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100 дней языка: день 2
Практикуйте написание коротких текстов на любом изучаемом языке на заданную тему.
Цель челенджа - привить привычку использовать язык каждый день, перебороть страх. Главное - постоянство!
Суть идеи кратко
100 дней практикуем написание коротенького текста на изучаемом языке на заданную тему
Главное правило - писать на изучаемом языке КАЖДЫЙ ДЕНЬ 100 дней подряд, пусть даже совсем немного.
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ТЕКСТЫ МОГУТ БЫТЬ ДАЖЕ ДЛИНОЙ В 2 ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ, если пока ваш уровень или другие обстоятельства не позволяют писать больше. Если вы можете писать больше - отлично!
Каждое воскресенье в 8:00 МСК в этой ветке форума 100 дней языка (100 дней языка) мной будет вывешиваться список тем на следующую неделю. Список будет содержать темы на всю неделю, каждый пункт списка соответствует одному дню.
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Каждый день в 8:00 МСК будет появляться новая тема в разделе «Practice Your English”, которая будет называться «100 дней языка: день 1» и т.д. для размещения ваших работ.
В каждой ветке дня челенджа темы недели будут для вашего удобства продублированы в первом посте.
Если вы по каким-либо причинам не успели написать заданную тему в срок, у вас будет 3 дня, чтобы наверстать упущенное. На четвёртый день в 8:00 МСК тема будет закрыта и вы не сможете ничего в ней добавить.
Чтобы чьи-то идеи и тексты, которые успели выложить раньше вас в теме, не мешали вам писать, вы можете сделать это где-то в другом месте в электронном виде, а потом просто скопировать их в нужную тему.
По желанию вы можете разместить под спойлер полезную информацию для других: например, список слов и выражений по теме, советы по написанию и т.д. Представляете, если каждый напишет что-то полезное по теме, сколько всего полезного будет доступно для всех! Так мы сможем помогать друг другу!
Поскольку 100 дней это на 2 дня больше 14-ти недель, для порядка эти два дня будут прикреплены к первой неделе. Поэтому начали мы в субботу 10.03.2018 года.
Преподаватели, а также участники форума с хорошими знаниями языка могут комментировать тексты и помогать исправлять ошибки. При этом необходимо использовать цитирование сообщения участника челенджа для удобства. Просьба делать это вежливо, не оскорбляя чувства участника челенджа.
Челендж начался 10.03.2018 года и продлится ровно 100 дней до 17.06.2018 года включительно. Это 14 недель и 2 дня ✊
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Ещё раз напоминаю, что в челендже можно участвовать с любыми языками.
Не забудьте, что тема будет закрыта в среду 14.03.2018 года в 8:00 МСК. Поэтому не затягивайте с выполнением задания. Смысл челенджа как раз в том, чтобы не прокрастинировать и начать делать хотя бы немного!
extraordinary trip.. The most incredible one and unforgettable - three years ago in Kyiv. I have never seen so huge amount of brave and joyful people. Some of their behaviour is still encouraging me when I need to make a difficult decision. And singing the anthem of your country with almost million of others - the best choir ever. But I hardly can say that I'd like to repeat it) Memories is quite enough)
My most extraordinary trip was 5 years ago when I was a student. It was fishing. It was a windy day, because of which I had some difficulty in breathing. My friend and I bought 2 fishing tackles and one net for fishing. We were there for 3 hours and caught only one fish. Almost all of the fishes, I couldn't understand how they guessed it, leapt over the neat. As I've already said above, because of the wind there was no point in using fishing tackle. Next day I had a bloody flux and felt as though I had been damaged by freezing. I laid on my bed for three days watching TV, especially football matches. Despite all the difficulties and consequences that had happened afterwards, I don't regred that time. If everything had been all right then, I would perhaps remember nothing right now.
One summer evening, when I was at school, my friend and I decided to stroll in the country. The weather was lovely and we, talking and laughing, walk and walk on. Suddenly, we noticed a wire fence - it was a fruit nursery. We thought we could pass it around. However, the fence wasn't ending and the sun was setting. We were lost. The darker it was, the more scared we were. Eventually, the nursery ended. Then we saw a road and we cheered up. Having picked thistles to defend ourselves just in case, we ran fast along the road as we could. We met some rare cars and the drivers were really amazed. Luckily, we got home safe and sound. Surely, we felt relieved because it was completely dark and our parents were worried sick.
I’d like to tell you about one of my most exciting walks. That wasn’t actually a walk, but a kind of a short hike with my classmates.
When I was a primary pupil, other classes used to go camping with their teachers at the end of a school year. But we didn’t. Our teacher was an old-aged woman in poor health, so we didn’t have a chance to go on a hike with her. Because of that, we decided to take matters into our own hands.
One spring morning I and two friends of mine took some food from home (the most important element of any hike) and set out on our trip. By the way, it was mid-March (we couldn’t wait any longer as the desire of traveling was overwhelming). There was snow everywhere. But that wasn’t an obstacle for us.
We went to the woods not far from my house. We walked slowly in the deep snow. 300 or 400 meters away from the point of departure we came across a big stump and decided that it would be a perfect table. After a quick snack, we continued our hike.
Suddenly, we heard a loud bark and saw a dog galloping towards us. We scattered. One of the girl’s boots stuck in the snow, and she continued to run in socks. Soon the dog’s owner appeared. We were rescued.
Afterward, we had a number of other mini-hikes, but the one described was the most memorable.
My interesting walk.
Maybe I’m not romantic, maybe the first work day after long holidays was so hard, but I don’t remember any interesting walk. But I remember one excursion in Arab Emirates. That excursion was so exiting not only because of wonderful buildings, lands and channels, this trip lasted from early morning till late evening. In spite of fierce heat we weren’t tired. Our fine guide knew and loved his subject so much that we got his feeling. He told us the Emirates history, we learned the way of life of citizens and watched how much the level of their live had changed. Of course we visited the most popular places in UAE, and eventually our day ended with a dinner on a small ship.
esperanza пишет: ↑11 мар 2018, 16:01
I have a memory of one magical night in my childhood - a true one, though it has since acquired that dreamlike feel our very old memories sometimes have. The details have faded and it would be hard for me to tell with certainty whether it really happened or maybe I dreamed of it, had my memories not been confirmed by my grandmother, who was with me then. It was quite late in the evening, I was walking with my grandparents, half-listening to them, half-lost in my thoughts, when suddenly I froze, unable to take a step. A thick wave was quickly flooding the street - a wave consisting of hundreds, thousands tiny frogs jumping past us. They seemed to be coming out of nowhere, and to this day I don't know where they were going or what the reason for that unexpected migratory wave was. All I can remember is that I was so overjoyed and echanted I could hardly breathe - I have always had a weakness for amphibians. I have never seen anything similar since then.
Something similar happended to me many years ago. That was after a warm rain. Hundreds of tiny frogs were jumping towards us while we were walking along the road. That continued for rather a long time, and some frogs were squashed by my careless friends. Poor little things:(
I don't think that I've had an extraordinary walk. Actually, I'm glad that I haven't, because I prefer usual relaxing walks. For example, when my daughter was younger, we walked in the evenings and played a little game with words. It's like a game with names of the cities, when you name one city and your opponent should name another one which should begins whith the last letter of the city you named. It's not that easy as you can think. After a while you realise that you can't recall any other words which begins with "e" or "a". So funny!
Well, I wouldn't call it my most unusual walk, but I'm on my last legs tonight, and that's the first thing that sprang to my mind.
Last summer we went on a 7-day trip to Greece. When we got fed up with lying on the beach, we decided to follow our receptionist's advice, rent a car and drive to a nearby town to stretch our legs.
The town turned out to be quite a touristy place in comparison with ours. The streets were buzzing with a holiday vibe: they were crowded, thronged even. And yet, there was no rush; we felt strangely chilled out.
What struck me most about this seaside town was a stunning combination of contrasts. You take one step, and you're in the middle of a bustling main street, full of souvenir shops. You turn right, and all of a sudden, you find yourself standing in front of an archeological site 3000 B.C. surrounded by a couple of high-rise buildings and a car park.
Such days out really help you switch off from work and make the most of your holiday.
P.S. Not to mention that a small pavement cafe overlooking the lake served us with the best mouth-watering gilt-head brim I've ever tried :)
За это сообщение автора Juliemiracle поблагодарил:
I wouldn't say that I've ever had an extraordinary walk. But I want to tell about one memorable walk for me. It was almost two years ago. It was the first walk with my newborn son. My son asleep at once when my husband and I put him in the pram. Our baby slept so tight that we sometimes thought that he wasn't breathing. Just in case, we checked him all the time, touching his sweet little cheeks)
helsm пишет: ↑12 мар 2018, 23:39
What do you mean by "brim"?
Наверное, она имела ввиду "bream", просто, вышла опечатка
А так думаю, подобные слова стоит рассматривать целиком, вместе, а не по отдельности (по кусочкам)
Johnwesleyhardin, спасибо:) Все встало на свои места. Действительно очень хотелось узнать, что же было такое там было mouth-watering:) Я честно попыталась найти другие варианты спелинга , но что-то не получилось. Видимо, плохо искала.
Well, it seems to me that the most unusual walk I had during a connection between two flights. It was in China back in 2013. The layover was like 4 or 5 hours long, so I had enough time to pay a visit to the city. After getting through all the formalities at the border I found myself inside the airport building which had many levels and it was really hard to figure out my way out of it. Many signs were in chinese which didn't help at all as it was all greek to me. Hopefully I managed to get to the bus station. It was outside the building and once I went past one of the exits a wave of heat and humidity hit me. It was unexpected as I hadn't thought of it before. Surely, I started sweating straight away. And to top it all the air felt sick and it was challanging to just breathe. One way or another I caught a bus to the downtown. As it was my first time in Asia, everything was unusual to me. The road from the airport to the city was running through the fields alternating with residential areas. The landscape, the buildings and the people, all of it was different from what I was used to. I mean in a good way. So next 2-3 hours I spent walking around the city centre wandering at everything came into my way. On my way back I rode an overcrowded subway train. It was such an experience! Finally, I got to the airport on time and carried on my trip on an airplane.
La verdad es que no hay algun paseo que puedo llamar muy fuera de lo corriente. Pero creo que es bastante contar de un que tuve en Roma, Italia. Estuvo en Roma sólo un dia en 2010. Entonces quise ver tanto como posible. Llegé allí temprano por la mañana a una estación de trenes y pasé todo el día caminando por las calles de la cuidad mirando todo lo que estuvo alrededor de mi. No me acuerdo correcto, pero creo que llegé sobre los 6 y me fui sobre las 22. Así que el paseo llevó 16 horas. Tuve pocos descansos durante el día y al final del lo que se dice no pude levantar la cabeza. Estuve cansado muchísimo. Volví a la estación por la noche paseando por las calles oscuras y vacías.
My special walk
My most special walks took place during a trip to Japan. My husband and I spend a fortnight there, and every day-long walk was unforgettable.
I’m a real fan of walking. I walk almost every day and feel extremely wretched if I miss a round.
Usually we stroll with my husband around our neighborhood in the evenings, but on weekend afternoons we sometimes go to the city park or just to the downtown area.
One of these promenades hardly could be called something out of the ordinary so we usually have high expectations from our vacation sallies: riding on horses, donkey and elephants across jungles, wandering in countryside and mounting areas, along rivers, springs, lakes and seashores.
For me the most impressive was rafting along the Kwai river. Not sure if rafting is the best word for that activity as participators actually had no raft. There were safety jackets on us and we were just in the water.
The river flows in a crevice between two high cliffs and when I looked up to the jungles on the top of the cliffs I got a feeling that I was a bird soaring high but the whole picture around was like upside down. It was breathtaking. The only thing I regret is that my husband cannot swim so he refrained from the bathing.
This is a true story that happened to my friend Max, not to me, but still. Max is in his 50s, an energetic early retired army officer with hobbies such as mountain climbing and skiing. After many years in one place, he got itchy feet and started travelling a lot. Perhaps not surprisingly, he realised soon enough that he desperately needed to learn English and that’s when the story began.
Max starts taking long walks with his MP3 player to listen to English lessons. Once, he is going through the deep forest late in the evening. There is nobody around and Max gets completely carried away. He listens intently trying to make out every word in the MP3 player and repeats the phrases out loud several times to memorise them better: “I’ve got a lot of money”, “I’ve got a lot of money”, “I’ve got…”. All of a sudden, he feels a tap on his shoulder and turns around. A tall, bulky, grim-faced man with something black and heavy in his hand stands in front of him. “Good for you... Aren’t you afraid of walking late in the forest?” the man says…
Max told me that he did not quite remember how he had jumped back and found himself standing like a boxer and ready to fight. Fortunately, the man just burst out laughing. Max felt relieved and laughed back.
За это сообщение автора Dmitry74 поблагодарили (всего 2):
I like walking very much. I like doing it alone or with my friends. I like walking in silent or talking about everything. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to do what I like the most. So I walk not very often. That's why I value my every walk.
Most of all I like walking in unknown places. When I go to the city for doing some things, I don't go by bus, I try to walk. This gives me the opportunity to study new places, new ways, new shops, etc. I don't know which walk was the most unusual for me, but every of them gives me a lot of pleasure.
One morning, just a few days before the New Year, I happened to somehow get lost in the very center of my city. It was still dark and I couldn’t use my phone to find the right direction. At first I felt really worried as I was about to be late for my Physics lecture. But when I realized there was no way I could come on time, I just looked around and was suddenly fascinated by the incredible beauty I didn’t notice all those days. The streets were full of Christmas trees, decorations, lights creating different patterns. In shops, all sorts of colorful toys, dresses and candies were on display. Every little detail was just like a touch of a good old fairy-tale, and I found myself wandering around the center and gazing at lanterns and large gift boxes and people in cafes and all that holiday spirit, deep in my thoughts and dreams. At dawn, the lights turned off and the miraculous festivity faded away, but I still felt so inspired and light-hearted. This unexpected stroll might have not been really unusual or extraordinary, yet it appeared to be very special for me. Moreover, I finally was in in the festive mood! And yes, of course I managed to find the right way after the sun had risen up. :)