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100 дней языка: день 95
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100 дней практикуем написание коротенького текста на изучаемом языке на заданную тему
Главное правило - писать на изучаемом языке КАЖДЫЙ ДЕНЬ 100 дней подряд, пусть даже совсем немного.
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Поскольку 100 дней это на 2 дня больше 14-ти недель, для порядка эти два дня будут прикреплены к первой неделе. Поэтому начали мы в субботу 10.03.2018 года.
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Челендж начался 10.03.2018 года и продлится ровно 100 дней до 17.06.2018 года включительно. Это 14 недель и 2 дня ✊
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The most magnificent modern building that you've ever seen.
No doubt, that in our time, because of the Internet and movies, it is hard to impress anyone. People have seen not only the most attractive real buildings, but also pictures or videos of splendid made-up ones. By the way, the most impressive building for me was Saint Isaac's Cathedral. It's astonishing to guess how did the workers managed to deliver and install all those ginormous columns. It is astounding not only outside, but also inside. I still keep in mind malachite and lazurite columns. In addition, you can go to the observation deck to look at the city centre from the altitude of 43 m. I think it is a miracle that the building survived WW2. Someone can say that this building was built more that 100 years ago and therefore can't be modern, but I would say that it is one of the modern symbols of the city, which will remain unsurpassed for many years.
QwestDay пишет: ↑12 июн 2018, 11:57
The most magnificent modern building that you've ever seen.
No doubt,that in our time, because of the Internet and movies, it is hard to impress anyone (with anything). People have seen not only the most attractive real(-life) buildings, but also pictures or videos of splendid made-upfictional/make-believe/imaginary/fantastic ones. By the way,Well, for me,/For me, personally, the most impressive real building for me wasis Saint Isaac's Cathedral in Saint Petersburg.
It's astonishing to guessalmost impossible to visualise/imagine how did the workers managed to deliver and install all those ginormous columns of it {в придаточном предложении прямой порядок слов - это же не вопрос}. It is/looks/seems astounding not only from/on the outside, but also from/on the inside. I still keep in my mind/I can't forget its malachite and lazurite columns. In addition, you can go to/climb up the observation deck to look at the city centre from the altitude/height of 43 m. I think it is a miracle that the building survived the air raids of WW2.
Someone can say that this building was built more than 100 years ago and therefore/thus can't be called/considered modern, but I would say that it is still one of the modern symbols/one of the most remarkable landmarks of the city, which will remain unsurpassed for many years (to come).
It's a really striking coincidence that the very day you wrote it (June,12) the Cathedral was celebrating the 160th anniversary of its consecration.
More about it:
What is the most beautiful modern building that you've ever seen?
Honestly, I can't think of any. Most of modern buildings that I've seen so far seem roughly the same. I prefer old buildings of unusual shapes with various decarations and colours. They feel more real and solid than any other modern building.
La verdad es que no puedo pensar en ninguno. La mayoria de los edificios modernos parace más o menos lo mismo. Prefiero los edificios antiguos, los que tienen formas poco comunes, varios colores y adornos. Tantos edificios son más reales y sólidos que los edificios mosernos.
What is the most beautiful modern building you have ever seen?
I’ve seen many interesting modern buildings in the Internet or on TV but when I travel I prefer to hang out in old part of town so I don’t pay much attention to modern architecture. I like the buildings by Hundertwasser. He tried making his projects in harmony with nature, using irregular forms and plants of the roofs. He said that modern monotonous and rational architecture makes people miserable. I agree with him. There are a lot of areas of hideous modern skyscrapers with cars around them in our city. It doesn’t make a good showing to me. Although I like the idea of high-rising building as an office centre or something like that.
nbulba пишет: ↑14 июн 2018, 22:49
Most of the modern buildings (that) I've seen so far seem roughly the same to me. I prefer old buildings of unusual shapes with various decaOrations and of diverse colours/and a diversity of colours. They feel more real and solid than any other modern building.
Primula пишет: ↑16 июн 2018, 13:42
What is the most beautiful modern building you have ever seen?
I’ve seen many interesting modern buildings in on* the Internet or (on) TV, but when I travel, I prefer to hang out in old partS of townS so I don’t pay much attention to modern architecture.
I like the buildings by Hundertwasser.
He tried makingto create/realise/carry out his projects in harmony with nature, using irregular forms and plants (planes?) of the roofs.
He said that modern monotonous and rational architecture makes people miserable. I agree with him.
There are a lot of areas of hideous modern skyscrapers**/towers [2) небоскрёб; высотное здание (здание выше 10 этажей)]/tower blocks (BrE)//high-rises/high-rise buildings with cars around them/surrounded/encircled with cars in our city.
It doesn’t make a good showing to me. Although I like the idea of/don't mindA high-rising building/high-riser as an office centre/office block/block of offices (BrE) or something like that.
A skyscraper is a continuously habitable high-rise building that has over 40 floors[1] and is taller than approximately 150 m (492 ft).[2]
A tower block is a tall building divided into flats or offices. [BRIT] ...a 23-storey tower block.
(in AM, use high-rise building, high-rise)
High-rise buildings are modern buildings which are very tall and have many levels or floors. ...high-rise apartment blocks. ...high-rise office buildings.
A high-rise is a high-rise building. That big high-rise above us is where Brian lives.
What the most beautiful modern building have you ever seen.
To be honest I am not expert in architecture. Moreover, my opinion is seemed not as professional. But I like the skyscrapers of Moscow City because I like modern glass and concrete buildings. Nevertheless, they stay in not in so beautiful place they seem to me beautiful anyway. Maybe I have such opinion because I have never been in other countries except for the most popular places as Turkey and Egypt. But as far as I must choose from the buildings I have seen it I choose ones.
What is the most beautiful modern building you have ever seen?
Recently I took several photos of Moscow City towers, and I'm still impressed by beaty and elegance of the Evolution Tower. It's the DNA-shaped twisting tower. It reminds me of infinity. It symbolizes the evolution spiral, and it's just beautiful.