100 дней языка: день 82

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Модераторы: Chinara, Delly

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Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 22:46
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Syaochka aka JuliaKu
Сообщения: 162
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:11
Благодарил (а): 105 раз
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Сообщение Syaochka aka JuliaKu »

Which electronics manufacturer do you trust?

I trust Samsung, Sony, Philips etc. I prefer to buy Samsung televisions. Although I'm not so happy about my Samsung phone. I'm considering buying a Chinese phone. Both my sons bought Chinese phones recently (Xiaomi and Huawei) and they're happy with their quality and price. So I suppose my next phone will be Xiaomi as well.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 4954
Зарегистрирован: 12 апр 2018, 08:19
Благодарил (а): 32 раза
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Сообщение Michelangelo »

Which electronic manufacturer do you trust?
As I am a person from the USSR I keep in mind such companies like Sony, Panasonic, Grundig, Phillips, Sharp, etc. Those are companies from different countries, but mostly they are either European or Japan companies. However, recently I learned that most companies place their manufacture in China or South Korea or similar third world countries.
As of the date, I bought a mobile phone by Nokia, and now I stick to an idea that mobile phones produced by this company are the best. It is just my idea as I haven’t analysed any companies thoroughly.
Which types of electronic devices I am currently using? I have an MP3 player, and computers – those are all my electronic devices which I have. Additionally, I have a multicooker, which was bought randomly without much thinking, and a refrigerator under the brand Bosh. I think they are electronic devices too, at least now they are using some kinds of processors and can be called as such. It is interesting, but I don’t think much about electronics now. I completely rely on the opinion of sales-assistants. However, they often can cheat and sell you something which isn’t good but they were promised some bonuses from the wholesalers so they sell those third-sort devices by saying that they are the best to those who are too lazy to analyze. There are still honest sales-assistants.
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 214
Зарегистрирован: 02 мар 2018, 17:05
Благодарил (а): 124 раза
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Сообщение maximus »

Which electronic manufacturer do you believe
That was a simple question just ten years ago. There were excellent Japan manufacturers, good Europe manufacturers and not very good but cheapest Asian manufacturers. But great shift came during the recent decade. There has been a breakthrough in quality with Asian electronics. Most of the small Asian manufacturers like Samsung and LG have become huge and powerful corporations which to develop and supply very complex electronic parts to Japanese and European companies. Now the same process continues with China companies and Asia started to turn into the workshop of the world. The most powerful and wonderful technical innovations come from there. Therefore I trust Korean and even China companies more than European and Japan ones. Asia is a leader of the world electronics now. Of course, European electronics is good enough yet. But I think there are times coming when all big European companies will be taken over by Asian giants.
Сообщения: 238
Зарегистрирован: 12 мар 2018, 13:03
Благодарил (а): 91 раз
Поблагодарили: 34 раза


Сообщение nbulba »

Which electronics manufacturer do you trust?

Well, I wanted to say that I trust the ones which names we can hear all the time from the TVs or radio ads. But on second thought I think that all major manufacturers are the same nowadays. They all might have successful products as well as failing ones. You never know until you try and see. What I do instead usually, is that I look for the product reviews on the internet to find out other's experience and decide is the product I'm looking at is worth it or no.
Сообщения: 238
Зарегистрирован: 12 мар 2018, 13:03
Благодарил (а): 91 раз
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Сообщение nbulba »


¿En qué fabricante de la electonica confias?

Pues, primero quise decir que confio en los que oigo en los anuncios de la tele y la radio. Pero pensándolo bien creo que todos los fabricantes de electronica tienen la misma calidad hoy en día. Los pueden tener como el producto exitoso tanto lo infructuoso también. Nunca lo conoces antes de probarlo. Lo que hago yo en tantos casos es buscar las críticas por la internet e leerlas para conocer como es la experiencia con el producto y si lo vale la pena.
Сообщения: 817
Зарегистрирован: 02 мар 2018, 11:32
Благодарил (а): 664 раза
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Сообщение QwestDay »

Which electronics company do you trust?
Given the devices that we have at home, we trust LG, Panasonic, Bosch and Phillips. I can't say that others are bad. Every time I'd like to buy any device, I analyse all products on demand, so that I can choose the most suitable thing. I can't deny that brands affect my decisions, I always need more information.
Сообщения: 258
Зарегистрирован: 09 мар 2018, 11:14
Благодарил (а): 179 раз
Поблагодарили: 84 раза


Сообщение Primula »

Which electronics manufacturer do you trust more?

Many years ago I believed in high quality of German and Japan goods. I had got electronic devices by different manufacturers but I couldn’t say which of them were the best or the worst. I would be happy to use my electronics for years but manufacturers often think in the other way. Maybe it’s the question of good or bad luck. And electronics is a complicated thing with many components. One of them is made in Chine, another one in the USA etc and finally they are assembled in Korea. I guess, most of our electronic devices were made in Asia, in China, to be precise.
Mary May
Сообщения: 2285
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
Благодарил (а): 2001 раз
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Сообщение Mary May »

Michelangelo пишет: 31 май 2018, 09:42 Which electronic manufacturer do you trust?
As I am/Being a person born in/with roots in/who spent his formative years in the USSR/with a strong Soviet background, I keep in mind/tend to trust such companies like as Sony, Panasonic, Grundig, Phillips, Sharp, etc. ThEse (are) companies are from different countries, but mostly they are (either) from European or Japan companies. However, recently I've learn(ed)t that most Western companies place/have moved/relocated their manufactureing/production facilities in/to China or, South Korea or other similar third world/developing (- more politically correct) countries. {Sorry, but no way is S.Korea a "third world country"}.

As of the date {- legalese!!!}, I bought/once I happened to buy a mobile phone by Nokia, and now I stick to an the idea that mobile phones produced by this company/this company's phones are the best/and I have been loyal to the brand since then. Although It is just/no more than my idea/my personal opinion as I haven’t analysed any companies/their competitors thoroughly, of course.

Which types of electronic devices am I am currently using? I have an MP3 player, and computers – those are all (of my) electronic devices (which/that) I have.
Additionally, I have a multi-cooker, which was bought/I bought randomly by chance without much thinking/without giving much thought to it, and a refrigerator under the brand produced by Bosch. I think they are/can be considered as electronic devices too, at least now, as/since they are using some kinds of processors,and they can definitely be called as such/that way.

It is interesting to note, but I don’t think much about electronics now.(?) I completely rely on the opinion/advice of sales clerk/person (AmE)//shop/selling assistants (BrE). However, they can often can cheat and sell/advise you something which that isn’t reallygood, but (because) what they were promised some bonuses for (it) from the wholesalers. sSo they sell/recommend thEse third-sortrate devices by saying that they are the best to those who are too lazy to analyze/to make their own research.
However,There are still honest [sales] shop assistants/you can still find honest shop assistants somewhere, I guess .
Mary May
Сообщения: 2285
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
Благодарил (а): 2001 раз
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Сообщение Mary May »

Syaochka aka JuliaKu пишет: 31 май 2018, 08:46 Which electronics manufacturer do you trust?

Usually, I (tend to) trust the top brands, /the "big names", such as Samsung, Sony, Philips, etc. For example, I prefer to buy Samsung televisions. (Although) However, I can't say I am/I'm not so happy about my Samsung phone, (though,). and that's why I'm considering buying a Chinese phone now. Both of my sons have bought Chinese phones recently (a Xiaomi and a Huawei), and they're happy with their quality and price. So I suppose/guess my next phone will/would be a Xiaomi as well.
За это сообщение автора Mary May поблагодарил:
Syaochka aka JuliaKu
Mary May
Сообщения: 2285
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
Благодарил (а): 2001 раз
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Сообщение Mary May »

nbulba пишет: 02 июн 2018, 04:20 Which electronics manufacturer do you trust?

Well, at first I wanted/was going to say that I trust the ones which/whose names we can hear all the time/all day long from TVs or radio ads and see on billboards.
But on second thought I think ("thought-think" - repetitive) 'd (=would) rather say that all the major manufacturers are the same/alike? nowadays. They all might have successful products as well as failing ones/Any of them can have a product which is a success or a fail. You'll never know until you try it and see (for) yourself. What I usually do instead is that I look for the product reviews on the internet {to find out others' experience with it - looks redundant} and decide is if/whether the product I'm looking at is worth its price/is worth buying it or not.
За это сообщение автора Mary May поблагодарил:
Mary May
Сообщения: 2285
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
Благодарил (а): 2001 раз
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Сообщение Mary May »

Primula пишет: 02 июн 2018, 19:59 Which electronics manufacturer do you trust more?

Many years ago I believed in high quality of German and Japanese goods. I had got electronic devices by different manufacturers, but I couldn’t say which of them were the best or the worst. I would be happy to use my electronics for years, but manufacturers often think in the other way otherwise/differently. Maybe it’s the a question/matter of good or bad luck. And electronics is are (= el. devices) a complicated thing with many components. One of them which was made in Chinea, another one in the USA, etc.; and finally they are assembled say, in Korea. I guess, most of our electronic devices were really/actually made in Asia - in China, to be precise.
За это сообщение автора Mary May поблагодарил:
Mary May
Сообщения: 2285
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
Благодарил (а): 2001 раз
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Сообщение Mary May »

QwestDay пишет: 02 июн 2018, 10:22 Which electronics companyies/brands do you trust?
Given Judging by/from the devices that we have at home, we/our family trust LG, Panasonic, Bosch and Phillips. I can't say that others/other brands are bad. Every time I'd like/I'm going to buy any device, I analyse all products on the market/in demand, so that I can/could choose the most suitable thing. Though/Although I can't deny that brand names can (somewhat) affect my decisions to a certain extent, I always need/try to collect more information to make a decision.
За это сообщение автора Mary May поблагодарил:
Mary May
Сообщения: 2285
Зарегистрирован: 28 фев 2018, 23:48
Благодарил (а): 2001 раз
Поблагодарили: 1438 раз


Сообщение Mary May »

maximus пишет: 01 июн 2018, 07:15 Which electronics manufacturers/brands do you believe trust?

That was a simple question just ten years ago/Just ten years ago this was a simple question to answer. At That time/Then there were excellent Japanese manufacturers, good European manufacturers and Asian manufacturers (manufacturers from Asia) which were not very good but the cheapest of them all.

But a great shift came about/has occurred/has taken place during the recent decade/over the past decade. There has been a breakthrough in quality with in? Asian electronics. Most of the small Asian manufacturers like Samsung and LG have become/have turned into huge and powerful corporations which to develop and supply very complex electronic parts/components to Japanese and European companies. Now we can see/we are witnessing the same process continues going on with Chinaese companies, and Asia in general has started to turn/is gradually turning into the workshop of the world/world's major workshop. The most (= very) powerful and wonderful technical innovations come/are coming from there. Therefore, now I trust Korean and even Chinaese companies more than European and Japanese ones. Asia is already a leader of in the world's electronics now. Of course, European electronics is still good enough yet. But I think there time is/the times are coming when all big European companies will be taken over by Asian giants.
https://english.stackexchange.com/quest ... ast-decade
За это сообщение автора Mary May поблагодарил:
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 214
Зарегистрирован: 02 мар 2018, 17:05
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Сообщение maximus »

Mary May, спасибо большое. А почему Вы убрали "the" в фразе
Mary May пишет: 11 июн 2018, 01:11 The most (= very) powerful and wonderful technical innovations
мне всегда казалось что the в таких случаях необходим, так как подчеркивает логическое ударение.
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