100 дней языка: день 11

Практикуйте написание коротких текстов на любом изучаемом языке на заданную тему.

Модераторы: Chinara, Delly

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Сообщения: 1181
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 22:46
Благодарил (а): 299 раз
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Сообщение Chinara »

Ветка для ваших работ по теме 11-го дня.
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Цель челенджа - привить привычку использовать язык каждый день, перебороть страх. Главное - постоянство!

Суть идеи кратко

100 дней практикуем написание коротенького текста на изучаемом языке на заданную тему

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  • Каждое воскресенье в 8:00 МСК в этой ветке форума 100 дней языка (100 дней языка) мной будет вывешиваться список тем на следующую неделю. Список будет содержать темы на всю неделю, каждый пункт списка соответствует одному дню.
  • Список тем будет на русском языке. Вы должны будете перевести вопрос на свой язык самостоятельно.
  • Вы можете предлагать свои темы в этой ветке форума 100 дней языка (100 дней языка). Возможно, мы сможем использовать самые интересные из них в будущем.
  • Каждый день в 8:00 МСК будет появляться новая тема в разделе «Practice Your English”, которая будет называться «100 дней языка: день 1» и т.д. для размещения ваших работ.
  • В каждой ветке дня челенджа темы недели будут для вашего удобства продублированы в первом посте.
  • Если вы по каким-либо причинам не успели написать заданную тему в срок, у вас будет 3 дня, чтобы наверстать упущенное. На четвёртый день в 8:00 МСК тема будет закрыта и вы не сможете ничего в ней добавить.
  • Чтобы чьи-то идеи и тексты, которые успели выложить раньше вас в теме, не мешали вам писать, вы можете сделать это где-то в другом месте в электронном виде, а потом просто скопировать их в нужную тему.
  • По желанию вы можете разместить под спойлер полезную информацию для других: например, список слов и выражений по теме, советы по написанию и т.д. Представляете, если каждый напишет что-то полезное по теме, сколько всего полезного будет доступно для всех! Так мы сможем помогать друг другу!
  • Поскольку 100 дней это на 2 дня больше 14-ти недель, для порядка эти два дня будут прикреплены к первой неделе. Поэтому начали мы в субботу 10.03.2018 года.
  • Преподаватели, а также участники форума с хорошими знаниями языка могут комментировать тексты и помогать исправлять ошибки. При этом необходимо использовать цитирование сообщения участника челенджа для удобства. Просьба делать это вежливо, не оскорбляя чувства участника челенджа.
  • Челендж начался 10.03.2018 года и продлится ровно 100 дней до 17.06.2018 года включительно. Это 14 недель и 2 дня ✊

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Ещё раз напоминаю, что в челендже можно участвовать с любыми языками.

Не забудьте, что тема будет закрыта в пятницу 23.03.2018 года в 8:00 МСК. Поэтому не затягивайте с выполнением задания. Смысл челенджа как раз в том, чтобы не прокрастинировать и начать делать хотя бы немного!

За это сообщение автора Chinara поблагодарили (всего 5):
Akiko, Syaochka aka JuliaKu, Brow, FourChickens, lomonna
Аватара пользователя
Белая Мишка
Сообщения: 1804
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 22:26
Благодарил (а): 1434 раза
Поблагодарили: 841 раз


Сообщение Белая Мишка »

My first job was many years ago) After graduating from musical college I started to work at musical school as a teacher. I taught small children to music theory and solfeggio. Our school called Art school that is why among my pupils was a certain amount of tiny ballet dancers. One of the strongest impressions in my life was the view of the little ballerinas who were doing the sight splits and crying at the same time)
I felt like an adult although I was only nineteen when I began working. I loved teaching because I managed to get across my ideas to children.
За это сообщение автора Белая Мишка поблагодарили (всего 2):
Primula, Brow
Сообщения: 258
Зарегистрирован: 09 мар 2018, 11:14
Благодарил (а): 179 раз
Поблагодарили: 84 раза


Сообщение Primula »

My first job was in the Botanical Garden when I studied at University. I was amazed by different kind of plants from all parts of the world. I worked in the department of rare and medicinal species. It was very interesting to cultivate exotic plants in warm season and exchange parcels with seeds with other Botanical Gardens in the winter time. This job has many advantages especially if you are really interested in botanic. I have fond memories of that time.
За это сообщение автора Primula поблагодарил:
Сообщения: 374
Зарегистрирован: 01 мар 2018, 12:27
Благодарил (а): 59 раз
Поблагодарили: 280 раз


Сообщение Brow »

Okay, let’s write a couple of words on #11 "Какой была ваша первая работа"
Feel free to correct my mistakes and Runglish)
I remember my first job very well. I just finished school & tried to enter the Linguistic University in Nizhny Novgorod ( or Gorky ). Yep, I failed . Students had to get 20 points to enter it , but I got 19 ( got “4” in Literature). The competition was pretty tough (about 15 people per place), so you had to get “ fives” in all subjects.
I was a bit dissapointed, but not really depressed . I thought I could give it a try next year. Besides, I didn’t have to go to the Army- was too young . And it was summer ‘91 , I was 16, had lots of friends, everybody had fun & life was easy.
But then autumn came & my mum told me that I had to get a job. I was reluctant , but ...
She had a friend, who worked at our central post-office, & it turned out they had a vacancy there, so I was left with no choice, but to become a postman :).
Those where the times when there were no computers, no Internet, but there were lots of telegrams –hundreds. And I had to deliver them . Well , I wasn’t the only person who worked there- there were 5 or 6 of us ( a couple of girls just above my age & a couple of babushkis).
It seemed to be an easy job, but it wasn’t. And I’m not talking about walking long distances – that was not a big problem at all .
The problem ( at least at first) was to sort out the telegrams and make a rational route . You were given 10-15 telegrams and had to calculate which address you go first, which second, etc.
It was a baffling task at first, something like assembling a jigsaw puzzle ).
Then you’d go delivering them , come back to the office, sit there for a couple of hours , drink a cuppa tea, get another bunch of telegrams , calculate the route and ... at 4 you’re free.
Beer with friends , sex with girls / Just kidding – There was no beer & no girls. I was only 16 –football, hockey, hanging out with friends & visiting videosalons.
The only thing I hated was delivering telegrams that somebody had died.
Dogs was another problem ( a minor one, but still) , had to run away from them several times and was bitten twice).
I won’t lie about my salary(just don't remember how much I was paid) , but it was quite enough for me at that time.
On the whole I would say that being a postman was quite an experience. Mostly positive memories.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 362
Зарегистрирован: 01 мар 2018, 18:32
Благодарил (а): 291 раз
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Сообщение Akiko »

# испанский
¿Cuál es mi primer trabajo? Y déjame preguntarte: ¿alguien recuerda qué es el télex? Pero comencé con él. Envié y recibí la correspondencia.
Me trajeron el texto escrito a máquina y tuve que lo escribe en el télex teclado.
Luego escribe la dirección en el teclado y se la envía al destinatario.
Сообщения: 183
Зарегистрирован: 10 мар 2018, 15:51
Благодарил (а): 56 раз
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Сообщение iskra »

My first job was many years ago. I was a trainer. This job was very interesting but took much time. Our team was often on competitions. I wasn’t home and my family asked me to change my job.
Теплый Носок
Сообщения: 39
Зарегистрирован: 01 мар 2018, 20:11
Благодарил (а): 13 раз
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Сообщение Теплый Носок »

My first work experience

My first job was a farmer worker. All students in my school had to work on a collective farm called 'kolkhoz' during the summer holidays.
My task was to remove weeds and raise potatoes beds. It wasn't very difficult, but it was extremely boring. We worked only 10 days for 6 hours a day. I earned 6 rubles. I was quite happy to get my first earning. I was getting an independent adult! I presented my grandmother 3 rubles because I loved her and she always was kind to me. Other 3 rubles were spent on vodka, restaurants and women. It's a joke, I bought sweets of course.
За это сообщение автора Теплый Носок поблагодарил:
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 5
Зарегистрирован: 17 мар 2018, 21:03
Благодарил (а): 10 раз
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Сообщение lira_vetra »

My first job… Err. Don’t want to tell anything about job at all. May be because I’m too tired. No. even exhausted… but I ‘d like to drop a line in order not to miss the task. No particulars today. Sooorry.
Good night everyone
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 34
Зарегистрирован: 11 мар 2018, 13:30
Благодарил (а): 19 раз
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Сообщение FourChickens »

My only job was started before graduating from university. I needed a place for practice before diploma. I found a vacancy in IT company on my own and I was proud of it.
Сообщения: 238
Зарегистрирован: 12 мар 2018, 13:03
Благодарил (а): 91 раз
Поблагодарили: 34 раза


Сообщение nbulba »

What was your first job like?

It was so long time ago... I'd got my first job when I was studying in the university. The position was called something like junior programmer. One of the university departments at the time was developing a system to convert scanned images into text documents. I can't remeber how I managed to got it and it makes me feel funny, why can't I remember? Back then I hadn't had any working experience and I think I was lucky to got it. I didn't spend much time in the office as most of programmes I used to develop at home. It was all so new to me, to be paid for what you were doing, to be a part of a team and share common responsibilities. And it was a bit depressing as I had to work while all the rest of my fellows were idling. But the experience seemed to be more important at that time. And I had my own money to spend on something I needed or wanted for a long time. All in all, I'm happy I had it.
Аватара пользователя
Syaochka aka JuliaKu
Сообщения: 162
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:11
Благодарил (а): 105 раз
Поблагодарили: 53 раза


Сообщение Syaochka aka JuliaKu »

I got my first job when I was still studying at school. When I was in the eighth grade, I was learning a computer science in the UPK (the training and workshop complex) once a week. And at the end of the year the director of that UPK offered me a job at travel agency "Sputnik", the biggest travel agency of the former USSR (the USSR still existed at that time). The name of that job was "grouppovod" and that meant something like 'maintainer'. I had to accompany the groups of students. I wasn't a guide tour, so I didn't have to tell them something. Although if they had any questions I always answered them. Sometimes "my children" were older than me, so I got nervous. But everything was OK, as every group had two or three accompanying adults (their teachers or parents) with them, so there were not any problems with discipline. So I liked that job very much, I spent all the summer doing it, and the following two summers too. I made many friends on that job and I also met my first love...
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 362
Зарегистрирован: 01 мар 2018, 18:32
Благодарил (а): 291 раз
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Сообщение Akiko »

# французский
Mon premier emploi n'était pas loin de l'institut, où je suis allé. Dans l'après-midi j'ai travaillé, le soir je suis allé aux cours préparatoires.
Un an plus tard, je suis entré dans l'institut, mais j'ai changé le travail. J'ai commencé à travailler dans la future spécialité.
Аватара пользователя
Белая Мишка
Сообщения: 1804
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 22:26
Благодарил (а): 1434 раза
Поблагодарили: 841 раз


Сообщение Белая Мишка »

Собственные ошибки исправлять дозволительно?)
Белая Мишка пишет: 20 мар 2018, 16:41 I taught small children to music theory and solfeggio.
I taught music theory and solfeggio to small children.
Белая Мишка пишет: 20 мар 2018, 16:41 Our school called Art school
Our school was called...
Белая Мишка пишет: 20 мар 2018, 16:41 among my pupils was a certain amount of tiny ballet dancers
... a certain number of
Белая Мишка пишет: 20 мар 2018, 16:41 the sight splits

the side splits))
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 3107
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:19
Благодарил (а): 3869 раз
Поблагодарили: 1481 раз


Сообщение Belka_Teacher »

It's not clear for me if I should write about my first full-time job or part-job, so I decided to write about the latter. When I was a sophomore, my friend told me about the opening of a part-time enterpreter at one dating event. Of course, I leaped at the opportunity to earn some extra money and applied for the job. As my speaking skills were quite advanced at that moment, I passed the interview. My first working day lasted for 10 hours and I felt absolutely exhausted when it ended. I felt terrible the next day and had to take a sick leave until the end of the event. It was only after several months that I had a chance to work for that organization again. However, the money I earned during my first working day was enough to pay for an unforgettable vacation in the mountains with my friends from university. It was during that trip that I took up skiing, which is still my hobby. If not for that job, I wouldn't have been able to pay for that holiday.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 3107
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:19
Благодарил (а): 3869 раз
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Сообщение Belka_Teacher »

Syaochka aka JuliaKu,

I got my first job when I was still studying at school. When I was in the eighth grade, I was learning a computer science in the UPK (the training and workshop complex) once a week. And at the end of the year the director of that UPK offered me a job at Sputnik travel agency "Sputnik", the biggest travel agency of the former USSR (the USSR still existed at that time). The name of that job was "grouppovod" and that meant something like a 'maintainer'. I had to accompany the groups of students. I wasn't a tour guide tour, so I didn't have to tell them something. Although However, if they had any questions I always answered them. Sometimes "my children" were older than me, so I got nervous. But everything was OK, as every group had two or three accompanying adults (their teachers or parents) with them, so there were not any problems with discipline. So I liked that job very much,; I spent all the summer doing it, and the following two summers too. I made many friends on that job and I also met my first love...
За это сообщение автора Belka_Teacher поблагодарил:
Syaochka aka JuliaKu
Сообщения: 238
Зарегистрирован: 12 мар 2018, 13:03
Благодарил (а): 91 раз
Поблагодарили: 34 раза


Сообщение nbulba »


¿Cómo fue su primer trabajo?

Fue hace tanto tiempo... Tuve mi primer trabajo mientras estudiaba en la universidad. La posición se llamó algo como un programador junior. Uno de los departamentos universitarios en la época estaba desarrollando un sistema para convertir los documentos escaneados a los textos. No me acuerdo como logré el trabajo y por eso me siento estraño. Por qué no puedo acordarme? En aquella época no tenía ninguna experiencia prefesional y creo que fui afortunado a conseguir ese trabajo. Pasaba poco timepo en la oficina como desarrollaba todo en casa. Todo era nuevo para mi, quiero decir ganar dinero a lo que estaba haciendo, estar una parte del equipo y compartir las responsibilidades. También me desalentaba un poco como tenía que trabajar mientras todos mis amigos llevaban haciendo nada. Pero la experiencia me perecía lo más importante en aquella época. Además tenía mi propio dinero para gastarlo en algo necesitaba o quería hace mucho tiempo. Después de todo, estoy contento que tenía ese trabajo.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 355
Зарегистрирован: 01 мар 2018, 11:01
Благодарил (а): 84 раза
Поблагодарили: 153 раза


Сообщение Serebrushka »

I got my first job when I was a student. My Dad offered me to work at his office as a secretary and I happily accepted. I really liked working there for I have two passions - languages and ecology and that company was ecological. No wonder I was very excited when the Director offered me to return after graduation. Though my job wasn't related to English, I don't regret the choice I've made. Of course, it would have been better if I'd found a job that combined both English and ecology, maybe at some international ecological company. Anyway, now I'm trying to bring the two fields together and to find time for my main job and for my hobby.
Сообщения: 41
Зарегистрирован: 14 мар 2018, 13:50
Благодарил (а): 22 раза
Поблагодарили: 7 раз


Сообщение ldk »

What was your first job like?

When I was at college, I used to work on summer holidays. My mother had an acquaintance who worked for mineral exploitation plant. This plant was located near the Volga river. I don't know if it exists now. There are were lots of mashinery there like conveyors and excavators. My job was to shovel clean sand extracted from the river into enormous sacks. These sacks then were being sent to Moscow by trains. It's said that sand was being used for purifuing water.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 214
Зарегистрирован: 02 мар 2018, 17:05
Благодарил (а): 124 раза
Поблагодарили: 47 раз


Сообщение maximus »

What was your first job

I was a worker at an automobile plant. I was 18 years old and I have my first summer vacation at a University. My friends and I had known about summer vacancy for workers on Gorky Automobile Plant and we decided to apply. It was hard work on night shifts. That time I had been sleeping on my foot with open eyes in a bus during a morning commute. But I earned money and got work experience. It is no matter the experience was unuseful in my further life. I not feel sorry for it. I was young and had fun with my co-workers.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 135
Зарегистрирован: 01 мар 2018, 13:02
Благодарил (а): 46 раз
Поблагодарили: 197 раз


Сообщение esperanza »

When I was in my third year at university, I, much to the dismay of my family and friends, decided to change the direction of my studies, and, since dropping out of university meant I wouldn't be getting my scholarship anymore, I needed to find a job fast. That was how I found a job as a helper/cleaner in a kindergarten. I only worked there for a monce, since the job proved to be rather hard physically. If anything, it taught me I had been right to chose not to work with children - I do like them, but I get tired of working among them very fast.
Mary May
Сообщения: 2285
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
Благодарил (а): 2001 раз
Поблагодарили: 1438 раз


Сообщение Mary May »

opening of a part-time enterpreter - opening FOR a part-time Interpreter
За это сообщение автора Mary May поблагодарил:
Mary May
Сообщения: 2285
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
Благодарил (а): 2001 раз
Поблагодарили: 1438 раз


Сообщение Mary May »

Brow пишет: 20 мар 2018, 18:28
... but there were lots of telegrams – hundreds - but there were lots of telegrams – hundreds a day (if I got it right)
...to sort out the telegrams and make a rational route - maybe to sort out the telegrams and lay out your route
...had to calculate which address you go first, which second, etc. - maybe had to decide where to go first, where next and so on
Dogs was another problem - Dogs were another problem.
Typo: were the times...
On the whole I would say that - comma after "whole" (?)
Сообщения: 2552
Зарегистрирован: 02 мар 2018, 16:21
Благодарил (а): 195 раз
Поблагодарили: 409 раз


Сообщение zymbronia »

What was your first job?

After 8 years of my village school I started to study in a technical school, and upon serving in military forces I entered a part time university. I studied electronic calculation machines. While studying at the technical school, we had practice at different enterprises and after graduation from the technical school I was sent to work to the same enterprise where I had practised. It was a scientific and research institute at a big plant manufacturing electronic calculation machines. It was as easy as that. Before I didn’t work anywhere but just studied.

When I finished my military service I returned to the same enterprise and actually worked there in different departments of the organisation until the collapse of the USSR altogether for about 11 years excluding military service. I like working as a maintenance engineer more than doing researches as what we made up as new machinery was rarely introduced into production and as it turned out we just consumed funds and introduced few devices which were really manufactured. It was easier to manufacture those devices which were on conveyer than organise production of something new.
Mary May
Сообщения: 2285
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
Благодарил (а): 2001 раз
Поблагодарили: 1438 раз


Сообщение Mary May »

Primula пишет: 20 мар 2018, 17:10
My first job was in the Botanical Garden when I studied at University. I was amazed by different kind of plants from all parts of the world. I worked in the department of rare and medicinal species. It was very interesting to cultivate exotic plants in warm season and exchange parcels with seeds with other Botanical Gardens in the winter time. This job has many advantages especially if you are really interested in botanic. I have fond memories of that time.
amazed by - amazed AT different kindS...
from all parts of the world - nothing wrong, actually, but from all over the world is a litlle better
to cultivate exotic plants - to grow and care for exotic plants (it is an example of so called "binomials" - two-part phrases with parts usually connected with AND/OR and strict order of the parts, e.g. family and friends, not friends and family, up and down, nearest and dearest... I didn't know this one - grow and care (for) - so, THANK YOU Primula!
botanic - botany
other Botanical Gardens - other botanic gardens
fond memories of that time - the best memories of that time.
За это сообщение автора Mary May поблагодарили (всего 2):
Belka_Teacher, Primula
Mary May
Сообщения: 2285
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
Благодарил (а): 2001 раз
Поблагодарили: 1438 раз


Сообщение Mary May »

Теплый Носок пишет: 20 мар 2018, 19:47 My first work experience
My first job was a farmer worker. All students in my school had to work on a collective farm called 'kolkhoz' during the summer holidays.
My task was to remove weeds and raise potatoes beds. It wasn't very difficult, but it was extremely boring. We worked only 10 days for 6 hours a day. I earned 6 rubles. I was quite happy to get my first earning. I was getting an independent adult! I presented my grandmother 3 rubles because I loved her and she always was kind to me. Other 3 rubles were spent on vodka, restaurants and women. It's a joke, I bought sweets of course.
My first WORKING experience
My first job was a farmer worker - My first job was AS a farmer (? not sure we can say this about 10-day experience)/My first job was IN agriculture (think it's better but not sure)
during the summer holidays - better "during their/our summer holidays
Вы хотели сказать "окучивать", наверное? Я посмотрела картинки на "raise beds", что-то непохоже
no comma before BUT
I was quite happy - весьма-весьма умеренная степень довольства; судя по восклицательному знаку в следующеи предложении, скорее, you were very happy
to get my first earning - to earn my first money/to get my first wages
I presented my grandmother 3 rubles - I gave 3 rubles to my grandmother
Перенесено из форума Practise Your English в форум Основной форум об изучении английского языка 23 мар 2018, 15:20 модератором Delly

Перенесено из форума Основной форум о языковых челенджах, марафонах и викторинах в форум 100 дней языка 16 апр 2018, 19:33 модератором Delly

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