elephant, and perhaps a horse for a dessert. If I skip breakfast, I can work, move and enjoy my life, but If I skip lunch I can't. Let's have big lunch every day!
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Зарегистрирован: 02 мар 2018, 17:05
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Сообщение maximus »

A breakfast is a most important meal. Do you agree?
I think so. I never miss a breakfast. Moreover, I always eat something significant but not only a sandwich. Usually, it is a cereal with fruits although sometimes I eat something else. A breakfast gives me energy for the whole day and helps me to wake up. In addition, I sometimes have a second breakfast in two hours after the first one when I arrive at my work. Often I don't have a dinner, sometimes I don't have a lunch but breakfast I skip never.
Mary May
Сообщения: 2285
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
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Сообщение Mary May »

iskra пишет: 04 апр 2018, 18:14 Yes, of course. But I live in the region in which many people work in the evenings and at nights. What meal is the breakfast for them? Maybe this is a first meal after they woke or before they went to sleep. As for me I never eat in the morning. I can’t eat so early.
work in the evenings and at nights - work the evening and night shifts (смены?)
What meal is the breakfast for them? - WHICH meal is__ breakfast for them?
after they woke or before they went to sleep - the first meal THEY HAVE after they WAKE UP or THE LAST ONE THEY HAVE before GOING to sleep (you don't need Past here)
a first meal - THE first meal
За это сообщение автора Mary May поблагодарил:
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Сообщение Yety »

Теплый Носок пишет: 04 апр 2018, 20:05 Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Do you agree?

The lunch is more important than the breakfast.
It is not (based on scientific research) a scientific study but my own experience.
Some scientific studies show that breakfast is/should be the main meal of the day.
OtherS studies suggest to eating only lunch or dinner.
The health shows on TV give different pieces of advice, too.
It's easy to get confused if you would follow all of them.
For that reason, I'm only guided by my stomach.
By the lunch time, I already want to eat an elephant, and perhaps a horse for a dessert.
If I skip breakfast, I can work, move and enjoy my life, but if I skip lunch, I can't.
Let's have А big lunch every day!
За это сообщение автора Yety поблагодарил:
Теплый Носок
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Сообщение Yety »

maximus пишет: 06 апр 2018, 07:19 A breakfast is a the most important meal. Do you agree?
I think so. I never miss a breakfast.
Moreover, I always eat something significant substantial ,but not only a sandwich.
It is usually a cereal with fruits although sometimes I eat something else.
A breakfast gives me energy for the whole day and helps me to wake up (- поменял бы порядок эффектов завтрака на хронологический:-)).
In addition, I sometimes have a second breakfast in two hours after the first one when I arrive at my work.
Often I don't have a dinner, sometimes I don't have a lunch but breakfast I never skip breakfast (- исправил русский порядок слов, хотя...).
За это сообщение автора Yety поблагодарил:
Сообщения: 238
Зарегистрирован: 12 мар 2018, 13:03
Благодарил (а): 91 раз
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Сообщение nbulba »

Breakfast is the main meal of the day. Do you agree with this statement?

No, I don't agree that breakfast is the main meal of the day. It may play one of the key roles, but not the most important one. When you get up in the morning you are at your low level of energy and to kick start your day you need to refuel yourself. Again, it seems to me that all the meals during the day are equally vital and may be skipped only on rare occasions. Our body spends ehergy all the time and needs to restore it. Meanwhile the only source of eneregy we have is the food. We can't use electricity instead of food yet, can we? That's why we need to keep the food coming into our bodies one way or another. This is my opinion which doesn't have any scientifical support or evidence in its favour.
Сообщения: 238
Зарегистрирован: 12 мар 2018, 13:03
Благодарил (а): 91 раз
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Сообщение nbulba »


El desayuno es la comida más improtante del día. ¿Estás de acuerdo?

No, no estoy de acuerdo. Creo que el desayuno es bestante importante, pero no es más importante. Todos los casos de comer son de igual importancia. El cuerpo gasta la energía todo el tiempo pues hay que necesito devolverla. No podemos usar la electricidad como la fuente de la energía para el cuerpo. Entonces la comida es la única fuente de la energía que tenemos. Y necesitamos comer regularmente. Así es mi opinion sin alguna base.
Сообщения: 2552
Зарегистрирован: 02 мар 2018, 16:21
Благодарил (а): 195 раз
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Сообщение zymbronia »

Breakfast is the most important meal. Do you agree with this statement?

I don’t know whether I have to agree or disagree with the statement. I just know that if I have a hearty breakfast I will sleep at work starting from the very morning. If I have some tea for breakfast and eat a lot during lunch time, I will sleep after lunch and fall down from the chair. My idea is to eat in the evening. However, I am fat and some people think that I shouldn’t eat in the evening too. I don’t know what I should do. Maybe I generally eat too much and it doesn’t depend whether I eat in the morning or in the evening?

Based on this speculation I rather disagree with this statement. It is better to have light breakfast, light lunch and just a cup of milk or tea or tea with milk without any bread or bun in the evening. The problem is that I am not able to deny eating tasty bread with tea and I could drink a couple of cups of tea with buns, a lot of buns or rolls.

Taking into consideration this habit of mine, for me supper is the main meal. It is difficult to even sleep when my stomach is empty. In conclusion I can say that I disagree with the statement. Scientists must prove it, not me.
Перенесено из форума Основной форум о языковых челенджах, марафонах и викторинах в форум 100 дней языка 16 апр 2018, 19:32 модератором Delly

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