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100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 10 мар 2018, 16:26
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Суть идеи кратко

100 дней практикуем написание коротенького текста на изучаемом языке на заданную тему

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  • Каждый день в 8:00 МСК будет появляться новая тема в разделе «Practice Your English”, которая будет называться «100 дней языка: день 1» и т.д. для размещения ваших работ.
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  • Если вы по каким-либо причинам не успели написать заданную тему в срок, у вас будет 3 дня, чтобы наверстать упущенное. На четвёртый день в 8:00 МСК тема будет закрыта и вы не сможете ничего в ней добавить.
  • Чтобы чьи-то идеи и тексты, которые успели выложить раньше вас в теме, не мешали вам писать, вы можете сделать это где-то в другом месте в электронном виде, а потом просто скопировать их в нужную тему.
  • По желанию вы можете разместить под спойлер полезную информацию для других: например, список слов и выражений по теме, советы по написанию и т.д. Представляете, если каждый напишет что-то полезное по теме, сколько всего полезного будет доступно для всех! Так мы сможем помогать друг другу!
  • Поскольку 100 дней это на 2 дня больше 14-ти недель, для порядка эти два дня будут прикреплены к первой неделе. Поэтому начали мы в субботу 10.03.2018 года.
  • Преподаватели, а также участники форума с хорошими знаниями языка могут комментировать тексты и помогать исправлять ошибки. При этом необходимо использовать цитирование сообщения участника челенджа для удобства. Просьба делать это вежливо, не оскорбляя чувства участника челенджа.
  • Челендж начался 10.03.2018 года и продлится ровно 100 дней до 17.06.2018 года включительно. Это 14 недель и 2 дня ✊

Тема немного не по сезону. Но это ведь ничего? 😉

Напоминаю, тема будет закрыта во вторник 13.03.2018 года в 8:00 МСК. Поэтому не затягивайте с выполнением задания. Смысл челенджа как раз в том, чтобы не прокрастинировать и начать делать хотя бы немного!


100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 11 мар 2018, 03:09
Natt пишет: 11 мар 2018, 01:27 Ух, сто лет ничего не писала)) Начнемс...))

Do you like snow?

I like snow, but only when it's white, not grey. When it's sunny and not too cold and windy, snow looks amazing: so shiny, like millions of diamonds. Unfortunately, my eyes hurt sometimes, when snow sparks especially bright.
However, if I close my eyes and just breathe, I feel that when it snows, air is different: fresher and cleaner. Also I like sound of snow crunching under my feet.
THE air
THE sound

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 11 мар 2018, 05:35
Oh, really? Do I like snow? Gee, no! Let's imagine the tipycal morning I got quite regularly , I'd say , for instance , biweekly. To be honest, firstly you should check whether you put enough of warm clothes on. If not, do it , no kidding! If so, put one more sweater on, I garantee you it would not be insufficient at this time! Then try to find out where is you car might be, just because if I say there is a lot of snow, it means nothing, there is a bloody enough of snow, it is everywhere, under you, in front of you, and even above you, all over you! Come on, don't chill out! Try to dig the car out of snow and it will be an opportunity if that car is yours. If not, try one more time! -22 F outside and the car is frozen? Can't open the door? That's Ok, March has just come! You're lucky to survive for 2 month of winter? Got other one for free! Ice age is coming! Does anyone find anything absolutely spectacular in that? The only person who likes that is Chuck, my airedale.

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 11 мар 2018, 07:13
FCE CAE Student
American, My dear classmate , I'm so glad to see you here :) Just let me some humble thoughts on your work.
American пишет: 11 мар 2018, 05:35 Let's imagine the tipycal morning I got quite regularly , I'd say , for instance , biweekly.
I get... There is no indication of past time.
American пишет: 11 мар 2018, 05:35 I garantee you it would not be insufficient at this time!
- Maybe redundant or unnecceseary could be better words choiches here?
American пишет: 11 мар 2018, 05:35 Try to dig the car out of snow and it will be an opportunity if that car is yours.
Try to to dig the car out of snow and you are lucky if that car is yours.
American пишет: 11 мар 2018, 05:35 Got other one for free!
- Get

Still this time you obviously have overcome me but I don't give up hope to recoup next time :)

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 11 мар 2018, 09:06
Snow in my city is something grey-brown which melts under the feet. I don't like snow here. But I adore snow in the country where it is a real white bright sparkling in the sun snow.

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 11 мар 2018, 10:07
Do I like snow?
Do you like snow as do I? I've been living in Siberia for all my life. Do I like snow? I'm looking through my window and see the fields covered with a glittering and sparkling white blanket shielding plants, trees and numerous living creatures from harsh winter frosts. I remember digging caves in deep drifts of snow at the back of our kitchen-garden, I can also recollect being caught in a blizzard on my way to schools. We always congratulate each other when the first snowflakes start fluttering down. Do I like snow? Of course, I do!!!

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 11 мар 2018, 10:51
American пишет: 11 мар 2018, 05:35 Oh, really? Do I like snow? Gee, no! Let's imagine the tipycal morning I got quite regularly , I'd say , for instance , biweekly. To be honest, firstly you should check whether you put enough of warm clothes on. If not, do it , no kidding! If so, put one more sweater on, I garantee you it would not be insufficient at this time! Then try to find out where is you car might be, just because if I say there is a lot of snow, it means nothing, there is a bloody enough of snow, it is everywhere, under you, in front of you, and even above you, all over you! Come on, don't chill out! Try to dig the car out of snow and it will be an opportunity if that car is yours. If not, try one more time! -22 F outside and the car is frozen? Can't open the door? That's Ok, March has just come! You're lucky to survive for 2 month of winter? Got other one for free! Ice age is coming! Does anyone find anything absolutely spectacular in that? The only person who likes that is Chuck, my airedale.

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 11 мар 2018, 10:53
Do you like snow? This question is difficult to answer in a simple way. On the one hand, I look forward to the first snow when the dullness of late autumn makes me feel depressed. On the other hand, snow can be annoying, especially when it turns into slush while melting.

I don't like the feeling of cold snow in my hands, but I definitely love the way it changes the environment. When standing by the window in my cozy flat, I like watching the snow falling from the sky. I admire a sight of winter trees generously covered with crystals of snow glittering in the sun. All those Christmas cards–like sceneries cheer me up.

So, I can conclude that I like snow in general, except when it causes any discomfort.

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 11 мар 2018, 11:11
Joy81 пишет: 11 мар 2018, 02:02 Not only is water crucial for life on Earth - это не опечатка? какая-то допустимая инверсия???
Например: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/gramma ... y-but-also

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 11 мар 2018, 11:46
helsm пишет: 11 мар 2018, 10:53On the one hand
on one hand
сочетание the one - это "единственный"

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 11 мар 2018, 12:11
Заур, это же идиома, тут нет ошибки. https://forum.wordreference.com/threads ... nd.164439/

helsm, I admire the sight of

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 11 мар 2018, 12:56
esperanza, Sorry, my bad. Оба варианта используются.
Но у меня в голове как-то отложился именно этот вариант

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 11 мар 2018, 13:23
Do you like snow?

I'm not particularly fond of snow or, rather, wintertime. I dislike the cold which I can't get used to, the short, grey daytime that makes me feel exhausted and sleepy, and, above all, the lack of sunshine. The latter literally makes me suffer. However, I can't deny that the first time snow falls seems truly magical and breathtaking every year. When I look out of the window early in the morning to find out everything is covered with the white flawless blanket of snow, I feel like a child. Falling snowflakes arouse a desire to dream once again. There is such peace, harmony, silence around that I see the reflection of my soul in the darkness of the night. These sensations stay with me for a few hours and get replaced by the crunch of the snow and children's jolly voices. I love the first snow.

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 11 мар 2018, 13:26
esperanza пишет: 11 мар 2018, 12:11 helsm, I admire the sight of
На автомате я сначала так и написала, а при проверке начала анализировать (любой вид, не этот самый) и исправила на a. Вообще, помню, что не все так просто с "а ... of" и "the ... of". Надо поковыряться и разобрать этот момент. Спасибо:)

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 11 мар 2018, 13:38
Заур пишет: 11 мар 2018, 12:56 esperanza, Sorry, my bad. Оба варианта используются.
Но у меня в голове как-то отложился именно этот вариант
Спасибо, люблю неожиданно узнавать варианты, отличающиеся от привычных мне. Запоминается накрепко:)

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 11 мар 2018, 14:32

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 11 мар 2018, 15:01
Syaochka aka JuliaKu
helsm пишет: 11 мар 2018, 10:51
American пишет: 11 мар 2018, 05:35 Oh, really? Do I like snow? Gee, no!

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 11 мар 2018, 15:54
Do I like snow?
For many years I lived in a town where Winter was very mild and warm. It would snow only once a year but often rain a lot. I usually walked on a mud and listen to birds singing. But now I live in a place where it snows more often and I am very glad to be here. Since We have a country house We often have to shovel the snow off a road. Of course I like the snow very much, If i was a child I would build a snowman and have a snowball fight.

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 11 мар 2018, 16:06
it would often rain a lot/it often rained a lot/it used to rain a lot
I usually walked on/through mud and listened
shovel the snow off the road

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 11 мар 2018, 21:12
I'm fond of snow. I really love graceful large flakes falling from the sky. Everything is white and clean. Such weather is extremely rare, so it seems to be a kind of holiday. I really enjoy when a strong wind is howling and fast flakes of snow are swirling around. It is almost a real blizzard and it is enchanting.

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 12 мар 2018, 02:29
I like snow, but not in March, and not when our city government don't know what to do with it) So - let it be on winter pictures) Or in cristmas movies, when it looks like really as in a fairytale. Otherwise it's hard to enjoy it:/
But - I've just remember what kind of snow I really adore!) It's snowflakes from paper, glueing on the windows, walls and wardrobes.Looks jncredible - it's one of the most favourite NY traditions in my family

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 12 мар 2018, 13:33
Hey guys, I've just seen the challange information and I'm joining it in the nick of time. Yey!

So, do I like snow? Well, yes and no. I think that it actually depends on the circumstances. But overall yes, I like snow, I like it. As a matter of fact I grew up at a place where it was snowing every other year or even less often. And when it was snowing, it didn't last long, like a day or two at max. Not much, really. And I think it's the main reason why I like it. I hate wet snow though. When the snow is dry, that's fantastic. But the wet one, nothing could be worse than that. It is felt as something heavy and unpleasant. It sticks to everything. It soaks one's clothes, especially gloves. It's so annoying.

Look, I know the text isn't structured at all and sorry for my stream of consciousness. I just couldn't keep my eyes open as it's very late here. I'm sure my next question's answer would be better.

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 12 мар 2018, 14:42
Do you like snow?

I do like snow, because it creates magical winter decorations. It sparking and glittering in the Sun, and shimmering in a moonlight. It covers tall fir-trees, and they stand dressed in white fluffy hats. It provides joy of winter games, and sledding, and making a snow man. And even furious blizzard can make you feel warm and cozy just sitting at home with a cup of tea.

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 12 мар 2018, 17:04
Eau пишет: 11 мар 2018, 21:12 a kind of holiday
a kind of a holiday

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 12 мар 2018, 17:25
KaeLin пишет: 12 мар 2018, 02:29 cristmas movies,
KaeLin пишет: 12 мар 2018, 02:29 when it looks like really as in a fairytale
Я запуталась в смысле фразы, грамматически точно не верно.
KaeLin пишет: 12 мар 2018, 02:29 snowflakes from paper
made of paper - https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ru/%D0 ... -made-with
KaeLin пишет: 12 мар 2018, 02:29 snowflakes from paper, glueing on the windows
здесь страдательный залог being glued

100 дней языка: день 1

Добавлено: 12 мар 2018, 18:02
Hello everyone!
I hope I’m not late to begin this challenge.
In my short texts I’ll try to use more adverbs, because I have problems with learning and using them.
Do you like snow?
Actually I haven’t ever thought about my feeling of snow liking. I was born and I’ve been living all my live in Ural, where it’s snowing for maybe 6 months per a year. Of course most of us are very glad watching the first clean white snow. Fans of skiing, skating, tubing with great pleasure open new season, also driving a snowmobile, driving with dogs are becoming more popular.
But eventually at the beginning of a spring we are so tired of snow, frost and wind, we are waiting for the sun and warm and hate snow especially at first days of May.