100 дней языка: день 7

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Модераторы: Chinara, Delly

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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 22:46
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Сообщение Chinara »

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Зарегистрирован: 09 мар 2018, 11:14
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Сообщение Primula »

Unfortunately, I’ve broken my favorite china cup recently. Now I use another one but I don’t love it as much as that cup. In my imagination, the ideal teacup looks like a cup made of porcelain and has a classical size and convenient handle. I prefer cups which top is wider than bottom. Although, the first ever made on the potter’s wheel cups didn’t have any handles and I like this type of cups too. I have one bad habit. I wind tea bag tread around the handle of the cup so the cup without a handle at all would be a good choice.
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Сообщения: 574
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:10
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Сообщение Заур »

Do I have a favorite mug or a cup? No, I don't have one and I've never had. From my perspective a mug is too unimportant to be something special. It's also true for dishes, spoons, forks, pens... Although I gotta admit not all mugs are convenient to drink from. To be more specific, some handles are designed poorly, so that the mug is slipping and some of your fingers touch the mug and it's not very pleasant if there is something hot in it. So, if you have to choose a mug - choose a handle. Fill a mug with any liquid and try to hold it by its handle. If it feels comfortable - Bob's your uncle.
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Сообщения: 68
Зарегистрирован: 01 мар 2018, 17:24
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Сообщение umka »

Do you have a favourite cup? What is it looks like?
I can’t say I have a favourite cup, but I always use the particular one. It’s a souvenire cup from the Olympic games in Sochy, and it’s rather a mug than a cup. So, I use this one because of its size.
Сообщения: 183
Зарегистрирован: 10 мар 2018, 15:51
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Сообщение iskra »

I often break cups and plates. That is why I don’t have a favourite cup. All cups I have at home are presents. Now I drink tea from the white cup with red design.
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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:10
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Сообщение Заур »

iskra пишет: 16 мар 2018, 16:06red design
I'm afraid to ask - what is "red design"? Are commies involved? :)
I think you should consider using metal mugs.
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Белая Мишка
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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 22:26
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Сообщение Белая Мишка »

Many years ago my Mum went to Czechia and brought me back a few souvenirs including a nice cup. The cup had a round shape and was decorated with blue flowers (I thought it was forget-me-nots). So it has been about fifteen years since I used this thing! I am used to it and I take great pleasure in spending my morning drinking tea or coffee.
If my favourite cup breaks, I’ll be very sad. I wish I could have a spare one. Perhaps I’ll be able to find another lovely cup.
Сообщения: 183
Зарегистрирован: 10 мар 2018, 15:51
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Сообщение iskra »

Заур, ну нет(если я правильно перевела), всего лишь розочки и завитушки. red design - это у меня орнамент.
Сообщения: 72
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 22:41
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Сообщение tkravche1 »

Ich habe keine Lieblingstasse. Aber da mein Ehemann sehr ekel ist, hat jeder Mitglied unserer Familie seine eigene Tasse. Wir sind so daran gewöhnt, dass wir meistens nur aus diesen Tassen trinken. Wir haben auch eine Tradition die “Zwillingstassen” zu kaufen. Das heisst, dass wir zwei Tassen mit ähnlichen Design aber in verschiedenen Farben oder mit anderen kleinen Unterschieden kaufen. Zum Beispiel, eine Tasse mit Löwen für meinen Mann und eine Tasse mit Tigern für mich.
Последний раз редактировалось tkravche1 16 мар 2018, 17:27, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:10
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Сообщение Заур »

iskra пишет: 16 мар 2018, 16:57 red design - это у меня орнамент
не могу найти такой вариант перевода
Теплый Носок
Сообщения: 39
Зарегистрирован: 01 мар 2018, 20:11
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Сообщение Теплый Носок »

My favourite cup is a small Chinese porcelain cup. It's hand decorated with images of a rooster and a hen and has form of a bowl. I like true Chinese black tea and drink it a lot for many years. The cup is quite different from traditional Russian or European cups. At first, it's a really small one - its capacity is only 100 ml. Chinese usually drink tea using bowls of 50 ml or even 40 ml! Secondly, it has no any handles. Do you know why Chinese people use small bowl without handles to drink tea? Tea In small cups aren't getting cold while you drink it. If the bowl hasn't a handle, you hold it carefully with your hand, so you have to concentrate on tea, not on talking or anything else.

My cup is just an imitation of the famous ancient tea cup Ming Dynasty. The original was sold at auction for $36 million, but my one costs a little less.

To drink water or juice I usually use mugs. Sometimes I like to drink from a glass mug called 'granenii stakan'. I stole it in a train many years ago. When I hold it, I remember my youth.
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Syaochka aka JuliaKu
Сообщения: 162
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:11
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Сообщение Syaochka aka JuliaKu »

I love all my mugs and cups. I love the bigger ones for their size and bright colours. Then I have one cup with a coffee print on it, and I like this print and the colour of this cup. It's light brown and it reminds me coffee with milk. And another cup has a print of little cute elephants on it. This cup is a present from my dear friend, and I always think about my friend when I take this cup. It makes me a little happier.
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Зарегистрирован: 11 мар 2018, 13:30
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Сообщение FourChickens »

Unfortunately, my cups don't live long time. They are usually crashed. At present, my favorite cup is one that was presented to me by my mother-in-law for Christmas. The cup is white with Starbucks' logo in front. I especially like when my husband brings me cocoa in this cup.
Сообщения: 238
Зарегистрирован: 12 мар 2018, 13:03
Благодарил (а): 91 раз
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Сообщение nbulba »

Do you have a favourite cup? How does it look like?

I'd like to say that I do have a favourite cup. Well, sort off. It's a mug, but technically a mug is still a cup, right? So, my favourite mug is a bit larger than a normal mug, that's one of the reasons why I like it so much. It doesn't have too thin or too thick walls. They are a bit convex, I like such a shape. The mug has a great handle, exactly as I prefer it to be. Not the one which is so small that you can handle it only with your thumb and index fingers. It gives a good grip and I'm not afraid of spilling anything on the floor when I go with it from the kitchen to my desk. The inside of it is plain white and the outside is lime green. Both colours are just solid without any extra ornaments, so good in their simplicity. I like how this two colours go together. Such a light and lively combination makes my day every time I have a look at my mug and sets me to be rather positive. Also I'd like to add that it's so comforting and calming to hold it in my hands with a hot tea on a cold day observing how steam rising from it and disappears in the air.
Сообщения: 238
Зарегистрирован: 12 мар 2018, 13:03
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Сообщение nbulba »


¿Tiene usted una taza preferida? ¿Como es?

Pues si, tengo. Me encanta mi taza favorita. Es un poco mas grande que una taza normal. El interior de la taza es blanco y el exterior es verde lima. Me gusta mucho como los dos colores van bien juntos. La combinación de los colores me hace sentir bien. También la tiene tiene una asa muy útil, con un buen agarre.
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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 22:46
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Сообщение Chinara »

Do you have a favorite cup? How does it look like?

Yes, I have one. It is a very big cup about half a liter 😊 because I drink a lot of tea and water during a day. Usually I have about 3-4 liter of water or tea per day.

My cup is not something extraordinary or piece of art. It’s just huge. The color is white.
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Зарегистрирован: 01 мар 2018, 18:32
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Сообщение Akiko »

# испанский
Mi taza favorita es una taza y platillo de porcelana, color azul oscuro con un borde dorado.
Este juego de té Fábrica de Porcelana de Leningrado ha estado en nuestra familia durante muchos años. Bebo té verde o negro de ella y me gusta su superficie brillante y noble azul.
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Зарегистрирован: 01 мар 2018, 18:32
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Сообщение Akiko »

# французский
Ma tasse préférée - une tasse porcelaine «pour le chocolat chaud» — donc ça s'appelait dans un boutique de souvenirs en Prague. Je l'ai acheté sans hésitation parce qu'elle était décorée d'un médaillon avec la peinture de Fragonard "Sur la balançoire". Imagine! Je l'ai déjà depuis plus de 10 ans.
Le dimanche matin, je bois du cacao uniquement à partir de cette tasse.
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Зарегистрирован: 02 мар 2018, 21:59
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Сообщение Eau »

I don't have a favourite cup. For me, it means using the same cup till it breaks and I like changing it from time to time. As for a pattern I prefer cups with funny cats or flowers.
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Зарегистрирован: 02 мар 2018, 17:05
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Сообщение maximus »

Have you got a favourite cup?

Yes, I have some favourites cups. There are different cups which remind me of some events of my life. These are ordinary cups but I have some memories of my past and people I met. I am a bit sentimental about some things of my daily life.
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Сообщения: 135
Зарегистрирован: 01 мар 2018, 13:02
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Сообщение esperanza »

My favourite cup has the Welsh dragon on it and since it is so beautiful I normally just admire it from afar and don't use it for drinking. I didn't even take it with me when I went to Greece, because I was afraid of damaging it, so now I'm using my aunt's little coffee cups. They are of a particularly beautiful shade of turqoise - as deep as the colour of the sea in the evenings, which suits the scenery perfectly and gives one more aesthetic dimension to the act of drinking coffee.
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Зарегистрирован: 04 мар 2018, 10:55
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Сообщение elena-vika »

This is very difficult task for my-to describe the favorite cap. I haven't got my personal cap.All caps are common in my family. The caps are ussually presented on New-Year's Day or on 8th of March. They show the symbols of the holiday. All members of my family use them.
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Зарегистрирован: 04 мар 2018, 15:10
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Сообщение Johnwesleyhardin »

Do I have a favourite cup or mug? What does it look like? Yes, I have. It has a blue colour and the fish is pictured on it. I've been drinking from it for more than 10 years. My uncle gave it to me on my birthday. First I was disappointed when I realized he hadn't bought a toy, but now I am very happy to have a thing like that. I hope it will never be broken because it seems I will cry too much time if it happens
Сообщения: 12
Зарегистрирован: 12 мар 2018, 13:51
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Сообщение lomonna »

Do I have a favorite cup? What is it?

A thing can be a little bit favorite or it can be very loved, the most favorite you could imagine. So I have rather the first variant. We have about 15 cups at our household but I can’t even say that I have mine not saying about favorite. However I have some priority cups from all of them. Usually I choose one of my priority cups depending on purpose. For instance a big or a small, a tall or a short cup I need. In addition I usually choose glassy cup.

Moreover I don’t like heavy cups with thick sides such as mostly all of our cups are now. And I furthermore don't like cups that have a form of a cylinder such as mostly all of cups in shops. On top of that I don’t like very big or just plain cup without any decoration except maybe glassy cup.

Early I nevertheless had a favorite cup from my granny’s tableware set. It was made from very thin porcelain and had a classic form with whorls and other refined details. It was decorated with blue flowers and gold. I don’t exactly remember what happened with it. More likely, that it was broken. Although I hope that I maybe just hid it so far that I haven’t seen it for a long time. I would like to have such cup now and drink delicious tea from it.
Перенесено из форума Practise Your English в форум Челенджи, марафоны и викторины на иностранных языках 23 мар 2018, 15:25 модератором Delly

Перенесено из форума Основной форум о языковых челенджах, марафонах и викторинах в форум 100 дней языка 16 апр 2018, 19:34 модератором Delly

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